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the silent killer, as you drink and bathe, fluoride,


arvid b

From Dr StrangeLove

General Jack D. Ripper: Mandrake, do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk... ice cream. Ice cream, Mandrake, children's ice cream.
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: Lord, Jack.
General Jack D. Ripper: You know when fluoridation first began?
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: I... no, no. I don't, Jack.
General Jack D. Ripper: Nineteen hundred and forty-six. Nineteen forty-six, Mandrake. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works.
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: Uh, Jack, Jack, listen, tell me, tell me, Jack. When did you first... become... well, develop this theory?
General Jack D. Ripper: Well, I, uh... I... I... first became aware of it, Mandrake, during the physical act of love.
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: Hmm.
General Jack D. Ripper: Yes, a uh, a profound sense of fatigue... a feeling of emptiness followed. Luckily I... I was able to interpret these feelings correctly. Loss of essence.
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: Hmm.
General Jack D. Ripper: I can assure you it has not recurred, Mandrake. Women uh... women sense my power and they seek the life essence. I, uh... I do not avoid women, Mandrake.
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: No.
General Jack D. Ripper: But I... I do deny them my essence.
the main purpose of fluoride in the water is to sedate you and dumb you down, all the negative aspects of "sodium fluoride"(really hundreds of other substances not just sodium fluoride) are just added bonuses. the picture cork showed is an extreme case. however the attack on your pancreas, kidneys, and thyroid are slow and cumulative. soft kill.


the main purpose of fluoride in the water is to sedate you and dumb you down, all the negative aspects of "sodium fluoride"(really hundreds of other substances not just sodium fluoride) are just added bonuses. the picture cork showed is an extreme case. however the attack on your pancreas, kidneys, and thyroid are slow and cumulative. soft kill.

hes got the picture,

thats why i kept saying it builds up,


Active member
You don't need fluoride to have clean teeth. I haven't used tooth paste with fluoride in it in well over a decade and my teeth are still here. No cavities last time I went to the dentist. I have known about the dangers of fluoride for a while which is why I filter my water and use natural tooth pastes. Anything else with fluoride in it I completely avoid too.

Cork just ignore some of these people. The people giving you grief are the same idiots that think there's nothing wrong with over fishing. Some people will never listen.


cannabis enthusiast
one thing i noticed in your first post was the lack of sexual drive, hell thats wild! i remember in the 80's my grandpa was in his 70's and horny as a rabbit. im not saying these days 70 year old folks have problems....just check out how much viagra and those things get sold. my girlfriend works at a pharmaceutical plant and 2 days out of the week they do nothing but pack and distribute viagra.


theyre just misguided people,

disconnected from their own centers of intelligence,

the truth can set them free, but theyre the ones who have to unlock it,

cheers everyone


Fighting off the hordes of morons with his sword of education!
(All praise be to yee!)


lol socal, you always make me chuckle,

cheers everyone i hit my second little light green bar thingy:thank you::blowbubbles:

but yea its good to educate those who were unaware this is in their water, it REALY does have to be removed, it isnt good at all,


cant stop wont stop
while im taking this matter very seriously..

i couldnt help but LAUGH and i mean Laugh my motherfucking ass off at this

"do you want your children to end up like this'
and featuring some wide eyed bow legged almost frog like child - deer caught in the headlights face.. ahhh holy crap .. im dying - and it aint just the fluoride

But seriously great post Cork, imma come back and read this and the links tomorrow when i can actually mentally withhold and retain the information provided


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
High people :wave:

Glad lots of peeps taking this serious! Its up there in toxicity with lead and arsenic! A by-product of the aluminium smelting process and downright nasty and evil to be adding it to our water supply!!

In Australia the only state that has no fluroide is QL. They have healthier teeth per capita than Tassie which adds quite a lot... plenty of peeps round here with messed up teeth.

Its also on the lawbooks that it is illegal to hold a public meeting to discuss fluoride in Tas!

To make matters worse chlorine is sposed to be a silent killer and all round nasty...


High people :wave:

Glad lots of peeps taking this serious! Its up there in toxicity with lead and arsenic! A by-product of the aluminium smelting process and downright nasty and evil to be adding it to our water supply!!

In Australia the only state that has no fluroide is QL. They have healthier teeth per capita than Tassie which adds quite a lot... plenty of peeps round here with messed up teeth.

Its also on the lawbooks that it is illegal to hold a public meeting to discuss fluoride in Tas!

To make matters worse chlorine is sposed to be a silent killer and all round nasty...

yes im also glad to see people taking it seriously, last time i posted this sort of infomation everyone laughed, suppose i constructed this post abit better,

thats one fucked up law, thats a law worth revolting over imho, cant even discuss a substance that basicly kills you,,,

Rocky Mtn Squid

How Toxic Is Fluoride Compared To Lead and Aresnic


Fluoride is a known neurotoxin. Fluoride only works if your rinse with it, and then spit it out. Even then there many medical professional's and many studies that show it doesn't prevent tooth decay. In fact, it's just the opposite. It's especially toxic when you injest it, either orally or by skin absorption.




Google four key words, "health effects sodium fluoride", and see how many hits you get.

Fluoride accumulates in the body and can never be completely flushed out of your system. Slowly over time, it can wreak havoc on your body. Its molecule's are so tiny, that it's very difficult to filter out of your drinking water. To install a proper home system, for drinking and bath water, you need anywhere from $15 - 20 K . Even then, after all those expensive filter's and pump's, because fluoride molecule's are so tiny, there would still be 1 or 2% fluoride left in your water. Just about all of our processed foods contain dangerous amounts of fluoride, because it's been processed using fluoridated tap water.

Fluoride in drinking water has been banned in most European countries, yet in North America, most major cities have fluoridated drinking water. The medical establishment seems to love it, and highly recommends it.

Both the German's and the Russian's during WW2 added fluoride in the drinking water at their prison camps, knowing that it makes people stupid and docile, among other things.

Sodium Fluoride: Not in my water!


Fluoride is a waste by- product from smelting aluminum and manufacturing fertlizer's. They take fluoride out of fertlizer's. It's so toxic, it will kill plants. This same toxic fluoride is then sold to public water system's all over North America for your drinking pleasure.

Dr. Neil Carman on Alex Jones Tv 1/3:What's in Your Water?




The Fluoride Conspiracy



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Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Zeolite and Spirulina are both known for their ability to flush heavy metals from our bodies... not sure how much you need to take but they are both relatively easy to get yer grubby mits on! :D

My water supply has no fluoride added but does get chlorine added every now and again... it made my house stink of bleach the last time it was (gf was having a bath)... i complained to my water company and the guy who adds the chems came right out... turns out he 'was just doing his job' but he personally disagrees with the chlorine and fluoride... hes on well water.

Lots of other folk round here complained... apparantly the smell was just all those 'bad' micros being killed... i was drinking the water with no probs before and now it tastes good and no smell but i wish they would just leave it the fack alone!!!

The only thing i believe the water treatment needs is a nice big charcoal filter. Which is then used for agriculture..

I am happy for my bodies immune system to take care of any nasties.



New member
good read, i was in a dept the other day and i saw a case of water (don't remember the brand) but it said "with fluoride" in a nice little banner and i was thinking "why?" H20 has been around forever it's one of the thing that without ALL life would not be possible it's great, it's PERFECT just the way it is/was.

You want water from the 19th century or something.
yes i would enjoy nothing more than to be able to go into a forest and if i become thirsty simply cup my hands into a river/lake/stream or whatnot and drink worry-free.
BTW, the dihydrogen monoxide BS is old hat. Everyone has read it, most of us heard the shit in High School. I can't believe it gets thrown around so much in these types of topics. Pedants love that one, lol.
It's entirely appropriate here, and hardly pedantic. Cork is sensationalising a very minor issue. Yes, fluoride can cause major health problems, and even death. But not in the quantities that people get from drinking water from their taps, or cleaning their teeth, or having a bath. If that were true, almost all of us would be seriously ill. There's nothing wrong with being careful, but to embellish his argument and exaggerate it to this degree is being nothing more than paranoid.

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