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the silent killer, as you drink and bathe, fluoride,


..."Some may think it's just a bunch of conspiracy fodder, but having read thousands of pages from hundreds of documents, both historical and from research, there's no doubt in my mind that fluoride is deadly and explains much about why Americans are so apathetic and lethargic about the very real dangers crushing our Republic. The American people simply have no will to resist and you can see it all across this country. Fluoride was introduced into the drinking water in this country around 1954."

I was doing a little reading about the Pledge of Allegiance in America, and saw something interesting. The part with "under God" was added in 1954.. i thought i recognized that year somewhere..


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Funny, or not, that fluoride is said to promote strong and healthy teeth yet, fluoride is bad for the bones. Glad I switched to bottled water many years ago. I may have bad teeth, but that's due to the metal fillings I had when I was a kid.

The medical religion is a menace. It's sure to lead to idiocracy.


Funny, or not, that fluoride is said to promote strong and healthy teeth yet, fluoride is bad for the bones. Glad I switched to bottled water many years ago. I may have bad teeth, but that's due to the metal fillings I had when I was a kid.

The medical religion is a menace. It's sure to lead to idiocracy.

you do read the lable yes? in the uk 3/4's of bottled water contains fluoride,


1) Fluoride's ability to damage the brain represents one of the most active areas of research on fluoride toxicity today.

2) The research on fluoride and the brain has been fueled by 18 human studies from China, India, Iran, and Mexico finding elevated levels of fluoride exposure to be associated with IQ deficits in children. Fluoride's impact on IQ is exacerbated among children with low-iodine exposure.

3) The impact of fluoride on children's IQ has been documented even after controlling for children's lead exposure, iodine exposure, parental education and income status, and other known factors that might impact the results (Rocha-Amador 2007; Xiang 2003 a,b).

4) In addition to IQ studies, 3 studies (Yu 1996; Du 1992; Han 1989) have found that fluoride accumulates in the brain of the fetus, causing damage to cells and neurotransmitters and 1 study (Li 2004) has found a correlation between exposure to fluoride during fetal development and behavioral deficits among neonates.

5) Several recent studies have found that even adult exposures to fluoride may result in central nervous system disturbances, particularly among industrial workers.

5) The findings of neurological effects in fluoride-exposed humans is consistent with, and strengthened by, recent findings from over 40 animal studies published since 1992. As with the studies on humans, the studies on animals have reported an impairment in learning and memory prorcesses among the fluoride-treated groups.

6) The animal studies have also documented considerable evidence of direct toxic effects of fluoride on brain tissue, even at levels as low as 1 ppm fluoride in water (Varner 1998). These effects include:

-- reduction in nicotinic acetylcholine receptors;
-- reduction in lipid content;
-- impaired anti-oxidant defense systems;
-- damage to the hippocampus;
-- damage to the purkinje cells;
-- increased uptake of aluminum;
-- formation of beta-amyloid plaques (the classic brain abnormality in Alzheimer's disease);
-- exacerbation of lesions induced by iodine deficiency; and
-- accumulation of fluoride in the pineal gland.
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Look into the dangerous effects of salt and sugar too. Even vitamin C will kill you. More conspiracy trips for you to enjoy. Look at all the dodgy research into cannabis as well. Apparently that's even more deadly than fluoride, and one joint will make you a raving psychopathic murderer! The research I've see is almost entirely conducted on animals, so it's conclusion doesn't necessarily hold true for humans.

I really resent this theory you have, Cork, that anybody disagreeing with you must just be stupid from drinking so much fluoride. Do you think the same for anybody that disagrees with your David Icke theories?


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Originally Posted by facelift View Post
Funny, or not, that fluoride is said to promote strong and healthy teeth yet, fluoride is bad for the bones. Glad I switched to bottled water many years ago. I may have bad teeth, but that's due to the metal fillings I had when I was a kid.

The medical religion is a menace. It's sure to lead to idiocracy.
you do read the lable yes? in the uk 3/4's of bottled water contains fluoride,


Water that went through reverse osmosis has had the fluoride removed.
Spring water shouldn't have any.


i lived in london as a child, not in a slum but in a poorer area, i got flourosis in my teeth which is basicaly white marks, dentist says, 'its just flourosis, forget about it, your teeth are fine..'...so, its been in the water in london, in the poor areas atleast for a few decades, my mum has the same marks, and grew up in the same area, so maybe 40-50 yrs of flouridated water in ldn...:nono:

i think that living to 35 might be a pipe dream lol...:)

I checked some resources who all stated white spots are caused by different things. List includes fluoride supplements ingested as a child (dr's stopped giving these in the 80's), having had braces, decalcification, or simply your tooth is beginning to decay and you need to take better care of them.

I have white spots on the upper portion of a few of my upper-back teeth. I recently asked my dentist what this was, and he indicated it was decalcification. Basically this is a lack of calcium in your teeth. He recommended not rinsing after brushing to help the toothpaste absorb into the tooth to build that calcium back up.


stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
Intelligent Anti-Fluoride Statement - Dr. J. William Hirzy


JUNE 29, 2000