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the silent killer, as you drink and bathe, fluoride,




you wont notice the effects today, but in 20 years, you might be hardly able to move,,,

do you want your children to end up like this?

this boy is suffering from fluorosis

66% of the american water supply has fluoride added into it,

in 2006 the british health minester had fluoride added into the UK's water supplys.

Now, some might be thinking, oh god here goes cork again, ranting about fluoride,
But its this simple, if you knew the effects, you wouldnt be pleased either.

During the collapse of the soviet union the people who lived there at the time were used as lab rats, social experiments,

One thing they did try, was water fluoridation, it was found to lower sex drive, cause illness, sap the energy from the people drinking it, WOULD LOSE THEIR FIGHTING SPIRIT and they had a tendancy to be more dependant on infomation / help from their goverment, sounds like the perfect substance for a leader no?

Well besides fluorides effects on the mentality of a person and how they think, it also has damaging effects on your organs and bones,

fluoride does not dissipate from the body, it sticks to your organs and to your bones and will build up in concentrations with the more you put into your body,

What are the long-term effects of ingesting fluoride on our bones?
Fluoride is a bioaccumulator and is toxic to bones

The results of more than five epidemiological studies indicate increased hip fractures in both naturally and artificially fluoridated areas. The incidence of hip fracture is also increasing more rapidly than can be accounted for by aging of the population. There are numerous studies which undeniably prove that fluoride's cumulative effect on bone is devastating. It is well known that chronic ingestion of fluoride can cause osteofluorosis or skeletal fluorosis (crippling bone disease). This evidence has been reported in at least nine studies from five countries (contrary to promoters' denials, this occurs even at relatively "low" water fluoride levels). Moreover, according to the World Health Organization, individuals consuming between 2.0 - 8.0 mg of fluoride/day (2-8 litres of fluoridated water), can develop the pre-clinical symptoms of skeletal fluorosis (arthritis-like symptoms). As recently reported by the U.S. PHS, many women living in fluoridated communities are now ingesting up to 6.6 mg of fluoride per day, a crippling dose for some if maintained (see fluoride.htm and skeletal.htm for more info and chart on daily fluoride intakes).

http://www.nontoxic.com/nontoxic/chlorine.html - bottom half of page
"Is fluoride in the water safe or even beneficial ? Fluoride is a toxin a little less toxic than arsenic and more toxic than lead. 90 percent of fluoridated water in the United States has never been tested and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has made flouride illegal to dump at sea as it is a hazardous waste.However its in your water.

Fluoride disrupts the synthesis of collagen and leads to breakdown in the bone, tendon, skin, cartilage, lungs, trachea, and kidney. Fluoride inhibits the formation of antibodies in the blood, which cause a disruptive effect on various tissues in the body, which then confuses the immune system and causes it to attack its own tissues. Fluoride increases the tumor growth and the general cancer rate. Fluoride has been linked to cancer, low IQâ genetic disorders and muscle degeneration. This information has been based on mercola.com research we trust as a source of information more responsible than government agencies.

What Is Fluoride?

Fluorine is an element and a gas, never occurring in its free state. In microscopic amounts complexed with other minerals, it is often listed as a trace mineral, a nutrient for human nutrition. This is not the flouride used for fluoride or fluoridation. Fluoride added to 90% of drinking water is hydrofluoric acid which is a compound of fluorine that is a chemical byproduct of aluminum, steel, cement, phosphate, and nuclear weapons manufacturing. Such fluoride is manmade. In this form, fluoride has no nutrient value whatsoever. It is one of the most caustic of industrial chemicals. Fluoride is the active toxin in rat poisons and cockroach powder. Hydrofluoric acid is used to refine high octane gasoline, to make fluorocarbons and chlorofluorocarbons for freezers and air conditioners, and to manufacture computer screens, fluorescent light bulbs, semiconductors, plastics, herbicides, -- and toothpaste. It also has the ability to burn flesh to the bone, destroy eyes, and sear lungs so that victims drown in their own body fluid." Once in the body, fluoride is a destroyer of human enzymes. It does this by changing their shapes.

Thousands of enzymes are necessary for various essential cell reactions that take place every second we're alive. (Howell) Without enzymes, we'd die instantaneously. Once in the body, fluoride is a destroyer of human enzymes. It does this by changing their shapes. In human biochemistry, thousands of enzymes are necessary for various essential cell reactions.

Heres an article from may 17th 2005, so before fluoride was added to the uk water supply,

Fluoride To Make Prisoners 'stupid & Docile' (!!!!!!!!!!!)

..."Some may think it's just a bunch of conspiracy fodder, but having read thousands of pages from hundreds of documents, both historical and from research, there's no doubt in my mind that fluoride is deadly and explains much about why Americans are so apathetic and lethargic about the very real dangers crushing our Republic. The American people simply have no will to resist and you can see it all across this country. Fluoride was introduced into the drinking water in this country around 1954. Think about it."....
realy do think about it,,,,,,,

its probably why people beleave in global warming, all the fluoride your absorbing through your skin and drinking,

btw, RO machines remove fluoride from water, its about the only water purification method that will work, (there are afew others but standard water filters WILL NOT)

oh and boiling water only CONCENTRATES fluoride,

fluoride in the water could be VERY DAMAGING to us when we smoke plants that we could be putting fluoridated water onto, in the infirmary i have made a post about fluorides effects on plants,

call me a nut for caring about our health,

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master shake

Active member
Well what ever helps the propaganda machine... Have you heard of that ecoblue or similar? It condenses water vapor from the air and re-mineralizes it. AJ advertises it and sounds like a good investment.

People brush teeth for a reason, the fluoride isn't necessary... What about where it comes from? The fluoride in municipal water is an industrial waste runoff coming from some chemical plant. To hell with all that!


Well what ever helps the propaganda machine... Have you heard of that ecoblue or similar? It condenses water vapor from the air and re-mineralizes it. AJ advertises it and sounds like a good investment.

People brush teeth for a reason, the fluoride isn't necessary... What about where it comes from? The fluoride in municipal water is an industrial waste runoff coming from some chemical plant. To hell with all that!

yes i will be purchasing one of the ecolablue water generators when i got the dosh, but for now the rain water is atleast alittle better than fluoride,

people realy dont understand the difference it causes to your health, mentally and physically,


if we have any hope at all at stoping this global goverment, we have to stop them adding fluoride to our fucking watersupplys, IT MAKES ME SO ANGRY, TO KNOW THESE PEOPLE ARE DOING THIS TO HARM AND CONTROLL! OMFG!"!!
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i use fluoride free toothpaste for sure! its bad for the enviorment as well


i think in the toothpaste is one of the least worrying places to source it,

theyre using it as a pesticide, it then is absorbed into the plants / vegitables we eat,

its in our drinking water and the water we wash with,

its just a total fluoride clusterfuck out there and its all for you and your brain potential, so you wont do anything meaningful,
I'm glad you brought this to light! I was watching a Colgate commercial the other day -


and the speaker on the commercial was so happy to announce "with Fluoride" like it's supposed to help us or something. It's like the stupid commercials they have now about how 'High Fructose Corn Syrup' is just like sugar, and fine if taken in moderation.

I can't believe they SHIT ON US in front of our own faces and nobody does anything about this. What's the next destructive thing they'll do to us and then tell us that it's "safe"? (Although this message was not approved by the F.D.A!)


I can't believe they SHIT ON US in front of our own faces and nobody does anything about this. What's the next destructive thing they'll do to us and then tell us that it's "safe"? (Although this message was not approved by the F.D.A!)

its almost scarey to think the ammount of ignorence towards fluoride and the most annoying thing is, ITS THE FLUORIDE CAUSING A LARGE % OF THE IGNORENCE.

what dont people understand when they will use fluoride to make prisions "stupid and docile"?

do we assume it wont have the same effect on us?

or is it that its a touchy subject to most people because they feel like they have no controll over the fluoride being there?

we have to stand up and get this out of the water supplys, before too much damage is already done,

lets not forget the F.D.A said melamine was no longer bad for you, haha

Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
Damn, that was nice read. Yea, the american government is shady that it's ridiculous. I've been knowing about the flouride thing for awhile to. Thx for bringing the info to the light, so othe people can see.. Flouride is very bad to our health, amongst other things

only thing about ecoloblue is its so expensive. 1000 bucks and they dont have payment plans looking at their website. they need payment plans. until i can get an ecoloblue or a similar unit. im buying a shower water fluoride filter and a berkey water filter(which has elements in the unit that draw fluoride from the water) for drinking and cooking. also people your still dosing yourselfs with most bottled water. smartwater seems to be the best bottled water seeing how its vapor distilled (ecoloblue). although i still dont trust it 100 percent. i hate knowingly dosing my self with that stuff every time i step in the shower. atleast i stayed away from it as much as possible as a child, tap always hit my stomach like a brick.


also we need to discuss possible methods of detox. which is supposedly possible if your young enough.

i dont know anything about the detoxing of fluoride,

allthough i am now going to look into it for my own health,

thank you
Around here, the chair of psychiatrics (in one province) said that adding anti-depressants to the water systems wouldn't be a terrible idea. WHO KNOWS what the government is adding to our water. If you want to get all conspiracy in this thread, wouldn't that be the ultimate weapon for government control? Using the water system? EVERYONE, even bums drinks water from the taps, in any country where water is available. The government could put anything in the water treatment and NOBODY would know, slowly... surely... assimilating us all... into.... ROBOTS.

Jking, I'm not one for conspiracy but I do think that flouride is a serious matter but nothing will come of it. Not until mass results flow in, and I am talking 1st world country stats. Not 3rd world where people look at the mutilated children and go awww, that's terrible omg what will we ever do poor kids I couldn't imagine... oh well, change the channel. Don't like it? That's the way people are :) Cheers !
all you can do is take care of yourself at this point and your kids and try to wake up your family. if the masses are dumb and want to dose themselves,then let them. when you think about it the masses are not really needed to revolt. most successful revolutions only had about 1-5% of the people actively participating. which we already have in america not sure about the uk. the rest are usually for the system or on the fence or just spectators. im for a peaceful revolution btw.

master shake

Active member
Around here, the chair of psychiatrics (in one province) said that adding anti-depressants to the water systems wouldn't be a terrible idea. WHO KNOWS what the government is adding to our water. If you want to get all conspiracy in this thread, wouldn't that be the ultimate weapon for government control? Using the water system? EVERYONE, even bums drinks water from the taps, in any country where water is available. The government could put anything in the water treatment and NOBODY would know, slowly... surely... assimilating us all... into.... ROBOTS.

Jking, I'm not one for conspiracy but I do think that flouride is a serious matter but nothing will come of it. Not until mass results flow in, and I am talking 1st world country stats. Not 3rd world where people look at the mutilated children and go awww, that's terrible omg what will we ever do poor kids I couldn't imagine... oh well, change the channel. Don't like it? That's the way people are :) Cheers !

Obama appointed a science czar, John Holdren. This son of a bitch wrote a book called Ecoscience and in it is described a way to control population through public water supply. Now, if you go look at the facts of what is being put in our water, not just fluoride, it will all be kind of obvious.


i lived in london as a child, not in a slum but in a poorer area, i got flourosis in my teeth which is basicaly white marks, dentist says, 'its just flourosis, forget about it, your teeth are fine..'...so, its been in the water in london, in the poor areas atleast for a few decades, my mum has the same marks, and grew up in the same area, so maybe 40-50 yrs of flouridated water in ldn...:nono:

i think that living to 35 might be a pipe dream lol...:)


i lived in london as a child, not in a slum but in a poorer area, i got flourosis in my teeth which is basicaly white marks, dentist says, 'its just flourosis, forget about it, your teeth are fine..'...so, its been in the water in london, in the poor areas atleast for a few decades, my mum has the same marks, and grew up in the same area, so maybe 40-50 yrs of flouridated water in ldn...:nono:

i think that living to 35 might be a pipe dream lol...:)

it could have been the water but it also could have been toothpaste,

well anyway it was officialy put into the uk water supply in 2006 then


Damn ... and they sell fluoride water by the gallon for babies labeling it as beneficial for their tooth development. Very interesting read. Glad I am and have been on well water!


Damn ... and they sell fluoride water by the gallon for babies labeling it as beneficial for their tooth development. Very interesting read. Glad I am and have been on well water!

detrimental for their brain development



Fluoride has been in water for decades and kids don't look like that, and neither do I and I drink it DAILY.

Mmmm... Fluoride... Yummm....
I must be brainwashed right?


Active member
Fluoride was the key chemical in atomic bomb production, according to the documents. Massive quantities of fluoride-- millions of tons-- were essential for the manufacture of bomb-grade uranium and plutonium for nuclear weapons throughout the Cold War. One of the most toxic chemicals known, fluoride rapidly emerged as the leading chemical health hazard of the U.S atomic bomb program--both for workers and for nearby communities, the documents reveal.

very sad

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