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The Ruins @ Coba




84 mahi up on the wall..
84 mahi now
Take one down
Pass it around
83 mahi up on the wall!
This diary is to help myself grow better. I am in compliance with state medical laws.

I need to keep better track of what's going down in my little 400W darkroom. Since, I never write anything down, (<--- bad practice) I need a place to keep my thoughts and exercise together.

Perhaps, this thread can coax the novel insight along with the hackneyed wisdom this community is famous for.

Until then, I'll keep it updated with my outfit's potential and all are welcome to chill out and hang,

This community? All cannabis sites seem to have some amazing displays of scientific thought going on, and I've always assumed it was due to the U.S.'s amazing abilities in education and science education. Amazing!

Logging is a pain in the ass, but it can be extremely helpful in future.

Tagged, waiting to see the ruins, as I'm an amateur archaeology buff.


Active member
Respect Sea Maiden ICMag Mentor

More Guidance = More Fire

There's a handful of good ones, you got that right! And, lots of selfless helpers occupying bandwidth in these communities as well. It's real good when you can come together and learn and share ideas with like minded folks.

To gain from the collective comprehension, experience and wisdom of the community as a whole. I'll try not to bust threw the kitchen doors with a dry board eraser... but if I do... you're more than welcome to enjoy a chuckle.

I'm excavating the new dig site as we speak. the Ruins won't be in full photographic bloom for about another 2 months. I do keep finding Megalodon teeth and Spanish pottery circa the 1500's, that means I must be close... I'll keep you updated with future findings ;)
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Active member
A ganja blastin', organic soil makin', sous from the South? We have much in common.

I just fed my soil with a 48 hour old aerated kudsu infusion. Misted leaves too. I'll get some pics up document the stretch.

I know the sssdh x jack with try hit the top, so I hope it's training pays off. the pp triplets will be just right tho, i think.

everyone says this plant will yield about about 2 ounces, after a 1 month veg in a 3 gallon pot . I'll be real excited if I get close to that, cuz it's all head stash.
I'll be tuned in for updates.

I use the kudzu for fermented plant extracts and worm bin fodder, but I haven't tried an aerated kudzu tea. Do you use chopped up fresh material or do you dry it and make it into kudzu meal? The latter would be a suave-ass soil amendment in and of itself I would think. You've got me thinking of more ways to use my most readily available ingredient.:dance:


Active member
The leaves are fresh and dried... or ripened on the vine. I fill a half gallon sour cream container about 50/50 fresh and dried.

I give it all a rough chop, and shove it in a bag a little finer mesh then cheese cloth. Soak the bag in a 5 gallon bucket of water and a heady blunts inspired diy air lift.

I squeeze the bag periodically to bruise the greens... 48 hours later the water looks like tea.

Misting the tent an hour before lights on. The plants pray.

Trow the left over s to the worms...

EDIT: I don't use the dried leaves any more... thinking about it, after I saw a few chlorotic and necrotic leaves before they were fully dried, I decided the dried leaves on the vine would probably have less to offer in a nutrient solution than the healthy leaves and terminal new growth.
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Active member
I dont know if the kudsu is the only reason why they pray. Could be a number of things i suppose.


Vapor pressure deficit plays a role, but if VPD parameters were the same before misting as after misting, then turgor should be able to be attributed at least partially to the misting.

If you find another Kennewick Man, will you tell?


Active member
Here's the Father in Law 4 days of flowering...

This plant is by far my fav.

I call this one VO5... that's the smell... very faint these days...

Jane Doe, no smell at all... just kelp.


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sssdh x jack High Heat pheno...

they're starting to fill out the tent...

Thursday everyone received a top dressing of kelp, high P guano, DE with calcium bentonite... and a soil drench of kudsu tea.


Active member
I forgot to mention, I'm working on an alfalfa and kelp with aloe tea atm. for a foliar... I'm hoping the sulfur I topdressed with on thursday will help the yellowing new growth like that, but if not I got the tea for back up.


Active member
this tent experience... meh!

I just bought the thing earlier this year, so, I'm still figuring out the air flow part. I f'd up this go round... both the 4" fan and filter are on the inside of the tent, Velcro strapped to the top support bars.

with the fan's filter facing left, 4" exhaust vent out of the top right to outdoors. the left side passive intake flap is open, and the bottom right side sleeve has a 4" cool air intake that is coming from outdoors.

I placed a fan next to the intake opening blowing from right to left pulling air from the outside... and left it at that.

the left side is nice, while the right top side is not.

I noticed these issues developing earlier. and thought It was magnesium or potassium or maybe sulfur deficient, so I started topdressing with kelp, feeding with alfalfa. nothing... mixed up some epsom salts 1 T gallon of water. they just got worse

a look at the damage...

the father-in-law's pheno...

this is jane doe...

notice the bottom half had all the air flow...

sssdh x jack all the way to the left, no damage...

I guess what happened was the air was moving from right to left on the bottom, then straight up the left side of the tent then out the filter... leaving the right top side with stale, hot light bulb air.

hopefully I fixed it well enough to get a couple of little buds off the PP's and let the Peyote Purple x (Peyote Purple x Querkle) seeds develop. the karma's gear is going to be OK.


So you think it's heat and 'stale' air, not outgassing? That one pic of the FIL's pheno is pretty wild, never seen anything quite like it.


Active member
So you think it's heat and 'stale' air, not outgassing? That one pic of the FIL's pheno is pretty wild, never seen anything quite like it.

to tell you the truth SeaMaiden... I haven't once considered the possibility of off-gassing... the name Secret Jarden may have given me a false sense of security there because, I thought some other name brand was an off-gasser...

They just grew so nice and green up until the end of stretch, then the three who were on the right just flaked, from the middle of the plant up... then I just flaked...

Unless by "out-gassing" you mean the plants own transpiration issues...

because, I 100% feel I suffocated them and compounded the issues with the high doses of Epsom Salts and Alfalfa. then there was that foliar of a Gil Caradang style calcium phosphate mixture deal about a week after the transition to flower... i doubt that did anything to cause this... because the sssdh x jack is looking just fine. it has had the exact treatment as the flailing trio... sans the magnesium sulfate.

oh well, spilled milk.

we'll see if I can "ruin" some more plants...

next up for the torture chamber.. cuts and seedlings...

gonna run the FIL and one i like to call lil stinky...

thanks for checking in SeaMaiden... hopefully I'll have one of those pics for ya in about a month, where the buds are all nice and fat and greasy, while the leaves are burnt to a crisp...


I've never used a tent or drippers, but have read a grip of threads on problems that were finally traced back to likely outgassing by plastics used in the construction.

I learn a lot by killing plants, too. :)


Active member
Are these issues typical of gass poisoning?

The irregular damage mainly is what led me to believe otherwise initially.

I've changed my mind about the 100%. More like 75 now...

Oh, while ive got your attention can i pick your brain for a sec?

I read a post where you like to use your local flora for nutrients. I believe you said something along the lines of you just look around the yard...

Is there certain criteria the plants should meet? Eg... big leaves, dark green, etc.

The reason i ask... i have a lot of Caladium in a lower area of my yard. If i used the same visual cues as the kudsu... big dark leaves... they should have some some goodies in them there leaves... what do you think?


I can't say what is typical of gas poisoning, but the appearance of your plants is highly unusual to me. They look like a fire went through there or something, ya know?

As for what plants I use, I look at what's growing well and looks healthy. I stay away from the bull thistle (aka motherfucker thistle), because its spines are as bad as cactus, and ants farm aphids on it. Otherwise, it's all fair game. You might want to do a search on stuff jaykush has posted on it, he's the one who's been guiding me for a few years on this stuff and encourages my experimentation.

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