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The Re-Invention of MileHighGuy


Active member
I Guess they are loving it.

I think they are also enjoying the General Organics.

I'm SOOO excited today.

It's time to shop for my flower room setup!!!

Oh the possibilities.

I'm thinking I'll get a 4x6, that way I have some more room to flower... also... I can take the big girls and start rocking them out while I wait for the others to veg a little longer.

I'll Rock a 600W HPS setup for now... next round I'll add another 600w.

Now to go do some research :)


Active member
Lmao. I know I know Right... but I'm playing the legal Numbers game and not ready to blow this bitch up yet. I'm renting, may decide to buy, not positive yet, I want to check all the soil out next year cause I want a farm...

Once I'm an owner, I'll have that whole fucking thing filled up, a Gate on the front of the property and a sign that says GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE, I DO. up right on the sign.

And, I may be having some temperature issues, and rather than waste energy to heat the shop, I may just put my flower tent in my extra bedroom here because the house is being heated.

My goal with the shop will be to put a half dozen lights up on rails and build the room with no tent. or Hang some Vertical bulbs everywhere.

On a side note, I think an 4x8 would fit in my spare bedroom... so why the fuck not... lol.

I think maybe the cost was why? I can't remember my high reasoning. But I do know that my flower tent is going to be of higher quality than my current.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to get a Hydrohut, but I may flop on the 4x8 Intense Secret Jardin.

I dont know!!!!!

I need to get a filter for odor.

Help a brother out, what Size filter should I rock with a 4x8 tent?


Active member
Done, already wrote the check.

Grow Tent = Hydro Hut Silver Edition 4'x8'

Two Phantom 600W Digital Ballasts

Two Day-Star Air Cooled Hoods

Two HPS Bulbs.. I'll pick the brand on Friday when I pick Everything Up.

6" In Line Fan and some Ducting.

Next I'll be going back for a Third 600W setup and a Huge Ass Filter for smell.

Any advice on the Filter?????? I'm a total Filter Newb, I've just let it stink up until now.

So Stoked.

I need to put the C99 and Blue Hash into Flower, I'm gonna let the rest veg for a couple weeks, then a few more will go in..... after that... well you get it.

I'm starting the perpetual Right now and I'm very excited.

On a side note, I just picked up a Spout Garden and I'm gonna eat a shit ton of Sprouts... Anyone else ever grow some sprouts?


High country cat herder
Haven't grown sprouts since I was a kid.

I just started a bunch of peppers tho. I really want to set up a small ebb/flow system and do some tomatoes as well.

silver hawaiian

Active member

Sorry for this MHG! But I couldn't resist ..

GP73LPC has a nice LED indoor thing goin' on for his veggies.. Riiiiight here: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=4784932#post4784932

Anyway - Canni, I hope you'll start a thread for the project. At one point, I set up some tomaters in a big 16 gallon tote, a la DWC. I ended up scrapping it before I got any fruit - it didn't take long for those beasts to become unwieldy inside. Of course, I was using fluorescents, but I'm really not entirely sure that matters, when it comes to tomatoes. That is, tomatoes by nature tend to be gangly and unwieldy. Or maybe I'm just too permissive :wave:

MHG, I'd love to see your sprout project. I know you'd started a bunch of veggies waaaayback, but I don't think I ever got to see how they turned out. :(

I've scaled my indoor setup to dill, rosemary, and basil - they're sort of intermixed between moms and vegging ladies. All hooked up to an Oasis self-watering gimmick. :dance: BTW, basil roots like nobody's biz! 3 days in the aeroclonerbucketmcgillicutty.

Okay MHG, the thread is all yours again. Sorry :cathug: But gentlemens, please do document the indoor vegetation situation!


Active member
Great looking grow you have going MHG, you got that coco dialed in nicely. I got one of those Day-Star ac's and man is that thing bright, just got to raise it up a bit to get a nice foot print.

Peace GFI


Active member
$29 kinda of a ripoff and kind of not cause of how easy it is.... I also got this pack of seeds.


Will have a two Full bowl of Sprouts after 3-7 days

Supposed to be the best for you ever.



Some Lemons with my Tomato


Herbs just started


Very Sweet Tomato :)


Everything is doing really well in Coco with General Organics... lol


Active member
Just checked today and my Sweet Tooth #4 IBL is really starting to take off.

They are Gorgeous... all i need is a little more calmag and they'll be totally dialed in.

When looking closer, one of them has a little harry ballsack already :)

I'm still contemplating doing my first breeding project but need to be encouraged because pollen scares the shit out of me. I would really like to Have some F1's of my own Sweetest Cindy. And probably some Sweet Tooth x Blue Hash.

So.... Another reason I'm excited. The other Sweet Tooth is doing GREAT and has NO balls yet which leads me to believe I'll see some tits in the next few days.



Sounds like things are humming right along :dance013:

There are some good threads here about how to segregate males and harvest pollen that are worth a read. I'm feeling too ill at the moment to dig up the links myself though, sorry.

Once I've got my pollen, I like to use an art paintbrush to selectively pollinate just certain branches. TURN THE FANS OFF WHEN DOING THIS! It's probably a good idea to take the female out of the bloom room while doing this, and make sure there's no breeze. I've managed to keep unwanted pollination to a minimum this way. There's sometimes a few stray seeds, but not so bad.

Alternatively, you could just fully pollinate a single female in a separate space and put it back into the bloom room after, but I've never actually tried just pollinating one lady.

In any case... You should give it a try, it's quite rewarding :D


Active member
WOOOO Just got my new 4x8 Tent, 600W light, fan, hood, ducting.... well Everything!

Now, I'm going to stare at the clock for 4 more hours until I get off work and can set this biatch up.

I'll upload some pics tonight!


Active member
My Sweet Tooth Stud, Not sure what to do with him, he's inside with my other plants and that is a little to out in the open for me, I'm probably going to get rid of him and plan better for a male soon.... but I'm not 100% certain of my decision yet, so he lives :)


I PUT MY NEW TENT UP!!! SUPER STOKED :dance013::dance013:

The First and Largest 5 plants went into the flower room today, 3 Blue Hash Closest to the camera, and 2 C99.

I'll be getting another 600 here soon and then placing the next 3-4 plants..... then in a couple more weeks I'll put in another light and another few plants.... by then my clones will have rooted and be vegging to soon go into flower in a few weeks.... and so on and so on.

My First ever Perpetual!!!



Active member
Damn HPS Pictures, I'll do better next photo session.

But I promise they are Lush and Green.

The roots are EVERYWHERE and I'm really excited about the progress.

I just realized this is my third post in a row, but fuck it, I'm Super high, I've had a drink, and I just got to fully setup all my new gear!! Life is good.


Dude, congrats on the new gear! Can't wait to see what you do with it :D

I am upgrading to a new bigger tent w/ 600W as well, got everything but the light. I'll get that next week, then I'll be as excited as you seem to be, hehe!

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