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Mamed is one of those guys who because he's not in the UFC, not a whole lot of people know about him. I see you're from Poland though. :biggrin:

He was a hot prospect for awhile but just needed the chance to prove himself as a top 10 guy in the middleweight division and he got that chance in his last fight against Jorge Santiago. A quick technical knockout victory set-up from his back with punches - something you don't see very often at all - was enough for me to consider him a top 10 guy. Unfortunately the fight wasn't for Santiago's Sengoku title but fortunately Sengoku had the sense to set-up a rematch for March 7th, this time with the title on the line. I was excited for that fight the first time around and even moreso the second time.


Active member
Mamed is one of those guys who because he's not in the UFC, not a whole lot of people know about him. I see you're from Poland though. :biggrin:

He was a hot prospect for awhile but just needed the chance to prove himself as a top 10 guy in the middleweight division and he got that chance in his last fight against Jorge Santiago. A quick technical knockout victory set-up from his back with punches - something you don't see very often at all - was enough for me to consider him a top 10 guy. Unfortunately the fight wasn't for Santiago's Sengoku title but fortunately Sengoku had the sense to set-up a rematch for March 7th, this time with the title on the line. I was excited for that fight the first time around and even moreso the second time.

Exactlly like you said, pretty solid info.


I was finally was able to watch 110 and it was a decent show.

Just like I thought Cain showed he was for real and finished Nogueira. Admittedly it happened much quicker than I thought it would though and I was very surprised it was initiated from the feet. His combinations were so fast and crisp - he was connecting with three punch combinations before Nogueira could even react. People have been saying that Cain doesn't have power but I think his dedication throughout his last camp to commiting more and following through with his strikes was shown. I couldn't believe how fast he connected those five shots on the floor after Nogueira went down and how clean they were.

As happy as I was to see my boy win it was sad to see Nogueira lose in such fashion. Nogueira is such a class act - and easily the second greatest heavyweight of all time - but I think it's clear he's on the decline. The loss to Mir wasn't a huge deal to me. He got knocked down three times but was never out of the fight and it's been well documented that he was extremely sick and hospitalized prior to that fight. Against Cain there are no excuses though. I'm glad that Herb jumped in there and stopped the fight when he did. The man has taken more punishment than anyone I can think of and even though he's only 33 - he's very old. I really don't want to see what happened to him against Velasquez ever happen to him again...

Props to Wanderlei for his win as well. I was very worried about his cut down to 185 (I'm sure everyone remembers how sapped he was making 195 in his previous fight) but his conditioning really didn't seem too bad at all. I was really worried that he wasn't gonna survive against Bisping but my initial impression is that he did quite well. I've only watched the show once so I'll have to watch it all a few more times to make a final opinion though. Bisping seems to think he won the fight but I think he needs to watch it a few times himself. I think the first round was very close but I give the edge to Bisping. The second round was competitive as well but I think Wanderlei took it and the third round was Wanderlei's no question. If that fight had gone on for 10-15 more seconds I think Bisping would have been sleeping. He was literally saved by the bell.

I think it's a fight where it's best to turn the volume off (or just ignore Rogan and Goldy's rediculous and horrible commentating) to really judge the fight fairly. I find that their commentating has gradually been declining over the last little while and that fight was a perfect example. Rogan trying to downplay Wanderlei's big shot at the end of the second and say that Bisping's punch earlier in the round was the most significant shot of the round was ludicrous. And listening to Rogan not only critique Wanderlei's technique but to straight up say he's doing it all wrong was pretty funny. I'm pretty sure that Wanderlei has a better understanding of jiu-jitsu technique after studying and practicing it for years and years than Rogan who is only a hobbyist at best. For those who don't know - take everything that those two say with a grain of salt - or a boulder at times. As a sidenote - it was cool to see Wanderlei and Rampage embrace briefly afterwards. Did anyone notice how big Quinton has gotten?! Fuckin' guy must weight 250+

Lastly, I'm interested in see what is next for Bader. As has happened in that past he had a decent start to the fight, started to tire in the second round and then got the killshot to win. I think a fight with Vladimir Matyushenko would be perfect for him if he wins his upcoming fight. Bader has alot of potential but he still has alot of things in his game that he needs to patch up before he gets in their with the upper echelon guys. Him and his buddy C.B. also need to get a pair of haicuts... hah. Props to him for taking out Jardine though who is a solid test for anyone.

It seems that the live streams of events that have been posted on here for the last little while have really taken the action and traffic out of this thread but to the people who still post in here from time to time - keep it up and thanks alot. Peace fellas. Can't wait for WEC now.

Oh, and does anyone know what happened with Paulo Filho last night?


Hell yeah WAR Khalidov! Nice to see he's got some fans here. Here's hopin he smashes through Jorge Santiago in the rematch and gets his belt.


Active member
spot on natedizz,...about wanderlei,...I've been really bummed on his performance since he left pride/chute box.
He left a really good camp with alot of hard working hungry fighters.
He used to focus on training hard as hell for hours with top guys.
I suppose moving to vegas,opening a gym,marriage and a son has him a little more relaxed now days..
I trained at his gym in nov for the tryouts he was having and was a little dissapointed with the talent at his gym.
costa,silva and whitehead are the best guys over their so im sure he's not challenged like he was at chute box...
I dunno if it was the move,the anabolics or the damage he's recieved that has changed his fighting style....but I hope he ''really returns'' sometime soon.


Finally got the chance to catch WEC 47 and as I always am with the promotion I was very impressed. The small cats are relentless and never stop. I've probably mentioned it before but I can't wait for the WEC to finally integrate the flyweight (125 pounds) division. It's been pushed back so many times but next year is looking bright for that expansion. The UFC unquestionably has more talent than any promotion on the planet - by far - but I don't think the WEC can be beat when it comes to consistently putting on spectacular cards both on paper and in the cage.

Dominick Cruz really really impressed me. I've been following him for some time and he's always been great with his footwork and movement but he really stepped it up in this fight. Like he said - boxing and the techniques that go along with it (proper feints, footwork, bobbing and weaving, etc) - are the most undeveloped and underutilized tools in MMA right now. There are very very few fighters who actually have high level boxing credentials and/or skills in MMA and Cruz is one of those few. He looked fuckin' beautiful on the feet and his full range of movement from head to toe had Bowles lost. Not to mention his timing and countering ability are outstanding too. I know Bowles busted his hand but Cruz busted his foot and a hand as well and he never stopped. That's the heart of a champion. Dominick is one of the most pleasing fighters to watch right now I think. A rematch will be necessary though at some point and I can't wait. Alot of people arn't down with rematches but I'm a big fan of seeing how fighters adjust to fighting the same person in a rematch.

Benavidez shocked me as well. An 11 inch reach disadvantage is unfathomable to me. I couldn't imagine fighting someone at that level with such a disparity in reach. He used his quickness to get inside though and set up combinations and takedowns and was able to use his compact body and strength to muscle Torres on the floor. Very impressive showing. Where Torres goes from here - I don't know.

Those two fights really played out much differently than I had envisioned as have many this year. My picks so far have been horrendous! The last couple of years I have been able to float above 70% and I thought I actually had a knack for picking fights but that notion has been put to rest so far this year. hahah.

Jorgensen was the other top bantamweight with a big win. His fight was nothing more than a tune-up fight and that's why he was sent to the undercard (which I still didn't agree with) but I'm glad his fight was quick and made the broadcast. His guillotine was NASTY! I was shocked seeing him pick George right off his feet with the choke and then just dropping him unconscious like it was nothing. His wrestling is outstanding and is probably better than Cruz's so that would be a very interesting match-up to me however I hope it doesn't happen right away as I'd like to see Jorgensen develop a little more and get atleast one more big-name fight first. The featherweight division is all shook up now and it'll be interesting to see how all of these guys are matched up next.

How did you guys score the Davis -vs- Taurosevicius fight? I think Davis definitely took the first round but the second and third rounds were very close and could have been draws. I give the second to Taurosevicius and the third to Davis though for a 29-28 score to Davis so I was happy that he got the nod. Josh Grispi would be a nice fight for either of them when they return. I'd also like to see Davis -vs- Mackens Semerzier.

Lastly - anyone catch Garcia -vs- Roop? My understanding is that Roop definitely should have won that fight and it was pretty rediculous for them to deduct a point from him on his first foul when in the Davis -vs- Taurosevicius fight L.C. was fouled twice without the fight even being stopped. It was another example of how inconsistent and bad MMA reffing is. Anyways - Garcia losing to a guy like Roop is just bad no matter how you look at it. His days of being a top fighter could very well be over.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
GSP is gonna kill Hardy, sorry brit's
pound for pound GSP is the best fighter in MMA history, just my opinion


man i just got to say something about last UFC 110. am big "minotauro" fan but damn. wtf is he doing, try watch the match, his guards is up. like he think he is getting kicked in face and thats why he got knocked out, so bad defense by minotauro there. and who have ever seen cain do a headkick. ? he never done one. so ni dont even get why the Hell he aint cover his head more up :/

Im Looking forward to UFC 113 thats gonna be AWSOME. cant wait to see kimbo slice fight again, hope he improved his stamina this time, kimbo is the man. ! so underated ground game. ! and vicious standing :D i will bet all my weed on that kimbo will be undisputed champion before he retire.
nizzle, ill gladly take that bet.

for one, Kimbo's knee is all but shot. so this "underrated" ground game you speak of wont work too well after he takes a few investigatory kicks to the leg. his cardio is for shit, he was gassed after about a minute in his last fight. and while his hands may be heavy, his technique is severely lacking.

all of those factors tell me that ill be smoking all your weed.


EvilRaven. i sure disagree. cardio can be improved. and if he have not done that, he wouldn't be very wise, i think we will see a improved kimbo this time, for sure. just remember he is "new" to the ufc. and as all others they got mistakes. and they train harder to improve.
chuck liddel is an good example is cardio also was bad in the beginning, he didnt have any power in third round and if he reached it, he almost surely would lose it there. but he improved, and turned out to be one of greatest fighters of all time. so yeah i think we can expect the same from Kimbo..
the ground game ive seen from kimbo, have been rlly good maybe not the best because he was exhausted but he still managed to turn his opponent over when he was in side control,
you're comparing kimbo slice to chuck liddell?? really man? REALLY?

ill concede the fact that cardio can be improved. sure ok, we've seen it. what isnt going to get any better (without considerable time off and most likely multiple surgeries) is the man's trick knee. come on, he took literally 2 kicks to it in his last fight....and the second one took his legs out from under him. what makes you think that ANY FIGHTER HE FACES will ignore that information? i know i sure wouldnt.

lets talk ground game for a minute. according to you, reversing side control constitutes a really good ground game. think for a minute what someone with a TRULY good ground game (not necessarily phenomenal) would do with him. with a knee like he has, its likely that we would see it explode once a submission is applied.

now you think that he will hold the UFC heavyweight belt. who exactly does he have to go through to get to it? lets just name a few names. Gonzaga (BJJ black belt), Carwin (will knock Kimbo's head into row 5), Noguiera (do i have to explain this one?), Mir (again...come on), and Lesnar who is faster, a better wrestler and much more powerful than him. Thats probably his EASIEST path to the belt.

in closing. i just dont see it happening man. theres things that he COULD fix, things im sure he just WONT fix, and some he just CANT fix.

all in all, it sounds like ill be smoking your stash.


yes i am comparing chuck with kimbo.
about the knee yes its very bad. and leg kicks hurt alot!!! but, dont you think he learn from it ?. everytime someone throws a kick they make themself vulnerable to takedown. its not like you can kick and gain your own body balance 100% in split sec.

about the ground what i said was. he was very exhausted when turned one over from sidecontrol and thats was real nice because he could not even stand up straight., bad knee or not,thats just prove he can if he want to. you dont use your knee that much from the button position. Humans have 2 knees one left and one right. i think he chose to get up using his good knee..

I do think he can KO minotauro. maybe tko mir like brock did.
mir is just annoying everytime he speaks.!! sry to mir fans but he IS !
gonzaga , him standing vs kimbo. i think that would be a good match. one i would like to see.
brock. yeah big truck lol, if he can stand vs him, i think brock needs to watch those uppercuts.

Man i sure can feel you in what you are saying. but Lets just see how it will end up. and if he have improved himself in his next fight..

Peace bro
some decent fights on this card.
Main Card
* Jon Jones vs. Brandon Vera
* Junior Dos Santos vs. Gabriel Gonzaga
* Paul Buentello vs. Cheick Kongo
* James Irvin vs. Alessio Sakara


* Shannon Gugerty vs. Clay Guida
* Eliot Marshall vs. Vladimir Matyushenko
* Darren Elkins vs. Duane "Bang" Ludwig
* John Howard vs. Daniel Roberts
* Chase Gormley vs. Brendan Schaub
* Julio Paulino vs. Mike Pierce
* Jason Brilz vs. Eric Schafer


Damn gonzaga got ko i sure did not expect that !! and irvin what you guys think about that. i think it was a bit silly. it did not look that bad.


fights seemed lackluster considering the buildup hopefully this upcoming ufc will be great. Im looking forward to carwin mir fight but not so much the pierre fight. I dont think that the kids in the same league although they are running out of decent opponents for pierre.


yeah pierre is a good fighter.. looking forward to mir and carwin aswell.
i fell a sleep on couch right after the gonzaga fight, i think the weed was to strong loool for that time of the day, ( after midnight here)..