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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Looking forward to the Feb 6 UFC

Alas it is my birthday, so there should be lots of people out.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
anyone watching Strikeforce?

Two fights in, first was bad, Lashley tore up Sims

Just watched a crazy knockout, I think the only punch he landed for Lawler. Def will be one of the knockouts of the year

Next up Herschel Walker

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Walker is a stud, that guy at 47 was ripped!!

Cyborg, "man" handled her competition

And Nick Diaz took care of his opponent

Was a good event, all entertaining matches


I have a hard time tracking strikeforce for some reason rarely know when the events come up so I missed it but sounds entertaining will likely pick up the next ufc looks ok not real hyped on the main event but overall decent card hopefully. Ill be interested to see how chael handles a bigtime main card appearance against a bigtime opponent.

Also what do yall think of the considerable amount of discussion about WEC ppv events that happend on Inside MMA?
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Inside MMA is a great show, I love the coverage they have of all promotions

And Bas is great


Its almost better for the wec to have their fights ppv. All the people like myself that are stuck with direct tv cant even watch VS. They should at least make it so you can pay 10 bucks a month or whatever to get that channel. Ha did you see on inside mma where bas said he walked in to the direct tv place and turned all his shit in to switch providers? ALL because you cant watch vs. I think the next faber/aldo fight might be the first wec ppv...



The Strikeforce card was decent. It really wasn't a great card on paper (Strikeforce's next card is looking soooo much better) but two of my favourite fighters in Zaromskis and Lawler were fighting so that made up for lack of interest for me. Lawler's finish was a beauty. I wouldn't advise anybody to try to stand with Manhoef - it can't be stressed enough that his striking is as devastating as it gets - but Lawler bided his time and pinpointed the opening in dramatic fashion. Manhoef's leg kicks were fuckin' nasty, one of the most effective use of them I've seen in awhile. Even though I'm Lawler's biggest fan at middleweight - I really want to see Manhoef finally get some spotlight on this side of the ocean and I thought he had this fight. He had a great opportunity but Lawler was the better man. It has no bearring on this fight - but hopefully now that he's settling in with a decent camp he'll finally be able to improve his mat game.

I'm finally gonna give Diaz some serious credit now too. He's always been a talented guy but I've never been sold on him. I really thought it was just a matter of time before someone proved he wasn't worth all the hype, and I really thought Zaromskis was gonna be the guy to do it, but Diaz used his huge reach advantage and relentless striking attack to finish the fight quick. I was heartbroken to see Mariusz put him on his ass, not finish the fight, then get finished himself within the same round. Great performance for Diaz.

As for Walker and Lashley - I don't care for fights like that. It's ludicrous that they get a main card billing while Jay Hieron gets an undercard slot. I understand decisions like this in a business sense, but it's really starting to get out of hand. Way too many good guys are being put on undercards so some unproven attraction with a name can be showcased and it seems to be happening more and more often. It was nice that the Hieron fight was supposed to be broadcast for free over the 'net but when it didn't even actually happen I was pissed. Not to mention Strikeforce still hasn't addressed the situation and atleast made it available after the fact...

And what's going on with all these people complaining about the WEC offering a PPV? I understand that it's always been a free product in the past (not exactly free, but close) so I can see why it irks some people - but let's be honest - alot of the time the WEC offers up a better card than the UFC. Two of the top pound-4-pound fighters on the planet and two title fights on the same card - and that's only the beginning! With only 3 fights revealed so far I already think it surpasses UFC 108, 109, and 110.

As with most events - I can't wait for 109 tomorrow night though!

Edit - As a sidenote - I think Cyborg should be fighting men. That girl is an absolute monster.


I always liked chael but he shocked me last night what a job... was a decent ppv

WEC has confirmed the aldo faber fight will be ppv should be interesting.


anyone know when fedor's next fight is?

Fedor will be fighting Fabricio Werdum in April. The date isn't finalized but the 17th has been thrown around quite a bit. Werdum is a solid fighter but I think he poses nothing new to Fedor and it should be an easy W for him. Who knows what's happening with Overeem so after this fight who else will he fight? Antonio Silva is the only other match I would be even remotely interested in if Overeem isn't coming back anytime soon.

Like Tex I was pretty surprised by Chael's performance. I knew it would be a harder fight for Nate then what most people thought but I definitely didn't envision Chael winning let alone in such decisive fashion. He's really stepped up his game and doesn't seem to be the submission vulnerable fighter he used to be. He's definitely upped his strength and size. Wins over Dan Miller, Yushin, and Nate in his last three fights is a tremendous streak to be on. I really hope that these two get the opportunity to fight each other again.

Huge win for Paulo too. It seems like some people still think that he's just a flash in the pan and his win over Koscheck was a fluke but to any doubters I think he's proved them wrong with that win. I had him winning but I thought for sure it would go to the cards. I still want to see a rematch with Koscheck though - too bad it didn't happen as planned.

I thought Maia might be a little tentative to engage much on the feet but he showed that his loss to Nate didn't completely ruin any confidence he had on his feet and he even decided to spend most of the fight standing. Not only that but he won. It wasn't a very exciting or pretty fight but it's good to see him trying to expand his game because we already know he's a wizard on the floor. Dan Miller was a solid test for him after such a big loss. If Belfort loses in April I'd love to see the two of them paired up.


Vitor had to have surgery on his left shoulder to fix an injury that he's been ignoring for a very long time. It'll be 4 months before he can start to train hard again. He's been a favourite of mine for a very long time and I'm bummed that this fight has been put off again. It was himself and Wanderlei that orginally got me hooked on MMA.

Anderson is now set to face Demian Maia.


ugh well maia looked good in that last fight but not spectacular looks like easy defense for silva. Id almost rather see koscheck take the short notice fight ah well
i wouldnt say its gonna be an easy defense for Silva. Maia is super slick on the ground and we all know that Anderson isnt at his best on the ground. thats not saying that Silva wont have an answer for Maia's jits...i just see it being closer than most people think. another thing to think about here is that every fight starts standing, so its up to Maia to get the fight to the ground where he has a chance. if Anderson can stop the takedown i see it being a very very bad night for Maia.

EDIT i was SUPER pumped for the Belfort fight. that one is gonna be one for the ages. heres hoping Vitor heals up fast.


Koscheck to fight Anderson? Anderson is a huge 185'er and has shown that he can be a top 5 guy at 205 as well so I don't see any reason for a guy like Koscheck to even think about such a fight with Anderson. The size difference would be very dramatic and lets be honest - neither of them has any business taking such a fight.

I have to agree with Raven - Maia is a very suitable replacement especially considering the options. A rematch with Henderson who is gone to Strikeforce now is who I would like to see the most but obviously that's not possible. With Chael being on a medical suspension until sometime in March - his training camp wouldn't be near enough for such a large fight so he's scratched as an option. Personally I wouldn't have minded Marquardt stepping in, maybe not for the title given his recent loss, but he's still an appealing fight in that division. Next on my list would be Maia. Besides him you have names like Okami, Akiyama, and Bisping and they have no business jumping ahead of Damien. And as Raven has said - Maia is a legitimate threat if he can get it to the ground.

A fight at 205 was an option too I suppose but the top names are already tied up in lucrative fights (Machida -vs- Rua, Jackson -vs- Evans) and he already smashed Forrest. I'm not a big fan of fighting in multiple weight classes so I'm glad they stuck to 185 and chose Maia. If Anderson wants to leave middleweight and persue light heavyweight full time I'm all for it - but I've never been a fan of messing around with multiple weight classes at the same time.

Peace fellas!


Any thoughts on 110?

Nogueira -vs- Velasquez is a very nice fight and I think Cain has a very legitimate chance of winning. No disrespect to Nogueira, next to Fedor I think he's the greatest heavyweight of all time, but Cain just doesn't tire and has a relentless pace. It only takes a brief mistake for Nogueira to capatilize and we've seen him take absurd amounts of punishment before finishing fights time and time again but I'm really feeling Cain in this one. And not because he's a favourite of mine.

I'm really hoping that Wanderlei, Mirko, and Jardine can pull out some W's as well but I wouldn't be surprised if all three lose...