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The official 2020 Trump re election thread.

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Active member
Hello all,

A thought experiment:

We do not yet know what the election outcome will be despite our very opinions and conclusions, but for the sake of riveting conversation, lets presume he losses electoral college by say 30 points. Further suppose he won the popular vote by say 3M.


Would there be a peaceful transition? Would tRump leave graciously?

Would he try and pardon himself or family? ON a side note, do you not have to be at least indicted for a crime or is there a blanket pardon of sins known and unknown?

Nixon was an un-indicted co-conspirator right?

Having to ask the question is absurd enough, or at least it once was, ay?

Make you proud, ay?






for 1 thing NY was NOT the only state to do this, not by a long shot
and it complied with the federal guidelines at the time
it's common sense for god's sake
you're facing an epidemic of unknown magnitude, hard choices were made
it's always easy to be a monday morning quarterback

they had the big events place almost empty, they had the hospital ship empty. why not isolate the positive covid elderly in one of those? crazy to send them into care facilities not equipted to deal with it.

you say other places did the same, yes, 3 other big cities followed suit after coumo started it. just think about it, the elderly make up most of the dead, no wonder ny has so many.

it might be common sense to you now, but youd see it differently if it was your loved one left to choke to death in such a facility. all while hospital beds were available by the thousand in both the ship and the javid center.had they put the positive cases there, NY might have similar numbers to other 1st world nations.


Active member
I see we have a fair and blanced censorship program happening here.Fantastic work.you're really doing a bang up job.


I see we have a fair and blanced censorship program happening here.Fantastic work.you're really doing a bang up job.

you told me to get fucked or some such. i did just say, no personal insults, calling some a little kid to fuck off is not conducive to a discussion on any topic.

edit: if there was something important in that post that was not a personal insult you can repost that part. not trying to cencor anyone, all i want to do is stop the thread becoming a troll name calling and personal insults party.


Well-known member
they had the big events place almost empty, they had the hospital ship empty. why not isolate the positive covid elderly in one of those? crazy to send them into care facilities not equipted to deal with it.

you say other places did the same, yes, 3 other big cities followed suit after coumo started it. just think about it, the elderly make up most of the dead, no wonder ny has so many.

it might be common sense to you now, but youd see it differently if it was your loved one left to choke to death in such a facility. all while hospital beds were available by the thousand in both the ship and the javid center.had they put the positive cases there, NY might have similar numbers to other 1st world nations.
problem wasn't facilities/space so much
it's the trained workers and the rest of the infrastructure
and mistakes were made, just like in all human endeavors
and 'we' all become geniuses after the smoke dies down and start yakking about how 'we' could have done it better


problem wasn't facilities/space so much
it's the trained workers and the rest of the infrastructure
and mistakes were made, just like in all human endeavors
and 'we' all become geniuses after the smoke dies down and start yakking about how 'we' could have done it better

normally i'd agree, hind sight is no sight at all. but this is different, they knew the danger the elderly were in, they forbid us visiting elderly. so it makes no sense to then contaminate their homes by bring positive cases there, doesn't take a genius to see what would happen. this is beyond incompetence imo. calling it mistakes made is the understament of the millenium.

in the end the elction will be decided by covid.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
they had the big events place almost empty, they had the hospital ship empty. why not isolate the positive covid elderly in one of those? crazy to send them into care facilities not equipted to deal with it.

you say other places did the same, yes, 3 other big cities followed suit after coumo started it. just think about it, the elderly make up most of the dead, no wonder ny has so many.

it might be common sense to you now, but youd see it differently if it was your loved one left to choke to death in such a facility. all while hospital beds were available by the thousand in both the ship and the javid center.had they put the positive cases there, NY might have similar numbers to other 1st world nations.

And just for good measure the Chomo brothers sit on CNN , and yuk it up with a giant q-tip .
Can you imagine if Trump went on Hannity and did the same.That alone would still be making headlines.

But I'm sure some genius will come along any second,and have an issue with this post.....waiting for the genius.....here he comes


Well-known member
normally i'd agree, hind sight is no sight at all. but this is different, they knew the danger the elderly were in, they forbid us visiting elderly. so it makes no sense to then contaminate their homes by bring positive cases there, doesn't take a genius to see what would happen. this is beyond incompetence imo. calling it mistakes made is the understament of the millenium.

in the end the elction will be decided by covid.
as i understand it, the nursing homes seemed to become the source
covid gets in somehow then it runs riot
taking an infected patient back to the nursing home may not have been wrong
the damage was already was done
but agree, election by covid


Active member
you told me to get fucked or some such. i did just say, no personal insults, calling some a little kid to fuck off is not conducive to a discussion on any topic.

edit: if there was something important in that post that was not a personal insult you can repost that part. not trying to cencor anyone, all i want to do is stop the thread becoming a troll name calling and personal insults party.

I didn't say a fucking thing to you
I answered a post about gus having shit on his face by Xavier.
It's still here look you'll find it


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I didn't say a fucking thing to you
I answered a post about gus having shit on his face by Xavier.
It's still here look you'll find it

At Gaismarious(spelling)
I believe you may be mistaken on 2 counts.

First is I had started a post saying "here's one for you gaismarious"
I started the post with that because you had said earlier that you would delete any post where a member says anything intimidating to another member.

My post was in response to a troll named st fatty
Posting 'America doesn't mourn their war dead'
It was obvious is was just a bait /troll post to get a response.
To make a post like that on Memorial Day will get the appropriate response.
I told him in my response to that to "Get his face fucked,and have a Happy Memorial day.

Unfortunately he felt the need to sit and post that on the internet rather than to go to a veterans cemetery on Memorial Day and tell the families at graveside.

The only reason I had mentioned your name was that I didnt want to make a post you would have to delete,but I had to,and stand by it.What kind of fucking pussy would make a post like that on Memorial Day.Now I know what he is and will ignore his ass.

But I've said my peace and hope that clears up any misunderstanding where GW is concerned.


Kiss My Ring

this should be all you need to see to determine who it is you will vote in.

quid pro joe was and is neck deep in all of this skullduggery, as was billary, kerry, rice, powers, clapper, comey, brennan, McStain, reid, mueller, strozk, page, and on and on.

Trump is and has been clawing his way out of the 'insurance policy', and when i say insurance policy, i mean the intentional release of covid besides the russia russia russia debacle, the obstruction allegations of firing traitor comey, the immigration accusations of racism, the sexist trope of grabbing their pussy, the emoluments, and on and on....

why don't the liberal left give the President credit for the jobs, soaring economy, cutting regulations, stemming the illegal immigration, bettering trade deals, pulling out of the travesty of the paris accord, among many other accomplishments?

someone posted the reason...it's a big club and he ain't in it.

democrats have lost their muchness.


Well I got no clue what George said. Meh, don't care. Carry on good folks.


Well-known member
Looks like I'm allergic to cheap masks, I have to constantly adjust it to make it comfortable, some store owners require you to wear one if you want to buy something. I got a red face now where the mask covers it, just looks funny lol.


Well-known member
Wonder how Merkel fared with the country folk. She looks like Hitler's sister. Likes to control a fair bit, some comparisons.

Being that education today is often left based indoctrination, it is no wonder they do not like Trump. Does not make him Hitler.

The elites of NYC or large colleges are literal garbage. I use the term elite but garbage is more in line with reality.
timely post
the Nazis didn't use the word garbage
they preferred degenerate
degenerate art, degenerate culture, ...
and drug users? really degenerate


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
timely post
the Nazis didn't use the word garbage
they preferred degenerate
degenerate art, degenerate culture, ...
and drug users? really degenerate

hahahaha is a degenerate worse than a deplorable?
Not that it really matters I guess.
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