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The official 2020 Trump re election thread.

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I didn't say a fucking thing to you
I answered a post about gus having shit on his face by Xavier.
It's still here look you'll find it

in the end it doesn't matter if it was at me or another member. im trying to avoid a name calling spiral getting started that is all. your ideas and even language is not cencored, only personal insults.


At Gaismarious(spelling)
I believe you may be mistaken on 2 counts.

First is I had started a post saying "here's one for you gaismarious"
I started the post with that because you had said earlier that you would delete any post where a member says anything intimidating to another member.

My post was in response to a troll named st fatty
Posting 'America doesn't mourn their war dead'
It was obvious is was just a bait /troll post to get a response.
To make a post like that on Memorial Day will get the appropriate response.
I told him in my response to that to "Get his face fucked,and have a Happy Memorial day.

Unfortunately he felt the need to sit and post that on the internet rather than to go to a veterans cemetery on Memorial Day and tell the families at graveside.

The only reason I had mentioned your name was that I didnt want to make a post you would have to delete,but I had to,and stand by it.What kind of fucking pussy would make a post like that on Memorial Day.Now I know what he is and will ignore his ass.

But I've said my peace and hope that clears up any misunderstanding where GW is concerned.

while i understand and can even share the sentiment, i can't make exceptions. everyone will start coming up with the greatest of reasons why some insult or another is so fitting. it all leads to the same downward spiral of insults in the end, which just distracts and stops any form of discussion.

yeah my spelling is attrocious, new computer, no spell check yet.


Active member
Hello all,

Dear leader has seen his internal polling....he is freaking out.

Trump tweet today:

"There is NO WAY (ZERO!) that Mail-In Ballots will be anything less than substantially fraudulent. Mail boxes will be robbed, ballots will be forged & even illegally printed out & fraudulently signed. The Governor of California is sending Ballots to millions of people, anyone....

....living in the state, no matter who they are or how they got there, will get one. That will be followed up with professionals telling all of these people, many of whom have never even thought of voting before, how, and for whom, to vote. This will be a Rigged Election. No way!"

That is the thing he fears the most....buahahahahaha

It is a referendum of tRump




Well-known member
Legit question;

If HRC lost the electoral college what makes you think Joe can win it? Hes HRC 2.0 plus brain melt with more baggage than HRC.


Well-known member
Just mailed my absentee ballot in and will be voting for Bernie for the primary and Green for the general.

If you dont support M4A you aren't getting my vote.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
while i understand and can even share the sentiment, i can't make exceptions. everyone will start coming up with the greatest of reasons why some insult or another is so fitting. it all leads to the same downward spiral of insults in the end, which just distracts and stops any form of discussion.

yeah my spelling is attrocious, new computer, no spell check yet.

Understood,and my apologies for causing extra work for you.
I didn't want GW to catch a lashing for my moment.


Well-known member
This conspiracy bullshit is getting really old . Trump is the conspiracy king . If it doesn't work in his favor then its a conspiracy .


Well-known member
just a comparison between then and now
some patterns repeat
learn easy lessons from the past, or learn harder lessons in the present



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Well-known member
that's funny
i don't even come close to being a liberal by current measures
but that's what you see from your extremely right place
the extreme right over the last 100 years of world history are unmatched with disastrous results for their economies
we seem to be well on track to continue the streak


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
So this is what it comes to. 2 doddering old men on the verge of dementia. One who is a simpleton and a bully, the other who is quickly slipping into, "I remember when this was nothing but orange groves."

I hate this timeline.


Active member
Hello all,

It would seem Twitter has finally decided to tag tRump for his lying.

Twitter places fact-check notification on Trump tweet about mail-in ballots


Fat conald is not gonna like this.


Hello all, Well, that did not take long, ay?

tweety wrote:

@Twitter is now interfering in the 2020 Presidential Election. They are saying my statement on Mail-In Ballots, which will lead to massive corruption and fraud, is incorrect, based on fact-checking by Fake News CNN and the Amazon Washington Post...
....Twitter is completely stifling FREE SPEECH, and I, as President, will not allow it to happen!"

First his statement is incorrect...Newsom did send ballots to everyone...only registered voters. pretty obvious, ay? There is no credible evidence of wide spread voter fraud. What little is known is statistically insignificant. Trumps own voter fraud commision disbanded with no conclusive findings.

Second...there is no guaranty of "free speech" on twitter or facebook or even icmag. What can president pine-sol do about it....nothing, absolutely nothing..and I, as President, will not allow it to happen!.....buahahahahaha...

So wtf trumphumpers, what you got to say for today's ration of bullshit from our fearless leader? Was he only joking, as some would postulate?

Or was it the electronic equivalent of stomping his feet and screaming how unfair twitter is to him? Just another enemy from which to swing at, ay?

Makes you proud, ay?



G.O. Joe

Well-known member
The casinos are opening next week. Can't wait to discover the odds of the Lyin King messing with the election.

Was there a Roman emperor version of Trump the Shortfingered, towards the end?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hello all,

It would seem Twitter has finally decided to tag tRump for his lying.

Twitter places fact-check notification on Trump tweet about mail-in ballots


Fat conald is not gonna like this.


LMAO Did you catch fridays interview of your savior on CNBC joe said "I have a record of over 40 years , and that I'm going to beat Joe Biden".
I plugged that into my fact checker,and a hand popped out with two little pills,then another hand popped out the other side and smacked me.
Yep I could envision Mr Spock's left eyebrow raise slightly.
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