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Active member
Very good plants G!!

My thing is i dont spend a penny.
go for it,to each their own..........

How many times have i said good job here,
or you all got your stuff going on in here ha?
3 or 4 already^^funny how people see hatered in my talk?



Gone but NOT forgotten...
While we're at it....

Blue Orca x NL#5/Haze....notice how healthy it is....... Recycled Organic Living Soil....just like having a pet.



Gone but NOT forgotten...
Very good plants G!!

My thing is i dont spend a penny.
go for it,to each their own..........Lou

Perfect....welcome to another group of gardeners utilizing/refining some the same principles.
I think I may have spent under $50 on my this cycle...6k indoor ROLS.

NEVER have your compost on the bare ground,say good by to nutes.....

think on that for a while!
try it,before judging maybe.....have you ever seen my plants?
Lou frikin grew!...been here since the doors opened in 2004'

It's Composting 101 man, if at all possible , to have your compost pile in DIRECT contact w/ the ground.

The word is "ORGANIC".

"Natural" means nothing.

Guaranteed - that's how ya spell it.


Active member
Hey fuck all you guys! Compost is the best and I don't spend a penny!!!!! you obviously are all doing it wrong!!!!

Stop composting anyway but my way.... You're losing nutrients!

I know you mean well OldPro.... But that's all I really heard.

I think that you're just coming off the wrong way because all I can do is read the text, and I don't know your style yet.... but man... It feels all condescending.

Considering we all know how to compost.... and don't take "advice" very well without some fact to back it up.

Have you composted directly in contact with the ground and it didn't work? What caused you to start doing it this way.

Please show us how all the nutrients are leaking out into the ground?
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Active member
WEll,i dont mean never if you got hard clay soils...

Here i got nothing but glass dust,water races threw it.............
BEACH SAND doesnt hold ANY NUTES,FL really sucks unless yur lucky?
Way down in Miami were the aquafer layer is only a few feet under the ground,
it holds nutes great...they have huge farms down there!!!

im in the middle of HELL here.....but WEED GROWS GREAT HERE!
but really why waist any nutes,it doesnt loose anything and all that microbe/worms
comes from the grasses/dead leaves and stuff you gathered....

Anyways keep up the great RESEARCH in your additives an growing,nothing wrong
with that it will produce healthy plants but i bet mine taste better!
ive been at it 35 years,smoked many many samples from growers everyplace.
Not saying your doesnt but i just dont like going to buy all that stuff?
just me!
Peace n green.


Gone but NOT forgotten...
Could it be also that a layer of plastic on the bottom would actually create more anaerobic conditions.????...I bet that shit smells ripe when you reach the bottom to turn it...all anaerobic and stuff ewww ...


Gone but NOT forgotten...
"but i bet mine taste better!" - purely subjective.

...I know many a female that like all the stuff I don't..they say it tastes good..I say it tastes like shit.
I do know the methods I use create good smoking herb..and those who puff it might care to debate that here...or not.

The thing is..you aren't telling us anything we don't know already. Have something to share that can be utilized here in the ROLS/No-Till thread that we don't know already...or have some results to show that we can see....???

Compost is part of that...but it seems the regulars of the thread don't think we are 'wrong' especially with the results we have been getting for quite some time now. I've been using the same soil for 4 years...always building and adding compost.

Larger operations have concrete floors which makes it easier for a loader to scoop up the piles and turn them...but a home composter...come on man. How much nutrient are you actually losing...not worth worrying about.
This is from the Montana State University extension office.

" Many backyard composters also claim the
most effective composting is done with piles and bins that are
in contact with the earth, providing greater access for micro-
organisms to enter the compost. “Earthcontact” composting
can also enhance the survival rate of organisms should the pile
essentials periodically change."

Do we need to talk a little about CEC?

Where is the info that nutrients will leach from my compost pile? Just curious.


.....but i bet mine taste better!
ive been at it 35 years,smoked many many samples from growers everyplace.

now now, did someone get bored in the outdoor thread? Need to find a new place to swing your dick around?? :D

just playin old dude ;) to each their own, and you obviously have your deal there 'set in stone' - have fun


Active member
Anyways keep up the great RESEARCH in your additives an growing,nothing wrong
with that it will produce healthy plants but i bet mine taste better!


WTF are you talking about.... additives....

Aren't we talking compost??!


MINE TASTES MORE LIKE COLORADO COMPOST cause it was on the dirt when it was made and not a plastic tarp. haha I don't use guanos or gutsacks.... why the taste attack?

How the fuck does the plastic make your pot taste better?


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
hell; i say 'welcome aboard' OLDproLG

I run my pile straight on the ground too! But; when i have done 'exotic' composts it's been in bins~ but; then my pile is too small :frown:

lol there arent too many hard and fast rules and it's worked for me fine both ways {idk if i could tell the difference really} ~and my exotic compost was pretty exotic {@ least to a poor dirt farmer like me}


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
ive only ever made compost in a bin that is open to the ground, i do cover the top of mine with a plastic sheet to stop the rain making it too wet.

where do the worms come from if you encase your compost in plastic?



both compost and leaf mold piles are sitting right on top of straight colorado clay(read: organic concrete when dry) ........and the bottom of the piles is always where i see the most activity.

i know when i move one and plant where an old one was there are shit tons of worms and the plants love the location. yeah, i must be "losing" good stuff out of the pile to the soil but since it is all going on in my garden i figure it is a net gain at the end of the day.

putting compost on black plastic in my backyard in summer would be like throwing it in the oven

(1 shit ton = 2 fuck loads)


OLDproLg i fear i am the only one here that can "feel" you my organic brother simply because i don't have the convenient access to these exotic amendments that most of the lucky members of this forum have. But i do have unrestricted access to mother nature.

You claim that you can do better with only your potting soil, the free aspect of it is what appeals to me. I would love to hear some more about your processes, what makes you say it is a better product? do you yield more? tell me do you reuse the soil? how much crops can you get from potting mix made this way before you have to re-amend or do you simply add more soil made this way? If i follow what your saying that would mean soil from old growth forest would out perform anything man made i have not found that to be the case..

What makes you say that you are doing it better without amendments? have you done it with amendments? so you can accurately compare. I think it would be better if you described your process from tarp to splif, and if it is truly Superior it would survive the nit picking it will surely get, we are all about growing the best organic herb there is out there (organic means free) if you think you have something to offer please share......

What strains are you running and what is your yield per gallon of soil.
What else are you adding, do you fertilize at all?
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