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Powdery Mildew



I've got 2 plants in question that I need help with...

I dont have any pics *yet* (if i need them i will snap some) but i was wondering if PM can look like dry wall dust when it first starts? i heard people say it looks like a line of coke on your leaves but none of this is bunching up, just random specs of white on some of the leaves

these 2 plants are close to the entrance of my closet which happens to have broken drywall on both sides of the doorway

neither of these plants look "bad" in any way shape or form and the dust can be easily wiped off with a finger or blown off with a quick breath

but after my humidity hit in the 80's last week (got a dehu now, running at about 45% humidity) ive been a little worried.. i'm still in veg so if i decide i think it is PM i can still spray and get it under control


Active member
I have not notice pm being able to easily be blown off. Most time you can see circles where it shows, not always.
if you have a trich magnifier, it looks like ice crystals. it is also water soluble so you should be able to wash it off. it will not go away. only one cure, $60 quart of Eagle 20. i thought mine was resin crystals but i was wrong.


Active member
If you rub the spot and it leaves black smudges under it, it is mildew. Wash you hands afterwards in case it is mildew. You don't want to spread the disease with you hands. The poster above recommends Eagle, a good solution to a mildew problem.


thanks fellas, appreciate the quick responses...

grapeman said:
If you rub the spot and it leaves black smudges under it, it is mildew.
if thats the case, i think im good.. the dust rubs right off back to a perfect green leaf

and also i have been looking at Eagle20 before it was mentioned here, I think I will go ahead and order some for my arsenal just incase I run into problems

im gonna keep watching the spots for the next few days but right now im almost positive its just drywall dust


i like to use einstein oil..its natural and the pants seem to get a foliar feed from the neem

i mix 2 teaspoons per L of water with 2 drops of green palmolive to act as a spreader

natural and safe, easy on plants. I only have a PM issue during VEG, never used this mix during bud.

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