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I am who I am coz I is who I is.
mmm im kiwi yay! moving to aussie in bout 2 months, so hopefully looking to start up a grow once i get there. by the time im there i should be able to get some outdoor veg started ready to bud up end of year.


New member
hey guys:tiphat:,good to see some kiwi boys and maybe even some girls.:wave:

whats the idea,we even have to share a thread with the ozzies,are you fukn high? i mean honestly are we that small of a country,that we dont even get a seperate thread.:laughing:

its all good,just jokes.
ill put some dry shots in a few days.see what the boys are up to.

p.s good old rai valley more like sly valley cant beat it boys great spot,never had that strain though.
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High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
hey guys:tiphat:,good to see some kiwi boys and maybe even some girls.:wave:

whats the idea,we even have to share a thread with the ozzies,are you fukn high? i mean honestly are we that small of a country,that we dont even get a seperate thread.:laughing:

its all good,just jokes.
ill put some dry shots in a few days.see what the boys are up to.

p.s good old rai valley more like sly valley cant beat it boys great spot,never had that strain though.

Grow some shit and give us the pics. Welcome Kiwi.


Sup boys I got some shit going, Have 4 Power skunk from The Flying Dutchmen (clones) and 4 from a random bagseed (clones).

They were under 1 600Watt HPS in that pic, i think they are about 2 weeks old from 20cm clones.

They had another weeks veg and were put into flower on 20-04-10 under 2 600 Watt HPS.

I will get some more pictures as soon as I can borrow a mates camera again. Should have some bud sites forming in a week or 2.


Peace keke :joint:



I might be planning a trip to NZ and was wondering if anyone was hunting down a particular strains that might not be available to NZ growers, maybe some North American elite clone-onlys. Also, how tight is biosecurity when it comes to such things? I know clones don't really smell, but I could see how it is exactly the opposite of what NZ biosecurity would want, a living plant coming from another continent, not to mention the legality of it.

I am a long time grower, I live in the US, but I have family in NZ. Would be great to be able to hook up with some local growers and try some local stuff....I'm just trying to not be a free loader and actually import something worth your while....

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll

I might be planning a trip to NZ and was wondering if anyone was hunting down a particular strains that might not be available to NZ growers, maybe some North American elite clone-onlys. Also, how tight is biosecurity when it comes to such things? I know clones don't really smell, but I could see how it is exactly the opposite of what NZ biosecurity would want, a living plant coming from another continent, not to mention the legality of it.

I am a long time grower, I live in the US, but I have family in NZ. Would be great to be able to hook up with some local growers and try some local stuff....I'm just trying to not be a free loader and actually import something worth your while....

You must be crazy, importing clones or the product. You just can't do it any more. I live in Australia and watch a TV show made in NZ about their Customs Dept., they are serious, don't do it. It's a quarantine thing you see, a live plant, bugs and other things on it, let alone the introduction of a new species which basically has the potential to turn into a weed.

Australia and New Zealand are full on about the introduction of pests, weeds, disease and new species.

Don't think about it.


You must be crazy, importing clones or the product. You just can't do it any more. I live in Australia and watch a TV show made in NZ about their Customs Dept., they are serious, don't do it. It's a quarantine thing you see, a live plant, bugs and other things on it, let alone the introduction of a new species which basically has the potential to turn into a weed.

Australia and New Zealand are full on about the introduction of pests, weeds, disease and new species.

Don't think about it.

Yea, I figured as much....just seeds then. I remember flying into Auckland and the whole line getting held up because of a woman with an orange.

It could wreck havoc on the local ecosystem, but wouldn't it be funny if it grew out of control in a new environment, and no one could eradicate it! You could go for a nice walk in the country and pick wild fresh buds! That would be fun! Technically though, it would also need the presence of a male to reproduce, or have really strong hermie tendencies, where it could self pollenate everytime.

Anyway, sorry to hear that. Keep growing, to NZ, OZ, and the rest of the world!


Hey there... Here's a disturbing article from today's news:

A massive undercover cannabis operation netting more than 250 suspects on 750 charges will break the cornerstone of the industry, police say.

Police this morning swooped on 35 businesses and numerous residential addresses throughout the country as search warrants were executed as part of 'Operation Lime'.

The two year operation targeted businesses and individuals responsible for the commercial sale of equipment used in the growing of cannabis.

Those arrested have appeared in district courts around the country today, police said.

The search warrants included 16 branches and the distribution centre of a major national supplier of indoor growing supplies, which police would not name.

More than 250 offenders face more than 750 charges which were laid against employees, managers and directors of the companies and growers involved, police said in a statement this afternoon.

Over 100 commercial cannabis growing operations linked to the businesses were also found and dismantled during the operation. A further 19 have been discovered today so far.

Police also seized methamphetamine, LSD, ecstasy and firearms.

Deputy Commissioner Rob Pope said today's arrests would "break the cornerstone of the illicit cannabis cultivation industry".

Directors and managers of the companies had been arrested and would be facing charges including cultivating cannabis and participating in an organised criminal group.

He said undercover officers had purchased equipment, were given advice on how to grow cannabis, and even purchased cannabis clones and other drugs over the counter from these offenders.

"Businesses have been committing these offences and supporting commercial cannabis growers and organised crime over a long period of time."

TradeMe today also banned the trading of equipment that could be used in the cultivation of cannabis.

Mr Pope said that suppliers of illicit equipment to growers would continue to be targeted. "Criminals buying equipment for their cannabis grows were observed and followed. If people purchase these products for illegal purposes, they can expect to receive a visit from the Police."

Proceedings would also be commenced under the new Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act 2009 to strip criminals of money and assets, he said.

Honest suppliers of equipment to genuine gardeners were not targeted in the operation, he said.



Cheers for the post DC3.

Should we be worried that these businesses have been targeted all around the country? I went to my local sog shop and it was closed, and had "closed until further notice" on it. I'm guessing they got hit to?

Just being cautious...


Hey there keke...

Yeah, all SOG shops are closed. Directors, Managers and staff arrested, so it's not good at all. I feel good that I use a small local business for my supplies but geez most people would use SOG.



Cheers for the post DC3.

Should we be worried that these businesses have been targeted all around the country? I went to my local sog shop and it was closed, and had "closed until further notice" on it. I'm guessing they got hit to?

Just being cautious...

He'll yeah be worried. although I'm sure all the arresting has been done. I doubt switched on gardener will ever open again.
I'm just pleased I only bought the odd bit of soil and irrigation stuff from them.
I find it interesting that a huge easy grow opened up just round the corner from the local sog only like a month ago.
I always used to think it would be insane to grow if you worked at sog- asking for trouble.
Rule number one about growing- TELL NO ONE

I feel bad for them man, it was a great store. Bummer that they had other drugs there too, dumb.

Keep your heads down everyone


I always used to think it would be insane to grow if you worked at sog- asking for trouble.
Rule number one about growing- TELL NO ONE

I feel bad for them man, it was a great store. Bummer that they had other drugs there too, dumb.

I totally agree FarmerGreen, surely SOG was making a killing on just selling the gear and supplies etc...Real Dumb

Mr Stubs

New member
Fuck im guttered! I got all my nutes from those guys. Im kinda sketchy now, I made sure that I wasnt being followed the last few times ive been in there but still. Lucky I just bought my potting mix and main ferts the other day. Any other ideas as to where you can get stuff like potash and sulfates from? I still dont know whether to ditch my crop or not. A sad day for indoor growers in nz


Hey there keke...

Yeah, all SOG shops are closed. Directors, Managers and staff arrested, so it's not good at all. I feel good that I use a small local business for my supplies but geez most people would use SOG.


They are all open, but they are required ask you for ID, to write down all your details and what you purchased, and then hand it over to police. So they have probably lost 95% of their business.

What pisses me off is that most of us are small time private growers for our own personal use. We grow our own so that we dont have to deal with dodgy gangsters and so we don't put $1000's into the pockets of commercial dealers.

They may have busted a few commercial ops, but if they continue to threaten small time personal growers, then they have just given them a whole lot more customers for their commercial ops (which will always exist - just like a gang tinnie house... you bust them one day and they are straight back again the next with new gangsters).


Well said nizmo, exactly what I had heard.

And I feel the same as you also. I grow weed for my household and that's it. It's so frustrating that marijuana is illegal and that legit people can't grow their own goods to save and keep their money out of criminal organisations...

Oh well... Defiantly keeping myself away from there for now.

Stay safe guys.

Peace keke :joint:

EDIT: Also I would recommend looking for a online dealer of lights/filters etc etc..


Yeah online would be the way to go now. Any idea where though?

By the way, i called switched on gardener before because i wanted to know that given the fact that this new system of requiring ID and writing down names etc is a bail requirement - one would assume that once they went to court, like any other bail condition, it would no longer be effective. The guy said he didn't know what would happen but confirmed that it is indeed just a bail condition. So unless the court rules that they must keep this system (im not even sure a judge can do that) then we may at least have a window of opportunity before they pass a law or something. Im just entering week 2 of flower and i'm going to need a carbon filter soon.

I wish there was a whole forum dedicated to new zealand growers. Its tough when none of the products people from other countries refer to are sold here. I'm having a hard time settling on the right nutes. Some are shit and some are good.


What pisses me off is that most of us are small time private growers for our own personal use. We grow our own so that we dont have to deal with dodgy gangsters and so we don't put $1000's into the pockets of commercial dealers.

you said it. I used to feel quite comfortable as a personal use grower- now I'm freaked out.
I've never sold weed in my life, I've only bought it once- but I love to smoke it, so I always just grew it myself.

Nizmo if you need a carbon filter search this forum for a diy carbon scrubber, I made mine from it and it's great. Best of all nothing bought from a grow shop