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*The K.I.S.S. Method*


Thanks, I've only recently noticed additional yellowing. Could of just forgot, I tend to have that problem.

These are plants from seed. They were germinated around 12-11-11. Not sure current height. They have been topped and then took some cuttings to clone. They are in coco and was feeding them about every other day as they felt light to hold. Was adding in epsom salt with the food as well to keep from the mg issues I've had with bagseed before.

I'm about to go to the store and look for lime and will transplant them into a bigger pot. Unfortunately can't go much bigger as I"m running out of space. Trying to get rooted clones from each one before putting them into flower to sex. Once sexed I can toss out males and free up space for females. Then a second run of seedless to pick my mother/keeper.

They are romulan by the way.

I'm going to take pics of each plant and label them so I can tell any change in the next week while clones root.


mr noodles

it work like a charm in pro mix but at 1/2 the strength . a little cal mag molasse and bingo .

simple as hell .flushed for long extended time they produce nice medecine at a very low cost .

this only deserve an honourable mention .
Old leaves are old news, and rarely recover health and vigor. New growth tells the story NOW.

Light penetration might contribute to premature yellowing on lower regions.

Starting at half dose, find a happy nutrient medium. It still is a curious thing, that folks are told to sneak-up on a maximum. (generally adopted theory) It's like..."ok...I'm doing visual leaftip damage at that strength...PERFECT". Isn't the idea to push it to the point of perfection, not damage?

Too many wasted nutrients being pushed on the plants. And it's easier to add what the plant wants, than to deal with too much of something.

My thoughts...Keep it Simple, learn to grow, THEN learn how to screw-up your grow with fancy schedules, ammendments, additives, concoctions and snake oils. ...if you still choose to do so.

Good thread. Imformative. :grouphug:

I now return you to your regularly scheduled show, already in progress...
so you are saying 1/2tsp every time you feed you never up the does from seedling to flower . its always the same dose ? you never go by PPm ?

when my clones have roots i run 7 grams per gall of maxi from the aero cloner to the aero machines only thing i ever add is pro silicates for ph up and to keep the giant buds on the og kush from falling over and snapeing like they love to do i mean by bottom nugs are golfballs...i might try quarter of dry koolbloom i got 4 days till flush might aswell give it a try shits been siting in the bag since i bought it


^what kinda Aero system are you using for flowering if ya don't mind me asking...??

just trying to learn Aero man....

How many PPMs does 7 grams give ya? What pH do you set your reS to?

thnx! :yes:


New member
Ok after reading this thread I bought some MB,put some cuts in some original recipe hempy pails and started out with half strength( using tap /well water) and have brought it up to full strength (today was the first dose)

Problem is the PH is @ 7.5 every time I check the run off and PPM have dropped to 980-1120 (@.7conversion)

going in Im @ 5.5-5.8 and a PPM @ 1300 1.9 EC

wuss the deal like I kinda get they are feeding right?? so the raise the PH but is it ok for them to sit in that PH all day??

I guess I should mention that I'am feeding every day and from now on @ full strength - the cuts just went into the pails at the beginning of the week

Can NE body share some insight??
should I stop watering every day and start to let the pails dry out and only water every second day or so??



Active member
Ok after reading this thread I bought some MB,put some cuts in some original recipe hempy pails and started out with half strength( using tap /well water) and have brought it up to full strength (today was the first dose)

Problem is the PH is @ 7.5 every time I check the run off and PPM have dropped to 980-1120 (@.7conversion)

going in Im @ 5.5-5.8 and a PPM @ 1300 1.9 EC

wuss the deal like I kinda get they are feeding right?? so the raise the PH but is it ok for them to sit in that PH all day??

I guess I should mention that I'am feeding every day and from now on @ full strength - the cuts just went into the pails at the beginning of the week

Can NE body share some insight??
should I stop watering every day and start to let the pails dry out and only water every second day or so??


Full strength requires full light intensity. At least 50-55 watts per square foot.

Your bucket holes should be high enough that (with a minimal root system) you shouldn't be feeding but every 2-3 days. At max flowering/growth rates you should be feeding almost once a day to keep them from drying out.
If you're drying out in a day right now... you'll have issues in late flower.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Question on KoolBloom... I tried searching in this thread for the answer but could not find it definitively answered. Do you add it along with the MB or instead of? I am growing in coco with blumats. Today is day 40 and will go to ~65 with 15 day flush. So when I do my last res fill in 5 days or so do I just add the 1/2tsp of KB (powdered) to the usual mix and pH it? A lot of people talk about dropping off N in late flower, so in that case I would think either decrease the MB or drop it altogether and just go straight KB. Can any other coco people help me out on this one?


Active member
Make it a 1/4tsp until you know how your strains will react in your setup.

Add it along with your usual nutes.... yep.

Personally, to drop nitrogen, I'd pick up a quart or gallon (depending on your setup) of Flora Bloom and use around 16ml per gallon of that... until you switch to plain water.
That also drops the calcium and iron.... all good for cleaner meds. :D

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


New member
Ok trying to keep it simple stoners,
If some one could help,, I have another problem/question

Im in 2.5 gal hempys 3-1 perlite/verm.

I've got about 68.8 w per square foot abouts in my tent. Light is about 24" above the top of the girls.
temps never go above 80*f and never below 69-70*f

Been feeding the MB @ full strength (1300ppm @.7 Conv.) @ PH 5.8-6.0 every 3 days abouts.

Things were going good but now it seem the stems are starting to turn purple or have purple veins running threw them-what can I do to correct this?

I checked out a nutrient deficiency chart and it diagnosed it as being a phosphorus deff??

My run-off PH is @ 6.5 but I just fed today and ppm run-off @ about 1260.

I was under the impression I could feed @ full strength @ every watering right threw untill flush
should I Flush the pails with plain ph'd water and try and get them closer to 5.8-6.0 PH??


Active member
What's your pH going in?

You want around 5.8 so it drops down around 5.2 as it dries out... Don't ever let the medium get so dry it feels like a bucket of perlite. Feed when it's still damp.

Yes, I'd run a half gallon to a gallon of clean water through there now and then resume normal feeding the next.

What pH is phosphorus not absorbed well? That's the pH you're missing.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


New member
First of all guys:


Fucking bravo on an amazing thread! Very informative, and eye opening.

I have read the thread in it's entirety and I have one question that I don't believe has been asked yet.

Is the use of silicates instead of ph up ok for a scrog grower? (I know that it is technically not part of the K.I.S.S. recipe just people have been recommending them instead of Ph up)

The reason I ask is because I was wondering if the strengthening of the stems might be counter productive to a scrogger as it may cause more stem snapping.

Any thoughts K.I.S.S. scroggers?

Thanks a bunch!



Active member
First of all guys:


Fucking bravo on an amazing thread! Very informative, and eye opening.

I have read the thread in it's entirety and I have one question that I don't believe has been asked yet.

Is the use of silicates instead of ph up ok for a scrog grower? (I know that it is technically not part of the K.I.S.S. recipe just people have been recommending them instead of Ph up)

The reason I ask is because I was wondering if the strengthening of the stems might be counter productive to a scrogger as it may cause more stem snapping.

Any thoughts K.I.S.S. scroggers?

Thanks a bunch!


Stronger stems don't snap so yes... I'd say go ahead. :D
:Edit: I tend to think of the silicates as a beneficial additive, instead of a pH up product. It does raise the pH a bit as well, just not a 'replacement' for pH up.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


New member
Stronger stems don't snap so yes... I'd say go ahead. :D

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Thanks for the reply Hydro! I appreciate it! :)

I guess I was equating "stronger" with "more rigid" stems.

Silly question, but do the stems become more rigid/hard with the use of silicates?

If they do....it may actually make it harder to manipulate the stem back under the screen without them snapping/breaking.

Thanks again guys!

Silly question, but do the stems become more rigid/hard with the use of silicates?
If they do....it may actually make it harder to manipulate the stem back under the screen without them snapping/breaking.

Speaking as a devout silicate using scrogger, I push my girls around like a schoolyard bully and never experience stems snapping.

If pushed, I'd hazard a guess that silicate makes it easier to manipulate, not harder.


I just ordered MB and its on its way . ready to try this lazy man nute program.nah cant be lazy just simpler.my tap is 280-300 ppm (.7conv.) using recycled soil 2previous grows .amended with 2tbl. happy frog 5-8-4 fruit and flower pr gal.been sitting 3 wks,composting.wondering if anyone feeds 1tsp gal.MB with the amended soil. i read the whole thread....really long but f...kn great. how do i rep? or give praise to a few that helped me.thanks for just being so dam informative every one FH


Active member
Hey guys,
I am new to this site and have been just lurking and learning. I am fairly new to growing and still going through the learning curve, although i am having a ton of fun and having plenty of success. i could still use some advice and knowledge from those more experienced than me.

i wanted to try a run with this K.I.S.S. method using tap water and maxibloom. luckily after mixing the nutes with my tap the ph is right on. i should also add this is the first time i ever had to ph my nutrient solution, running all organics previously.

I'm using a 400w hps in a 4x4x6 tent. girls are in 3-5 gallon pots depending on size, filled with roots organic soil. i am a coco guy but was gifted a few seedlings from a friend who was using soil.

i started out feeding them gh's new organic liquid line. And was seeing some deficiencies for N or Mag. tried treating them for both, they bounced back after a week or 2 and became looking very healthy. until the next feeding, new growth looked like it was missing N or Mag so i said forget it. i flushed them pretty good for a week and started using this K.i.s.s. method. they are all around 2 1/2-3ft tall and im going to be flipping them within the next week, just curious to see if there would be an issue from using one nute at the beginning of its life cycle and then switch to just maxi bloom. will it stunt growth at all?

this probably isn't a place i post my own personal issues but being so new i wasn't sure what to do. this thread looked full of experienced growers doing about the same thing as me so i thought i would just ask for some help. thanks in advance.


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