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*The K.I.S.S. Method*


Senior Member
ok i'm here to bitch, lol im in the process of shaking up a 3+ pound applesauce jar full of maxi bloom, ive been using the kiss now for almost a year and i really love the simplicity but oh my god would it be so much awesomer if it mixed like nesquick~!!!! my frickin arms hate this crap, i need to get a shake weight or something to practice...ive already decided i'm buying a separate blender just for this junk so i can just press a button and come back 5 mins later...that is if i keep on using kiss, i'm thinking about switching organic but everytime i start the research i get turned off by all the references to brewing shit tea in the closet and letting batches of worm poop mixed with dried blood and letting it rot for weeks and months in yet another closet, i would rather my apartment not reak like dead decomposing things...besides that i've got my maxi bloom dialed really perfectly, and it would be a shame to stop using it. my 13 dollar bag of maxi bloom is maybe 10 percent gone after an entire year of using it exclusively.


A foot without a sock...
Hey Sloth,after questioning this myself I've come to the conclusions that that sediment leftover is just some type of binder/inert ingredient.I mix in 5's,bamboo stir vigorously and on occasion will throw an airstone in.I've noticed no real defs.

SSM :joint:


Active member
ive already decided i'm buying a separate blender just for this junk

You just gave me a great idea! I've yet to try the KISS method, but I'm going to when I get my stuff going here in the next week or so. I am a brewer and part of my equipment in that hobby includes a magnetic stir plate and a 5 liter Erlenmeyer flask.... I can put the appropriate amount in that and toss in the magnet and stir the stuff for several hours without ever even having to look at it.. thanks for the idea!

mgk :tiphat:


We are Farmers
I no longer premix mine either, I just add what is needed into the res but all of my reservoirs have a pump to recirculate the res. There will be some residue on the bottom when I first add it but it usually gone within two days. I have not noticed an EC difference between premixing and not.


Active member

Really... there's no need to shake your arm off, use hot/warm water or anything. Drop it in and stir or mix it up a bit to get the major stuff dissolved (nothing fancy).... and then let it sit for an hour or so... Clean and clear with no sediment.


John Deere

Active member
LOL @ sloth

I'm right there with you on the organics, bro. I just can't swing the commitment right now. I've got some GO bottles in the cupboard that I'm thinking about running again for a trial. (and yeah, I know the organic purists will disapprove) I sure love the simplicity and consistency of KISS, though.

And IME don't dilute MB to mix it. 1 tsp per gal and stir.

best of luck


Active member
I'm with Hydro amd the Major, I gave up all that shaky-shaky bs more than a month ago.

...i store my water in plastic jugs that came from the store full of kitty litter, now they each hold approx. 2.25 gallons of water that I let sit open for a couple of days before use, a habit I picked up during my organic days.

...anyway, I add 10 grams of Maxibloom, 10mls of Silica Blast and 5mls of MagiCal directly into one of those jugs and give it a decent shake and then I let it sit for an hour or a day, (i'm a lazy phuck, lol) afterwhich I test the ph although I seldom need more than a ml or two of ph up to bring it to 6.0.

...i love the simplicity, it really appeals to my lazy side, and my plants have never looked better.

Peace, SOG


I mixed up 40 gal today for the first time using kiss. I added 40tsp to 40 gal in tap water. Out the tap ph is 8.0! It brought it down to 7.0 and I used ph down to 5.8. Does this sound right? I've read in earlier post that with tap and MB it still brings ph way low and ph up is needed. Any info would be great and I will check the rez's pg tomorrow.


Active member
I mixed up 40 gal today for the first time using kiss. I added 40tsp to 40 gal in tap water. Out the tap ph is 8.0! It brought it down to 7.0 and I used ph down to 5.8. Does this sound right? I've read in earlier post that with tap and MB it still brings ph way low and ph up is needed. Any info would be great and I will check the rez's pg tomorrow.

If you're using a ph pen you might want to calibrate it to be sure but what you describe is very possible.

...i use ph drops to test my mix so i'm just looking for a color and I let the color vary a bit throughout the cycle, ...the way I understand it some nutrients get taken up better by the plants at one ph range than they do at another and the optimum range for each nute is slightly different so I shoot for piss yellow with sometimes a very slight green tinge.

...btw, you should probably test your water for ppm's, with ph like that i'd bet you have some serious mineral content as well, ...you might want to consider an RO unit to give yourself a blank slate to start from.

Peace, SOG


If you're using a ph pen you might want to calibrate it to be sure but what you describe is very possible.

...i use ph drops to test my mix so i'm just looking for a color and I let the color vary a bit throughout the cycle, ...the way I understand it some nutrients get taken up better by the plants at one ph range than they do at another and the optimum range for each nute is slightly different so I shoot for piss yellow with sometimes a very Nslight green tinge.

...btw, you should probably test your water for ppm's, with ph like that i'd bet you have some serious mineral content as well, ...you might want to consider an RO unit to give yourself a blank slate to start from.

Peace, SOG
Yes I do use a ph pen and was calibrated. PPM's were at 840


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Active member
Yes I do use a ph pen and was calibrated. PPM's were at 840

I was suggesting you verify your readings to be sure they were right, ...while it is POSSIBLE you'd need ph down, it's rare and usually an indication of shitty municipal water or a well.

...hence my previous suggestion that you check your ppms, ...and I meant straight from the tap and if your water is coming out of the tap at 840 then you NEED an RO unit for sure.

...my point was that it's easier to trust your readings if you know what your starting point is.


btw, you're welcome.


I was suggesting you verify your readings to be sure they were right, ...while it is POSSIBLE you'd need ph down, it's rare and usually an indication of shitty municipal water or a well.

...hence my previous suggestion that you check your ppms, ...and I meant straight from the tap and if your water is coming out of the tap at 840 then you NEED an RO unit for sure.

...my point was that it's easier to trust your readings if you know what your starting point is.


btw, you're welcome.

Thanks for your help and sorry for the short answers. I don't mean to be a d**k. As far as my tap PPM, it's 220 and ph is 8.0-8.2. I did a water check and was very high in chlorine. I just let my Rez bubble a move around for 24 hrs before i ad any nutes. I checked my ph today and it went from 5.8 to 6.1 and ppm dropped a little like 830. I just thought it was odd because after reading many posts that ph up is needed for tap after addin MB. Weird and thanks for the input.


New member
So will maxibloom allow microlife, or will it just get killed off? They may have covered this is the previous 100+ pages, but I got tired of looking and figured I'd just ask. :)

The only reason I ask is I am a big fan of Microrhyze. Its exspensive but stunning results. I just dont want to be throwin moneys away ya know.


So will maxibloom allow microlife, or will it just get killed off? They may have covered this is the previous 100+ pages, but I got tired of looking and figured I'd just ask. :)

The only reason I ask is I am a big fan of Microrhyze. Its exspensive but stunning results. I just dont want to be throwin moneys away ya know.
I don't know the exact answer to your question, but maybe this will help: Plants won't form a mycorrhizal association when P is above a certain level:

When the soil level of bicarbonate-soluble phosphorus exceeded 140 mg kg -1 (140
parts per million) the rate of infection was found to decrease (Amijee et al. 1989).
Abbott and Robson (1977 & 1978) found the mycorrhizae Glomus fasciculatum
ceased to be effective when the soil level of phosphorus reached 133 mg kg -1 [133
parts per million (ppm)]. Schubert and Hayman (1986) found mycorrhizae was no
longer effective when 100 mg or more of P was added per kilogram of soil (100
ppm). Mycorrhizal infection virtually disappeared with the addition of 1.5 grams or
more of mono calcium phosphate per kilogram of soil (Mosse 1973). With small
additions of phosphorus fertilizer, entry points and fungal growth on the root surface
remained normal but arbuscles were small and fewer in number reducing the
effectiveness of the fungus/plant relationship. Other researchers have reported
mycorrhizal infections tend to die out in soils containing or given much phosphorus
(Baylis, 1967; Mosse, 1967). The development of mycorrhizal relationships were
found to be the greatest when soil phosphorus levels were at 50 mg kg -1 (50 ppm)
(Schubert & Hayman, 1986).
So I wonder: Is the KISS method going to produce P levels that are too high for myco?

There may be other considerations I'm not aware of, but I thought I'd offer that anyways.

EDIT: Given that one of the primary roles myco perform is that of enhanced P uptake in nutrient-poor soil, I'm not convinced of the benefit of myco in a hydro grow anyways...

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New member
Well I was told that anything that has "chelated" or EDTA or those varations in the garanteed annalasis will be harmful, if not in most cases fatal, to the microheard. Not only that but after you introduce it its quite hard to rebuild it. So on the back the only one that is chelated is the 0.1% Iron. I dont really see this hurting much but I fugured Id run it by the pros. Was I mislead in the whole chelated thing?


Active member
Mugenbao, LoneWolf:

If you want low P and KISS, use MaxiGro.
4 grams per gallon gives:

N 106
P 23
K 123
Ca 63
Mg 21
S 32

If you are using an organically amended soil, you might be able to use even less.
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New member
this is not a question just a lil something something i guess i found this thread and was reading on it and was convinced that this method will work after all 111 pages of growers couldnt be wrong right? so much so that i scraped my organic nutes because basically in my opinion suck! so i tried to preach the kiss method to some people and i even gave them the link to this place and they still dont believe that this one part nute will work even after all the evidence on here they are still not believers then there reply is well how come they make 2 part and 3 part nutes for then? and i know the answer to get the damn money out of your pocket lol but some cant seem to understand that. anyway after i got kinda irate about the situation because we were going back and forth about it and i dont claim to be a expert on this kiss method but i sure did read alot of this thread about it i came to this conclusion you cant convert everyone or some dont even want the wool pulled from there eyes. so to each is own i guess im gonna continue to use this method although this is my first time using it and im only 1 week into doing this. i just want to show him the end result because i know its gonna be good i will keep everyone posted and oh yeah im using it in foxfarm ocean forrest
well soldier bro sometimes its better to show than tell... I was using a bunch of stuff until I seen Evil using the maxibloom and I thought if it worked for him it should work for me... I will keep using the bloom until I see something cheaper that works...


Active member
Mugenbao, LoneWolf:

If you want low P and KISS, use MaxiGro.
4 grams per gallon gives:

N 106
P 23
K 123
Ca 63
Mg 21
S 32

If you are using an organically amended soil, you might be able to use even less.

Waaaaaaaaay too much nitrogen. If you're going for stretchy, leafy, stemmy.... MaxiGrow is perfect! :D