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brown root tips


every once in awhile i get a plant with nice white roots that have brown slimy shit on the very bottom parts.it's in a bubble bucket and the res is super clean.it usually clears up, i just want to know what it is and how to fix it.the res temp is low, and it's getting plenty of bubbles too


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
get that aswell it is the beginning of root rot/pythium it is caused by high rez temps and not enough do it will get worse if it isnt addressed i simply put a frozen water bottle in the rez switchin it 2x a day to keep my temps down and added increased the dose of vj in my soup slightlly also if u could add an more air in your bucket it would help aswell
what type of nutes do u use? how old r ur plants when this starts to appear? you should be fine as long as it does not spread. it sucks when it does cause the slime prevents ur roots from breathing taking up nutes and the die do to lack of o2 intake i would trim away the deadslimy shit to prevent it from spreading. iif anybody else can give some more info it would be great as i am no expert and would like to hear other plls solutions.


That brown color slime is allmost to be sure coming from the rodcap of every single root.

The plant use this slime to penetrate the most natural medium in the world - earth.
(sorry i got pics but no clue on how to show them?)

Every living plant makes this slime, some more than others.
Some not at all as they feed in other ways, like those flieeating canplants?

As the slime comes from the plant, the plant use this slime, and several other technics, to get rid of waste-materials from the plants growth!
The slime needs O2 to be oxididatet and thereby evapurate away, the only way to get that O2 under water is by the DO (dissolved oxygen) in your water!
This may affects your PH-levels in the water! Especially during the first 1 or 2 weeks of 12/12 as the plant at this point makes serious changes in the chemicals being used in the plant.

No above 24 C - 75 F in the water as the amount of DO drops again above this point.
Remember the roots may be the mainprovider of water, but they can only breathe under water if the DO is high enough, it is the plants lung nr 2.
But like your lungs the roots suffer from astma and makes slime if the O2level comes to low.
The lungs can handle at certain amount of it before it has a bad effect, you begin to caugh and te plant begins to take less nutrients and water!

Like in your lungs a small amount of slime is needed in order to protect the fine venes that takes the O2 out of the air, the plants has bacterias and nutrientuptake functions in the rootsystem.
This need protection so it wont dry out ind droughtsesons and here comes the slime slow evapuration into function as it will keep the roots moist for a longer perode of time.

The slime itself is no harm to the plant or roots and can look all from transparent to darkbrown!

(a lot of this comes from someone who got a Ph.D in roots and growmediums. The file is on danish and it contains 55 pages in PDF format. Im on the work of translating it, but many words i dont know have to be found in books and etc in order to be translatet understandable.)

Edit 1 errors in texting Edit 2: the document is 59 pages.

C6H12O6 + 6O2 = 6CO2+ 6H2O+ ATP



Saw the post earlier!! Had and idea this would happend..

I actully dont belive you need to know ALL the things that can discolor roots? That list is endless..

If we gotta fix this root slime of yours, we need to know a lot more..

Whats your entire setup? (bubler - RDWC - dutchpot - eb/flood?)
IF floodsystem, how often do you flood?
How big is your airpump? Thats in: How much air pr hour?
How many Gal or liters of water do you have in all?
What kind of nutes do you use?
PH use?
Whats the water temp?
When was the last time of waterchange/topping?
How big is your plant?
What lightperiod for how long?

More Q´s might come as you answer?


they are all 5 gallon bubble buckets with medium airstones in each one.i change the water once a week, and it always appears clean. water temp is between 50-60 f.it only happens in veg when they are anywhere from 6" to a foot and it doesnt happen to all of them.the roots arereally nice and white, and then the tips turn a dark color, sort of like mud. i rinse it off and it comes back.all the nutes are the same.Eco-grow part a and b. ive been using those forever and never had this problem. Airnuts first explanation seems the most logical to me.these are new strains for me too


Active member
I've been reading a lot of threads where people jump to the conclusion that anything on roots is root rot, even the dye from some nutes.

Rot also smells funky, lowers your pH and makes the roots come off easily just by brushing them. And rot most certainly doesn't clear up.