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*The K.I.S.S. Method*


Active member
Well, in the spirit of sharing I thought maybe i'd post up a few pics of this, my first ever K.I.S.S. grow and these were all fed absolutely nothing but MaxiBloom and Silica Blast, ...i'm still laying down that baseline SuperSilverHaze spoke of a few postings back, ...after I do a few runs i'll add in the KoolBloom to see if it increases yields.









I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
I suppose there will be a ton of questions now lol... thanks SOG. Nice work btw


Active member
...man, it really sucks trying to do this on a smartphone!

And thanks Warped, good to see you too btw, ...i don't mean to be an ass but it seems to come naturally to me, lol.

...anyway, still with the spirit of sharing that makes us all strong, heres a bit of the back-story.

...back before I discovered this thread I was growing in amended soil in DIY smartpots and while I was getting decent results...


...clean-up was always something I hated, especially after a compost tea, i'm basically a lazy phuck by nature so simple and easy had great appeal so when I discovered this thread I set to studying...


(i keep losing all of a post when my phone randomly closes my browser so please forgive the multiple small postings)


New member
keeping it simple never meant maxi bloom is all u need. this thread is boring n im pretty sure the smoke from maxi grown erb with no additives or sugars or humic or fulvic acids or rock dust, or kelps is pretty dull as well, doesnt anybody else have a keep it simple method beyond this swag nute? C L m aka convientant larf method is what i call it.

I probably understood 50% of this. Maybe less.


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
What Scaer???? You don't understand troll yet? Good for you my friend.


Active member
I probably understood 50% of this. Maybe less.

Maybe it's a good thing you don't speak gibberish, lol.

...anywho, after reading the first 800 plus postings in this thread and maybe an equal number in the Official Hempy-Bucket thread AND Dalaihempys Coco, Hempy Style thread, I was convinced!

...at the time I was cloning with ice-tube trays with near 100% success but I decided to try cloning in straight coco, I figured if I could eliminate a step in my process, that'd be great.

...fortunately for me, cloning in coco has proven to be easy peasy, lemon squeezy, lol.

...so once I had rooted clones I needed containers and with my new tent still not setup I needed containers that'd fit in my cab, plus, these were seedlings so needed to be sexed asap, lol, ...hence the creation of the 'Coke-bottle Hempy.


...note the mostly hydroton in the res on the left, like I already said, i'm making all kinds of changes so i'm trying several different things, ...my grow is constantly evolving, lol.



Active member
...now heres a few shots of those two and a clone-sister in a 3liter coffee can hempy from a couple weeks back, note the one with the hydroton is now in the middle.







...anyway, I digress, lol.



Active member
...so now I had rooted clones ready to go and with another month and a half before the tent would be ready I decided to get a head-start and put them into my 400CMH flower box, the cab that has fed my head, and then some, for nearly 4 years.

...'unfortunately', the combination of the coco hempys and the MaxiBloom caused my plants to explode and outgrow that cab in less than 2 weeks, lol.


...which meant I either had to top them or move them, so I took one of my old CFL light-bars out of retirement and put the girls into my closet.


Guest 88950

lol.....pretty unfortunate your girls went on a 2 wk maxi bing and exploded.

you could have worse problems, like running back to the hydro store for more ammendments just so you can feel good about your buds tasting "Non Bland".

nice progression on your girls and space.


New member
Well I screwed up big time..new to the GH nutes and this kiss method the first 4 .5 weeks I have only used KoolBloom and Not MaxiBloom...
Have changed over now..I must say though they are only falling behind in mass abit and bud compare to the Dyna grow I am using next to them in a comparison grow....

So will be surprise to see how they turn out in the long one....

LoL Must have been some good Smoke I have been using the past month or so eh LoL


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Lol JD..hogs I think you'll be ok. It's cool you're doing kind of a side by side.
Just gave the seedlings I have a mix of 3.5g maxi with 1ml of calmag the Ph was 6 on the dot EC was 1.4 and the ppm was about 700. I've seen people say they feed full stregnth from seedling on but I don't want to burn them out and on the lucas site it gives the forumla of 3.5g per gal for seedlings so I decided to give it a shot. I've only grown from clone before, do the numbers seem ok for seedlings? I was thinking the ppm would be closer to 500 but aslong as 700 doesn't sound too high to you guys I'm gonna let them be, no ill effects yet but its only been a few hours and they're sleeping now

Thanks guys
Well I didn't hear back from anyone but 24 hours later and the babies love it, the biggest of the seedlings literally looks like it has doubled in size of leaves but the height it pretty close to the same. I had 2 weak looking ones and one feeding brought those back to a nice bright green and again the leaves are much bigger. I'd reccomend the half dosage for early seedlings atleast these were 9 days old and loved some food. This is in coco BTW


Sorcerer's Apprentice

The pics above are from my last harvest in my CFL micro cab. Grown in peat/sphagnum/perlite with maxibloom and silica. (dyna-gro protekt)

I've grown 1.5 harvests with nothing but maxibloom and silica.

The pics below are from my current run. These are 5 weeks into flowering in a 9 week cycle. Maxibloom and Protekt in coco.

K.I.S.S. - Works For Me!


Guest 88950

silica is good for the roots and a healthier root sys = healthier plant more resistant to bugs or disease.

si will help increses stem strenght too and some say it helps their bud burn better & its more potent..........not sure how but healthy roots = healthy plants = maximizing genetics.


you can never go wrong using a lower ppm feed for freshly rooted clones b/c some are more nute sensative than others.

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