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Astounding Poll Results...You Can Vote today!

OK hold on to your seats!

Today, on a hardcore conservative talk radio station's website, in Wichita, Kansas, they are taking a poll.


"Do you support the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes?"




This station plays Rush, Hannity and the like, so this is a poll of serious conservatives.

You won't believe the results!

Go Vote!!!


Right now it's:

74% Yes

26% No

Early this morning it was 88% Yes and 12% No



And check out the pic under the poll...a little down on the left side!

Well the ad rotates, but one of them is Rush blowing out a big hit off a cigar, LOL!
Come on everybody...VOTE!

This is THE Conservative radio in the most populated area of one of the most conservative states... Kansas.

This could make a real difference in our quest for MMJ. Everyone wants to be on the 'right side' pun intended, LOL.


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
voted, for all the good it'll do..the repubs will just use it to gain support only to do nothing for the cause..do you really think the likes of Hannity,O'Reilly, Palin and the other cast of right wing, conservative bible thumpin' fanatics would really support mmj?..


Most Conservatives are ok with Med pot, it is just the really old ones who are still misinformed, so it is only a matter of time. Hell, New Hampshire just voted to legalize pot outright but the liberal asshole Governor already said he is going to veto it the second it hits his desk...

So the better angle is to only vote in people who see the Constitution as a solid Law by which all other law must conform, forget party politics cuz if this really was a Constitutional Republic like it was designed to be prior to Dishonest Abe Hijacking the Country and exchanging the Republic of the United States of America for US Corp and Corp US, yet it was done without the general public being informed of it. They did this because a corperation isn't bound to a Constitution.

Anyway the point is under a Constitutional Republic, marijuanna is a choice and Congress isn't allowed to legislate personal lifestyle choices, they are only allowed to inact laws to protect us from threats forein and domestic and prosecution of victimless crimes is against the Constitution, not to mention if there is no victim, there really is no crime.

The Tea Party movement or the America movement, whichever you call it, is not all Republican, there were old-school Democrats there too, so if they realize that pot is harmless, then it will really help the movement since they are already pushing the Constitution anyway.

There are many court rulings from the beginning of this country that prove the Constitution is solid and unchanging, they outright say it so to argue it is liquid or needs to be weighed to its cultural relevance is just outright wrong. In the interest of preserving the cultures of everyone who comes here, we have given up our own. The American dream will die with the American way of life. We have even created a recipient class who thinks the system should support them despite the fact they have never put a dime into that system, it doesn't work that way, socialism has no place in America.

We need to be FREE, otherwise this place is nothing less than a quasi-police-state...EVERYONE needs to Vote in the next Governors elections as well as the next Presidential election and vote for whoever is pro-Constitution, then there will be real change and it wont be the type that costs $3trillion plus or ends up with China owning the US....if the stupid politicians got reasonable salaries and stopped all spending except on neccessities they could re-invest the rest of the money into paying off the deficit and rebuilding communities. They could even start sharholder based businesses that are owned and operated by the state in the beginning but once the shares are sold the biz belongs to the people....it would create both jobs and revenue....there are so many industries they could do this in and they could demand that for every $100,000 loan, the bank can only add 20-40% in interest....even a loan shark wont make you pay $450k on a $100k loan, yet a mortgage company can? If lenders were honest the average loan with a significant proffit over 30 yrs would be $400-$450 a month for $125k house...even a mcdonalds salary could afford that. Socialism and greed are the two biggest negative factors hurting our country and our Govt...so hold em accountable come voting day!


I have to disagree and say most conservatives are definately not for legalizing medical marijuana for one reason only.They see is as a steppingstone to legalization for recreational purposes,and you know how those folks feel about havin a little fun..


Active member
I have to disagree and say most conservatives are definately not for legalizing medical marijuana for one reason only.They see is as a steppingstone to legalization for recreational purposes,and you know how those folks feel about havin a little fun..

im gonna disagree with you on this one, most of my friends, coworkers, and family are fairly conservative. I dont know of one of them that isnt for legalization, even for recreational use. most believe the government shouldn't have the power to tell us what to do in the privacy of their own home. especially if its not hurting anyone else. They are all pretty religious as well... What does being religious or conservative have to do with smoking pot? I dont think classifying conservatives as "anti mj" has any merit.


Man if it werent for conservative thought and misinformation it would have become legal long ago.Some conservatives may be for legalization though I dont see it but I know social conservatives are not for legalization


Well-known member
nope, only folks that are against it are police & prison guard unions, who see it as a threat to their "gainful employment", and politicians that are out of ideas & can only parrot the words of their corporate leash-holders. the latter is to be found in BOTH parties, not just amongst conservative republicans(despite what that fat fuck michael moore might have whispered in your ear)
LOL is that Rush Limbaugh smoking a blunt in the pic right below the poll there? I knew that pussy sniffed OxyContin but shit atleast he found a real drug to do.


Active member
LOL is that Rush Limbaugh smoking a blunt in the pic right below the poll there? I knew that pussy sniffed OxyContin but shit atleast he found a real drug to do.
Oxycontin is less of a "real drug" than weed? In fact Oxycontin is one of the strongest Opiate based Painkillers known to man. Another Fact - I'm offended that you called weed a "drug" to begin with. It's a nut bearing plant that has psychoactive chemical properties found in its resins. I wonder which "drug" you think will addict and kill you faster?

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