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*The K.I.S.S. Method*

Green lung

Active member
Check make sure your tub isn't soaked, especially when transplanting you need to treat the coco like soil let it dry out and let those root explore that new coco.

check the weight of your container and if its heavy as hell don't water, if you keep watering it will cause IMO PH problems and that could be whats happening, I have a cut that shows rusts spots if I over water without letting the roots fill in.
this has been ongoing in the 5 gallon buckets long befoure transplant. 2 days ago i statred feeding them with maxi grow. lets see waht happens will take some pics today.
flushed each tote with drip clean and 10 ml of cal-mag.

it seems that since i stated feeding with maxigrow the yellowing has stoped however the browning is still progressing on all plants.


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This system will work with indoor/outdoor from what I have read. I am going to use a dwc bucket with expanded clay as my medium. It should work well as long as I check all of my levels, right?
go get some differant nutes, that shit is obviously making your plants feel like shit,your leaves are dull, even the green ones, thats good ol salt parched hydro looking erb, get some pbp bloom for soil is my advice, plants on gh nutes for me aside from floranova bloom never look vibrant, never look shinny, never look waxy but more like they were fed with shultz all purpose, flat dark green with leaves that have no juicyness, just my experience n opinon, some of guys seem to do ok with maxi bloom but it aint for me.
Hi IwannatokeNbone,
I tried to send you a private message re: my question but couldn't get it done so I'll have to ask it on the forum.
For informational purposes for a newb on his first grow If the KISS methode doesn't work for you what do you use instead? You suggested different nutes in your post.
Thanks & Cheers,


There are a lot of experts on the internet. Here's an earlier quote in this thread from Iwanna.
"i like to start with a storebought soil, add perlite n dolimite lime powder. when the plants need food i feed them, nutes really dont matter, floranova bloom, lucas 6/9, peters, etc etc. its all pretty much the same...."
Morning dgr,
Interesting quote, thx.
The reason I brought this up is she described my plants perfectly in her post. I'm sure a lot of the reason of my having popcorn buds and this week a lot of yellowingis a lack of experience on my part. I'm just trying to shorten the learning curve a bit & I do love the simplicity of the KISS methode.
Next run I might try a side by side. Somewhere in the growing experience I'll find my groove. thanks for the response.
Morning dgr,
Interesting quote, thx.
The reason I brought this up is she described my plants perfectly in her post. I'm sure a lot of the reason of my having popcorn buds and this week a lot of yellowingis a lack of experience on my part. I'm just trying to shorten the learning curve a bit & I do love the simplicity of the KISS methode.
Next run I might try a side by side. Somewhere in the growing experience I'll find my groove. thanks for the response.

Do yourself a favor and don't listen to tokenbone. Just check out some of his other posts.

I'd be willing to bet the KISS method isn't what is giving you trouble. Look at the results being posted around here and that should be enough evidence of that.
Morning dgr,
...I'm just trying to shorten the learning curve a bit & I do love the simplicity of the KISS methode.

Next run I might try a side by side. Somewhere in the growing experience I'll find my groove. thanks for the response.

Refresh my old guy memory. Aren't you far enough along into flowering for some yellowing leaves to be expected?

You will never shorten the curve via switching methods mid stream so to speak. MaxiBloom has too much history and verifiable results to be discounted after one run.

IMHO complicating things via attempting a side-by-side so early in the overall learning experience is fraught with peril. Repetition with adjustment for error is the path to trod here.

My first run with MB netted me 18 oz trimmed and dry. While way below the potential of my set up, for a first time ever grow I was pretty happy. Switching to MB certainly made things easier by eliminating having to sweat whether the feeding regimen was correct.

Via keeping daily notes, I also identified a few items that need to be corrected for the next run. I fought overcrowding, humidity and temp swings and just when I thought I had it sussed, PM in the last two weeks of flower.

Survived it all by tackling one thing at a time.

Just keep at it. It WILL come together.
Morning Guys,
The results others have been getting with KISS are what got me involved with the method.
I'm 40 days into flowering with AK-47 which is full ripe at approximately 60 days. I'm probably jumping the gun here timewise as I'm sure a lot can happen in 3 weeks.
I will discard the side by side and I've been keeping a journal of feeding/watering & general impressions which has helped me correct a couple of minor problems early on before they turned into big ones.
I wouldn't switch horses mid stream.
Popcorn buds at this point in flower & then what I thought were too many yellow leaves caused me to overreact & you guys told me what I needed to hear.
I know a big part of my uneasyness is due to a lack of exp.
I'll keep, keeping on
Thanks guys & cheers.
There are a lot of experts on the internet. Here's an earlier quote in this thread from Iwanna.
"i like to start with a storebought soil, add perlite n dolimite lime powder. when the plants need food i feed them, nutes really dont matter, floranova bloom, lucas 6/9, peters, etc etc. its all pretty much the same...."

yeah fool its exactly the method u run, why quote me do u need a neg rep or a warning sent to the icc about trolling? dont listen to iwanna just do what i do which is the same method as iwanna, dam u trolls luv to yap. If your set up isnt working it isnt working, could be your water, could be your rooms enviroment, some of my plants from the same stock luv this nute at this dose while others not so much, kiss is fine but one size fits all doesnt exist which is my point, and yup the quote above is right spot on, thx for telling the folks here again the truth, nutes are nutes but plants are all slightly diff just the rooms they come from, we clear icc cup cakes. just imagine a room of blueberrys, white russians n haze's all being fed one teasspoon of wonderful oll maxi and expecting the room to just be perfect the whole time, not gonna happen.

its no suprise u guys need to troll me, wasnt there a three page debate on the exact weight of a tsp of maxi a few pages back, lmao on that one . is maxi bloom that special?? lmao

but i can admit when im wrong, i have seen great plants under maxi and from my own doing the flora series, its hit or miss n no one size fits all, but sometimes u switch nutes n plants aprove, just options.

Guest 18340

bruceinpacifica, fwiw I've been doing this for several years now and I still get uneasy when something seems amiss. Like any good farmer, you're just worried 'bout your crops:).
bruceinpacifica, fwiw I've been doing this for several years now and I still get uneasy when something seems amiss. Like any good farmer, you're just worried 'bout your crops:).

Hi evlme2, I couldn't agree more & compounded by a lack of experience. Just like a proud poppa 'to be' in the waiting room hoping the baby has 10 fingers & toes & only 2 eyes.
Part of my signature from another forum:
"Be respectful of those that came before you. You started from where you did because of them"
Thanks :tiphat: to all who took the time to respond.


Like I said, the Cal-Mag fucked your plants up, not the MB.
MB has plenty of Cal&Mag in it.

I just did a run of 10 different strains with the same feed schedule, 2-4 grams per gal. MB on top of 1/4-1/2 tsp protekt every feeding, and added 1 gram KB dry last 3 weeks.

The MB added to the protekt with RO water PH's perfect everytime. Too fuckin simple.
Do yourself a favor and don't listen to tokenbone. Just check out some of his other posts.

I'd be willing to bet the KISS method isn't what is giving you trouble. Look at the results being posted around here and that should be enough evidence of that.

Hi the_extremist, I betcha your right. I don't think KISS is the problem, something the girls aren't getting that they should be.
Current recipe for flower:
2 gal Superroots airpots, 7 plants,
Botanicaire RedayGro Coco/perlite mix
feed, water, feed, water. Application: 2/3 times a day for a total of 60 oz. feed or water.
feed/water to waste 15/20 %
1 tsp Maxibloom per gal fresh H20 (5 grams, green spoon that comes with bag of Maxibloom)
1 tsp, 5 grams, liquid Koolbloom, per gal fresh H20
1 tsp CalMag per 3 gal H20
1 tsp Silica Blast per 3 gal H20
PH up as necessary
ph'ed to 5.8
EC 1.7
PPM 850 american conversion
Last full flush, at the flip to 12/12 on July 19
Last Sun. August 21 serious lack of space under lights, 18 inches Plants 58 inches tall, 1000 HPS on a mover, no training. So I supercroped (currently 23"). Yellowing started shortly after that, not that extensive, a few leaves here, a few leaves there.
Next time I LST.
Tools: Bluelab Truncheon & Eco Testor 1. Both calibrated July 19.

The two obvious things to do, flush & calibrate my tools.
Any other suggestions?
Thanks & Cheers