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Square pots VS. Round pots?


Active member
Well there it is. But does this account for the duration of an extra day of water use by the round one? It's not much of a diff. Thanx for the math.

Actually looking at it again I mixed up a couple numbers.

Square pot = 4.87~*4.87~*5.25=124.5
124.5 cubic inches = 0.54 gallons

Round pot = 3.14*3^2*6=169.56
169.56 cubic inches = 0.73 gallons

That makes a bit more sense. Your round containers have 35% more medium than the square ones. Given the same dimensions, like a 6" square pot and a 6" round pot of the same height, the square pot will hold more. With the containers you have, the round containers hold more.

I just found the solution today as I was repotting seedlings.

You use the pots you have in the basement.

If you've got nothing to add to the thread why bother posting?

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Actually looking at it again I mixed up a couple numbers.

Square pot = 4.87~*4.87~*5.25=124.5
124.5 cubic inches = 0.54 gallons

Round pot = 3.14*3^2*6=169.56
169.56 cubic inches = 0.73 gallons

That makes a bit more sense

If you've got nothing to add to the thread why bother posting?

Thanks for the math. That seems to be a big difference especially when dealing with a pot of that size. Maybe that just me though.


Matter that Appreciates Matter
What and how you supply nutrients seems to be more important than the volume or shape of the pot. I can get a 4ft plant out of a beer cup if I feed it right. Shape should only be considered for spacing IMO. Then again I am in coco, if you do dirt then volume matters.



Active member
big ballin 88 - Well he's got a 6" diameter, 6" tall cylinder, and a 5"x5" cube. If he had a 6"x6" cube, that would have a volume of 0.9 gallons.


Active member
What and how you supply nutrients seems to be more important than the volume or shape of the pot. I can get a 4ft plant out of a beer cup if I feed it right. Shape should only be considered for spacing IMO. Then again I am in coco, if you do dirt then volume matters.


Volume matters in any medium, just not nearly as much in coco as it does in soil. More space for roots = more productive plants (as long as roots are kept happy.)

This thread is about square pots vs round pots, so that's what is being discussed. Figuring out your optimal container size is one of many things you can do to make your grow better.


Living with the soil

Are you sure that you had the faucet turned on?

Just a thought as usual.


Is turning it to to the right the way the water comes out? or is it the other way..................I can go check.
I use a pump and livestock tank inside. I pump stuff around.

Carl Carlson

There are at least three key points with containers.

Square pot for more plants in an area.

key for SoG growers in particular

Given the same dimensions, like a 6" square pot and a 6" round pot of the same height, the square pot will hold more.


round pots are portions of a cone while square pots are portions of a pyramid.

and different but related is that given any medium - for example, given five different size containers all filled with coco or perlite or turface or peat, etc., total porosity is the same with every container height. Increasing the height always increases the air space, because gravity forces the water to the bottom of the container. i.e. the perched water table sits at the same height in every container filled with the same medium.

I've noticed something else that is different about watering a square vs a round by hand that hard to put into words. It's like the water fits into the shape better... Something about the corners or the shape makes the water spread out over the top better? I don't know, like I said, very hard to put into words, by I see it.


Even in Arcadia I exist
I'm using both right now, as I ran out of round pots.

The plants look the same, plant shape, structure, height, yield . . .

Carl Carlson

when you get into large containers, the differences don't matter as much. It's all relative.

I did stop putting seedlings and cuttings into those short, 4" square pots and started using much taller cups that hold a similar amount of medium.


I ran 5 gallon round nursery pots next to the 4.75 gallon 12x12 square pots.

No difference that I could detect. The roots circled on both. Now I'm doing #10 smart pots vs #10 nursery pots.

4.75 gallon


big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
I ran 5 gallon round nursery pots next to the 4.75 gallon 12x12 square pots.

No difference that I could detect. The roots circled on both. Now I'm doing #10 smart pots vs #10 nursery pots.

4.75 gallon


That looks very nice. It reminds of me of growing mushrooms on coco. After a couple flushes it looks like the bottom of that pot. I'd like to see if theres any large differences betweent he Smartpots. I figure their the same price or cheaper than pots sold around here, but i like SmPo's a lot better.


Where am I?
I'm thinkin bout going square to utilize space. Trying to get some good ones. Ne recommndation. I mean i know there are tons of dif one. But I guess a cheap price wouldn't hurt either :)

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