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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Active member
Did you read the report?

How many lawyers do you think are giving up thousands, in some cases 10s of thousands of dollars to read a report, to condemn a man already cleared by Muller. .

Mueller specifically says if he could clear trump of obstruction he would, but he can’t.

He also listed more than ten instances that qualified as obstruction.

You’ve been told a dozen times that a sitting president can’t be indicted, yet still struggle with that concept.

No need to be convicted of a crime to be charged with obstruction

Why are you calling the investigation questionable? After billybarr dropped his four pager, Kellyanne was calling the report “The Gold Standard” as far as quality. Was bill wrong or what?


Active member
Nope on tax returns...nope on unredacted report...nope on Mueller testimony...nope on any subpoenas
Fat Jerry may just explode....


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Mueller specifically says if he could clear trump of obstruction he would, but he can’t.

He also listed more than ten instances that qualified as obstruction.

You’ve been told a dozen times that a sitting president can’t be indicted, yet still struggle with that concept.

No need to be convicted of a crime to be charged with obstruction

Why are you calling the investigation questionable? After billybarr dropped his four pager, Kellyanne was calling the report “The Gold Standard” as far as quality. Was bill wrong or what?

Muller's job as a prosecutor is to make determination. Prosecute or don't. In that aspect Muller failed to complete the job he was tasked with.

If their were 10 incidents of obstruction Muller should have prosecuted him. Or at least recommended prosecution.

The origins of the investigation were questionable at the very least.

As far as the president not being able to be prosecuted, we will have to wait, and see. According to Barr, the conversations were made in the company of others. Barr has no reason to lie about it, he knows the media and the left are going to comb through every statement looking for a perjury trap.

Explain to me how the 4 page summary is relevant. Now that THE FULL REPORT HAS BEEN RELEASED.

I waited for the Muller report.

Now you can wait for Horowitz and Barr reports on the origin and legitimacy of the investigation. Seems fair to me.


Active member
Muller's job as a prosecutor is to make determination. Prosecute or don't. In that aspect Muller failed to complete the job he was tasked with.

If their were 10 incidents of obstruction Muller should have prosecuted him. Or at least recommended prosecution

Explain to me how the 4 page summary is relevant. Now that THE FULL REPORT HAS BEEN RELEASED.


How can Mueller prosecute trump if you can’t indict a sitting president?

When barr’s 4 page summary came out trump claimed total exoneration and kellyann called it “THE GOLD STANDARD” of investigations.

Now that a fuller report is out, the investigators need to be investigated, and every effort is being made to discredit Mueller.

What changed between Barr’s comprehensive four page summary and the actual report being released, Barr had all the info yet night and day differences in how the four pager and actual report are interpreted by everyone other than Barr.

Why weren’t the reactions to the four page summary the same as the actual report?

White Beard

Active member
Funny to see so much back-and-forth about whether or not there was an underlying crime.

Try to remember back to when the crime under investigation was Russian efforts to influence our election. That investigation produced, what, a dozen indictments?

It was that investigation that Trump brazenly interfered with repeatedly. It was that investigation that could not *establish* an underlying crime of collusion, but the investigation concluded it also could not *exonerate* Trump of the charge.

So, there is evidence that Trump obstructed justice by attempting to derail that fruitful investigation of the underlying crime of Russian attacks on our electoral “system”. That evidence and the conclusions drawn from it are in the full report.

OLC policy is that a sitting president may not be held criminally liable while in office, beyond the constitutional remedy of impeachment.

If (when) Trump is tried for said interference, it may be shown that he was more silent accomplice than colluder...not that the distinction would be great for him.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
It doesn't matter how many times we tell them that. It will never register. The truth and the law do not matter to Trumptard and his supporters.


Active member
You apparently know nothing of the truth or the law....a special consoles job is to show proof beyond a reasonable doubt to prosecute....not to exonerate or prove innocence...since in our law the presumption of innocence is already established as the base. Special consoles only job is to present evidence that can be prosecuted
Beyond a reasonable doubt to the grand jury thru the AG
The offering of personal or political opinions from the special prosecutor is expressly forbidden under article 2
Of special consoles regulations
This bending of laws and regulations to fit their narrative seems to be a theme with demos
That's why they always fail in the end
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White Beard

Active member
You apparently know nothing of the truth or the law....

Back atcha, botboy.

Is that special console Nintendo or Sony?

I consult with lawyers about this sort of thing...(political aspects, structure of government, orders of precedence)...which is to say, they hire me for my analysis on things like this. They pay me well, too.

My analysis of your text is that was either machine-translated or written by a non-native speaker of English, and the best possible interpretation of the content is that there is none

But by all means, keep playing...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
You apparently know nothing of the truth or the law....a special consoles job is to show proof beyond a reasonable doubt to prosecute....not to exonerate or prove innocence...since in our law the presumption of innocence is already established as the base. Special consoles only job is to present evidence that can be prosecuted
Beyond a reasonable doubt to the grand jury thru the AG
The offering of personal or political opinions from the special prosecutor is expressly forbidden under article 2
Of special consoles regulations
This bending of laws and regulations to fit their narrative seems to be a theme with demos
That's why they always fail in the end

LOL, Not when it concerns POTUS. It would be true if we where talking about any other person. Since any POTUS cant be prosecuted all the evidence its turned over to congress. If there's enough of it he/she will get impeached. That's how our system works. You Trumptards cant seem to grasp that concept.
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Active member
I consult with lawyers about this sort of thing...(political aspects, structure of government, orders of precedence)...which is to say, they hire me for my analysis on things like this. They pay me well, too.

:laughing: oh legal consultant is it now? :laughing:...your a fucking joke Beanholio....you need to consult with a psychotherapist about your pathological bullshit syndrome

A pathological liar is an individual who chronically tells grandiose lies that may stretch or exceed the limits of believability.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Its funny you would mention that. The definition fits Trumptard to a tee lol. With over 10k lies I would call that a pathological liar.


Active member
LOL, Not when it concerns POTUS. It would be true if we where talking about any other person. Since any POTUS cant be prosecuted all the evidence its turned over to congress. If there's enough of it he/she will get impeached. That's how our system works. You Trumptards cant seem to grasp that concept.[/QUO

oh is that how it works? good god....let me guess your one of Beanholios legal consultant clients....pathetic


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
It is how our system is suppose to work. Anyone that can do a little googling can find that info. Why do you think Trumptard is blocking all Subpoenas and telling everyone to ignore congress. He is 100% guilty of Obstruction. Barr is also now guilty of contempt. All you Trumptards are just as culpable allowing this douchebag of a POTUS to break the law. The separation of powers has never been disregarded as it is with Trumptard.


ICMag Donor
No worries Zeez, I never expected you to own up to your hateful comments. From what I have seen humility is not in your nature.

I'm sure that you would prefer not having an answer over having your whining and insults addressed.


OK, here ya go.

You take a couple more cheep shots and then try to rationalize it.
Turn abouts fair play my friend. Funny how you don't acknowledge it, till it's done to you.


Here is the quote you are whining about and misrepresenting my position.
I don't think so Packer. Hypocrisy and cheep shots are only fair to those accustomed to claiming the moral high ground while wallowing in hate, racism, and bigotry. Have fun with that.

First, you falsely accuse me of cheep shots and then take few more of your own and rationalize it as "fair play". That is hypocrisy

By saying "those accustomed to claiming the moral high ground while wallowing in hate, racism, and bigotry." I am referring to trump supporters, specifically religious trump supporters. The bible belt is all red. Religious supporters, Religious Right trump supporters, and Alt Right trump supporters are key components of trump wining the election and groups that you support by proxy. You choose to be a member of the group that includes these people. If you found the values of these people reprehensible then you are free to leave the group. Romney is a perfect example because he really is religious and he left the group.

I view the taking of brown South American children from their parents and as hateful, racist, and bigoted. David Duke and alt right trump supporters are hateful, racist, and bigoted. They clearly support these type of actions. Let's be clear, It boggles my mind how people can claim to be religious and then approve the stealing of brown children from their parents seeking asylum. If trump supporters don't openly approve the action then they are at least willing to look the other way. These are not the actions of truly religious people no matter what their persuasion. I think they are morally wrong to the core and contradict the values this country was built on.

I have no idea how you call me hateful for thinking this way and expressing my disapproval of those who support this behavior. Hopefully you can understand this now.


:laughing: oh legal consultant is it now? :laughing:...your a fucking joke Beanholio....you need to consult with a psychotherapist about your pathological bullshit syndrome

A pathological liar is an individual who chronically tells grandiose lies that may stretch or exceed the limits of believability.

All said while cheering and fawning over a pathological liar :crazy:
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