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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Active member
Hello all,

I believe Schiff reported this to the FBI....something that Dondon et.al. did not. Just say'in.


Mr D

Did he say something today that you think is inaccurate somehow?

No. He went on cable news 227 times and said he has evidence, but doesn't seem to have bothered sharing it with Mueller.

Schiff is so desperate to find any shred of evidence to validate Democrats “red scare” conspiracy theories that that he is now threatening legal action against special counsel Bob Mueller. After failing to provide Mueller with his "evidence".

The only news agencies that continue to take this liar serious are the discredited media sources that spent 2 years being wrong.

But I suppose if you are vested in the Russian conspiracy theory, this clown is your best hope. Quoting a liar doesn't make his lies true.

After two years and 200 interviews, the Senate Intelligence Committee is approaching the end of its investigation into the 2016 election, having uncovered no direct evidence of a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia, according to both Democrats and Republicans on the committee. …


Active member
Hello all,

I believe Schiff reported this to the FBI....something that Dondon et.al. did not. Just say'in.


Is this the the same Adam Schiff who was recently outed? Not outed as gay but as a pedo ? He sexually assaulted a 19 year old MAN....and, wait for it.......wait for it..........................................................................................................used a congressional slush fund to cover it up and pay the victim off.

Oh...and there is more.

These people are sick !

You lefties are all degenerates. Lowest of the low....:tiphat:


Active member
Is this the the same Adam Schiff who was recently outed? Not outed as gay but as a pedo ? He sexually assaulted a 19 year old MAN....and, wait for it.......wait for it..........................................................................................................used a congressional slush fund to cover it up and pay the victim off.

Oh...and there is more.

These people are sick !

You lefties are all degenerates. Lowest of the low....:tiphat:

Hello all,

please, if you are going to refute my posts at least get your facts straight. It is better to remain silent and thought a fool then to speak up and remove all doubt, Perhaps use your way back machine do some research.

Also, the buzz phrase for the day is "Occam's razor".




Active member
No. He went on cable news 227 times and said he has evidence, but doesn't seem to have bothered sharing it with Mueller.

Schiff is so desperate to find any shred of evidence to validate Democrats “red scare” conspiracy theories that that he is now threatening legal action against special counsel Bob Mueller. House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff said Sunday that he would take the Trump administration to court if Attorney General William Barr doesn’t fully release to Congress a forthcoming report by Special Counsel Robert Mueller....Sad. After failing to provide Mueller with his "evidence".

The only news agencies that continue to take this liar serious are the discredited media sources that spent 2 years being wrong.

But I suppose if you are vested in the Russian conspiracy theory, this clown is your best hope. Quoting a liar doesn't make his lies true.You are absolutely right....Mexico will pay for the wall....I will release my tax returns....my inauguration crowd was the biggest...I never paid hush money..?.shall I go on

Hello all,

Watched tRump's rally...he was in rare form tonight.



Well-known member
Schiff was absolutely correct.

Schiff for brains is a leaker and a liar and was lying again. He will be gone soon enough.

The shoe is on the other foot now. There will be nothing in the Mueller report to save the Russian Collusion Delusion. The Trump derangement syndrome will last a bit longer though.

Obama and Hillary sitting in a cell will be the ending to the Russian Collusion Delusion.


Active member
No. He went on cable news 227 times and said he has evidence, but doesn't seem to have bothered sharing it with Mueller.

Schiff is so desperate to find any shred of evidence to validate Democrats “red scare” conspiracy theories that that he is now threatening legal action against special counsel Bob Mueller. After failing to provide Mueller with his "evidence".

The only news agencies that continue to take this liar serious are the discredited media sources that spent 2 years being wrong.

But I suppose if you are vested in the Russian conspiracy theory, this clown is your best hope. Quoting a liar doesn't make his lies true.

I’d be interested to know if you heard what he said as response to the attempt to get him to resign.

If you don’t disagree with that, how is he being a liar?

With all the Russian contact, lies about that contact, if it was Hillary or Obama that wouldn’t raise an eyebrow for you?

I think people are getting way beyond their skis coming to conclusions based on pieces of sentences cherry picked by an AG who interviewed saying the president can’t be indicted.

Proving conspiracy with a foreign government has a high bar to prove, lots of lesser possibilities look more than likely with this administration.

And you have to be kidding about the Senate doing oversight in this administration


Well-known member
Read Barr’s letter: he did not say Mueller found “no evidence”. You are absolutely right that the public and Congress should have access to the entire report: that IMO is inarguably.

It said there was no collusion and they found evidence where Trump refused the offers of help from Russia. Explain how you get around that?

Why would there be times he refused if he was colluding? The refusals are the proof there is no evidence he colluded.

Stop circle jerking. The report when released isn't going to help your Russian Collusion Delusion.

Barr said he will release the report in a few weeks. The dems and Trump haters want it instantly hoping it will incriminate him. They hate Trump having time to take victory laps. Well...



Well-known member
Proving conspiracy with a foreign government has a high bar to prove, lots of lesser possibilities look more than likely with this administration.

WRONG! The bar was easy to reach because they have evidence where he refused. REFUSED! Like in ... DID NOT DO IT! That is clearing the highest bar. No interpretation needed. HE REFUSED! So...



Well-known member
Obama and Clinton used a foreign power to help take down a political rival. An asshole British spy and crazy, false Russian Trump stories. These foreigners were allowed to interfere in an election. The very thing they are accusing trump of doing. Except we now know Trump refused help from the Russians. Obama and Clinton used help from two different foreign agents.

Remember when it was reported that Hillary aka Miss Piggy, blew up on the Today Show because they asked a question they were not supposed to. One about Bill and his bimbos. She yelled at her staff. Said this was not to happen. It should have been made clear. She screamed at them "If this motherfucker wins we are all going to hang". The media not named FOX buried it and downplayed it to fake rumors. What would they get hanged about? Now we know what Miss Piggy was talking about. She was right. The treasonous conspirators Obama, Clintons, Lynch, Comey, Brennon and many, many more are going to prison soon enough.


Well-known member
There is no free press when the press coordinates their story lines to try to mislead people into behaving and thinking the way they want them to.

There needs to be 3 investigations.

1. Who started the Trump bullshit

2. Who protected Hillary

3. How the press have been politically motivated and unethical

Brother Nature

Well-known member
I'd love to see Trump go down, he's been a stain on America since the 80's. He's a symbol of everything America shouldn't be but is. But, guess what, there was no collusion, it was a dead horse from the start. Not only that, it's done more damage to the Democratic party than the revelation that it was Hillary's camp that fucked the only viable candidate over (Bernie). Move on guys, reshape your attack, this farce of an investigation has just dumped 1200 gallons of gas on Trumps fire, pushing him even further towards another win in 2020. I have no horse in this race and it's funny to me to watch, but fuck it's depressing to see such a sore winner kick the shit out of the loser again and again only to have the loser deny that he's lost.
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