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The Hounds Log 09 (Cleaning up the mess........)


And now running 2kw in the growroom.........yes I do believe we'll need a machete.

fast forward 10 weeks...
Mr Weedhound, getting started on the harvest???:yoinks:


ICMag Donor
nice grow man. how long did you veg for b 4 the swithch the first time?

Hi loco......about 8 weeks but the fun didn't start till we discovered the light issue so some were almost 20 days into bloom before we started over. They've now had 4 doses of Reverse total so if there is a nanner in there anywhere we won't be able to find it.

Rock.....that pic did me in and I haven't eaten had a capsule yet!!! I'm still laughing about it. You totally slay me sometimes.......where have you been is right! :D


in your 5 gallon hydro buckets would that of been enough room if you hadnt started over? What is in your buckets? what median and how full is the bucket i will read again and see if i can find if you already talked about. keep pics coming. more of how your stuff is setup if possible. what nutes you use for hydro?


ICMag Donor
loco you are absolutely right that I have put out zero info here. I will write things down in a post for you by the end of today......sorry about that but I'm so used to my other web site that I completely forgot to state specs. Going to put another photo in my album as well so if interested check those out as well. I STILL haven't figured out the photo angle for posting thumbnails......there's a tutorial by bozo out there I need to study. :D


hey guys, been superbusy this week, coverin for one who's out, goin in early, stayin late, smokin myself blind w/ all this new nug, fightin some kinda flu/sinus infection goin 2 weeks now, went to friends wedding and lost weekend 2 weeks ago, numbified by all this incredible bud i now have, tryin to tend the new girls (who are having the battle-royale of pillowfights right now in the flower room, its true Canna-Porn), trying to tend the newer clones (who have completely taken over the veg chamber, big changes comin this weekend in there, oh my.:yoinks:

did i mention i been smokin myself mornin noon n night into a walkin coma:joint:

its awesome:D

haha, yeah, the pic and caption were a priceless combo.

been, kinda disenchanted gettin all up n started in a new spot, while short on time.
i agree w Weedy, the pics attachments is a painful, multi step process that takes alotta time, its a factor right now too.

i aint complainin, aint my place to, im just speakin my mind.

one final thought of the night:
Poor poor WeedHound, stuck with Giant Monster Mega Plants,,, boo, hoo, hoooo.
*Bugs Bunny voice ON*
"ahhhhhhh,,,,,,shaaaaaaaaaaat up!":yoinks::wink:
*Bugs Bunny voice OFF*

love ya!:wave:

edit- and hey, i sent ya an email,,,,,no reply.?
..............Thank You!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,again.
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ICMag Donor
Actually Rock, you've said it about nine hundred times now you stoned noodle :D. (you know I love you man....the photo is still killing me)

Specs for loco.....sorry I got off track yesterday loco.

The bloom room is simply a spare corner of our extra bedroom with black curtains we close at night for 12/12. We JUST had a super cool subpanel put in electrical wise so we are running 2000 w HPS in bloom in a 5x 10 space. Both run off cool tubes connected to inline fans. We have a dehumidifier that we turn on nightly to keep the humidity down.

In hydro we use higromite rocks (I HATE hydroton despite some of its good points) which has its own issues (they all do of course) and Pure Blend Pro line of fertilizers. We also use these supplements: Rhizotonic, Cannazym, Liquid Karma and Sweet.

We've been trying some different stuff loco......last August I was diagnosed with lung cancer and had been having treatment up until last month.....so there are lapses everywhere which we are just getting back to now.

Generally we like to veg for six to 7 weeks......got messed up on thel light issue this time. I THINK the plants would have finished in the five gallon tubs ok IF I hadn't messed up the lights. There's a photo that d4 put in for me that shows the roots from one of our tub plants. That plant was a good yielder at the end so i'd have to say yes, it can be done in a five gallon tub......barring user screwups. :D
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ICMag Donor
a few more quick thoughts for loco....

We use 8 inch net pot bucket lids to hold our medium. During blooming we will run ppms as high as 1900 including additives and anything above that seems to start burning. Of course some strains need a MUCH lower ppm level.......the sativas especially seem to need lighter nute numbers than the indicas.

Oh AND we use Reverse to prevent hermie problems regularly.


Hey Weedy, How much does the reverse cost, and what size bottles do they come in , and who makes it???



ICMag Donor
DutchMaster makes it and the stuff that you should use along with it......Penetrator. Not sure of the cost as Mr Houndd makes most of the needed runs to the hydro store. Where's your blue dragon thread? What a beautiful plant!!


the thing i still like most about that pic is the incredible shade of GREEN that trunk is,:yoinks:

*mr weedhound overheard saying*
"oil up my chainsaws weedy, its harvest time"

i crack myself up,:laughing: BWAHAHAHAHAHA!


ICMag Donor
It's nothing less than hysterical......even completely sober and THAT's hard to find (or maybe it's just hard to find me sober.....:D)



ill just hang out in here and see how many posts it'll take to get my avatar and custom status back.

ok, i think im up to 30,,,,,,:yoinks:

i'll be back. :muahaha:

:hijacked: OFF


Yeah, I can't figure pictures out here either. I just put them in my album and make the poor folks go there to look at them.

Hey WH, follow the following steps below to upload pix....:

1.) If you post a reply, click on the "Forum Albums" button on the top....
2.) Click on the album which contains the pic you want to upload...
3.) Click on the pic you want to insert...
4.) Go down, under the pic there is the "Picture URL" and the "BB Code"....
5.) Copy and paste the BB code into the reply message....that's it....:smile:

Btw...you have mail....:joint:


hmmm, the "BB" code you say???

i been copy/pastin the location url into the hyperlink option, then using the thumnail/jpeg url as the description in the linkable url. do u follow that?

i'm sure weedy is dizzy after readin that one, LOL!

i am sooooooooooo stoney.:abduct:
think ill blaze one more and get some zzzzz's
'nite gang:joint:


Zeb, nice to see you bro, where have you been...Do you still have the cfls goin' I'm playin w/ some too...Are you gonna do another outdoor campaign for the 09' season...

Weedhound sorry for the jack my friend...