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The growing rift between legal growers and...


Active member
legal weed is way more expensive. fuck them all. legal ,illegal. i will still be growing as long as i am free.got me a med reccomendation tho. 1lb,24 plants up to 64 square feet.


Active member
dont you realize that if it is legalized your only going to be legal for a 5 by 5 ft growing area? .
That's actually enough to get by on until better legislation gets put in place. Bonsai mums in a micro-cab and a 3x4 space will provide enough meds for all but the most demanding patient. It's only enough to get by on though.... the push for additional freedom needs to be put on as soon as it's passed.

The BIGGEST benefit that legalizing it will make is that people will be able to talk about the subject without FEAR! FEAR is the single most inhibiting force in the drive to free this plant. Remove the fear and information will flow. When the information flows.... the laws will fall.

Stay Safe! :tree:


The BIGGEST benefit that legalizing it will make is that people will be able to talk about the subject without FEAR! FEAR is the single most inhibiting force in the drive to free this plant. Remove the fear and information will flow. When the information flows.... the laws will fall.

Stay Safe! :tree:

An open exchange of vital knowledge and views is exactly what led me to this site in the first place. I live in the southern end of the bible belt gettin' 5k per# and have been considering a move to a less red state myself Knowing that $2200 might be the going rate until I find my niche.
I'll gladly forgo the $$ to not have to spend it an attorneys and felony probation. Will I need to work a little harder? Absolutely, Still better than the 'four walls of Raiford'.

Coming soon to a western sky near you!:abduct:
since federal law supersedes state law, we are all illegal growers

True statement in alot of ways. But Federal Law considers "the sale of Marijuana illegal" and the states are pushing for standards in their counties on how it should be treated. But really, you are correct.

I have a medical card from the State of California, I have a grow operation and I have all my Doctors scripts plus collective paperwork stapled on the outside of my door, but you know what? If an officer wanted to be an ass, he could rip all my plants out, charge me, take me to court, (I would get acquitted) but I just lost out on that entire harvest. Just because the officer wanted to be an Asshole.

They can still search your car, still give you a hard time, but it offers "a little more" flexibility. There is some truth to the statement above.


Freedom Fighter
You don't get it.

I'm talking about people that act like their being legal somehow makes them better people than other 'illegal' growers.

I understand being proud of something and being proactive/cautious, but that has nothing to do with what this thread is about.

I don't think I understand...I don't see ppl acting this way--
The only times I see this, is when the convo is about illegal growers on public land, and they are trashing it--


Active member
True statement in alot of ways. But Federal Law considers "the sale of Marijuana illegal" and the states are pushing for standards in their counties on how it should be treated. But really, you are correct.

I have a medical card from the State of California, I have a grow operation and I have all my Doctors scripts plus collective paperwork stapled on the outside of my door, but you know what? If an officer wanted to be an ass, he could rip all my plants out, charge me, take me to court, (I would get acquitted) but I just lost out on that entire harvest. Just because the officer wanted to be an Asshole.

They can still search your car, still give you a hard time, but it offers "a little more" flexibility. There is some truth to the statement above.

true but if you win your case you can countersue for damages. plus that would be civil so it's a preponderance of the evidence that he damaged your property/plants and i think the govt like to think each plant is worth $5,000 so sue for 5k per plant. :tree::xmasnut:


come to Canada and its a whole 'nother world.

The federal government and health canada basically piss on anyone with a valid medical need by making them jump through hoops on their papers and calling their docs and telling them they should lower their prescrip. amount and all that.

fuck cops fuck politicians fuck law makers grow as much as you want legal or not. nobody has the right to tell you that you cant grow a plant.

also, even if i dont have any medical need for cannabis (im sure almost everyone can benefit from it if only once and awhile, much like tylenol or advil) i still believe i should be able to use as much of it as i want. hell i should be able to use heroin cocaine crack cocaine meth, etc. etc. if i so please. governments are just too dumb to realize legalization of all drugs is the only way to save lives. we have created a world and society that is so fundamentally against what human beings are instinctually accustomed to that drugs are one of the only escapes.... fix society first and then addictions will take care of themselves.


Lammen Gorthaur
Is this a bit overblown? The reality is that marijuana will remain illegal to grow for the average Joe for quite some time to come no matter what.

For years we had to hear all the bullshit about Bush and Republicans. If only we didn't have those mean ol' Republicans then weed would be available and the federal prohibition would be lifted.

I think people are beginning to see that line of reasoning is as fallacious now as it was when it was popular culture to play the blame game when you didn't want to face the real game.

Growing is illegal because there is no political upside for liberal politicians to emancipate you. If the liberal democrats emancipate you (by legalizing marijuana) they run the risk that your political contributions and your votes would then be available to conservative politicians. Unlike you, they know this as a visceral truth. If you want to all be legal growers then you will have to stop vilifying conservatives for acting the same way liberal politicians act on this issue. If your "side" won't take its own medicine why should we try it?

Legal, illegal, kind of legal or barney the beagle. Does it all make a fricking difference? At the end of this, does it make a difference? We represent a slice of our society that is constantly being victimized and the only way we can put an end to it is by unifying on those issues we have in common and saving our other arguments for another day and time.

We will either all hang together or this squabbling will result in the politicians all hanging us separately and taking all our assets to boot. I don't know about you, but discussion of what tears us apart is not interesting, not productive and not something people living the good life should take part in. Spread the love and forget how to hate.

Free your mind and the rest of you will follow.


I love my life
legal weed is way more expensive. fuck them all. legal ,illegal. i will still be growing as long as i am free.got me a med reccomendation tho. 1lb,24 plants up to 64 square feet.

What fucking ASS CLOWN state or Dr. decided that if your garden is bigger than 8'x8' you are a fucking criminal?

I hate the current climate of division.

No government, group, or individual has any say if I use .001% or 100% of my property to cultivate tomatoes, corn, or weed.

I love good weed and I don't like schwag or dirt weed. I couldn't care fucking less if the grower had a note from his doctor or not, all I care about is product quality.

I respect ALL growers because most people are too lazy and just like to complain, but the quality of the weed speaks for itself and the government should be less involved in weed than tomatoes.

Quit taxing and imprisoning us for exercising our natural rights.

Peace, :joint:


I love my life
true but if you win your case you can countersue for damages. plus that would be civil so it's a preponderance of the evidence that he damaged your property/plants and i think the govt like to think each plant is worth $5,000 so sue for 5k per plant. :tree::xmasnut:

Really the poor guy could then hire a civil attorney after he just spent his life savings on a criminal attorney? How fun for him well if he tried that in many counties in this country the suit would be answered with an affirmative defense of SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY or a max damage cap of say $50K (lower in some counties I'm sure).

So there is no fucking upside to having the government anywhere near your property.

Johnnyla maybe we can share a bowl at Ganjapalazua this March but I'll never be convinced that the best government is anything but that which governs least. Long live the rugged individualist and self sufficient man. Those are the neighbors I want living next to me in real life and on ICmag.

Peace, :joint:


Active member
fuck cops fuck politicians fuck law makers grow as much as you want legal or not. nobody has the right to tell you that you cant grow a plant.
exactly how i feel, even if its legalized they arent gnna let you just set up huge ghouses and do it big. BS.

there will always be an underground market for this, so make money while the sun still shines.

fuck the government 1000x times. and fuck politicians another 3000x...


Long live the rugged individualist and self sufficient man. Those are the neighbors I want living next to me in real life and on ICmag.

Peace, :joint:

Yes, thank you for writing exactly what I feel. My new neighbor is a simple guy, he is a carpenter who works for himself. Right now he lives in a small trailer with his wife in front of the house he is building with his own money. he told me that he takes whatever money he makes every month and buys building supplies and just keeps working on his future home , all because he doesn't want / can't (not sure which one) to get a mortgage. i really respect him for that. there aren't many like him around here anymore... im so passionate about self-reliance because ive seen what the alternative is. my family can't fathom not going to the grocery store every day. they throw away piles and piles of food every week that they let go bad in the fridge. they are obsessed with money. i just want people to remember that they are individuals and they should believe in themselves. i find the very idea that i should fear cops or even simply obey them when they tell me to go stand over there or to put my hands up demoralizing and it tears me up inside that these guys walk around thinking they have the right to point a gun at me.

isnt it so strange to see people getting locked up for years for growing marijuana illegally, when their next door neighbor is fine as long as they have a permit???? It makes me sick, how rediculous it is. i just wish we could grow in peace , i could give a fuck about dispensaries and clubs and doctors and politicians having a say, just leave me alone!!!