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The growing rift between legal growers and...


Just Call me Urkle!!
I think it should stay just the way it is and let the strong survive, if you don't care enough to get the most out of your plants so the people paying for them have the best they can get you will soon fade away... I'm sick of going to a club only to find buds that my CFL grown nugs shit on! I will say prices have dropped over the last few months since harvest time at SHHC which is cool cuz I was getting ripped off (only cuz I was too lazy to go across midtown) paying $60 a 8th from Green Solutions on 28th.. Well we were in the area of SHHC and I popped in to get something and what do you know? The whole fucking list was 15-35 dollars less than Green Solutions for shit that was just as good and better than the shit that was being sold for $60 there was only $45 at SHHC!

I think it's really going to come down to quality and organics ect cuz people are becoming more responsible with what they put in their bodies and what was used to make it. Strains also are going to be a big part and I see a lot of hoarding in the near future cuz the money hungry med growers want that elite clone nobody else has so they will always be able to get rid of their crop at the price they want..
Like Blackberry Kush for example, right now one of my FAVORITE strains but no matter where I've got it from it's been $60 a 8th and always the top shelf shit and I NEVER see clones of the strain and I've been looking too!


Active member
Everyone needs to give thanks to the guys who risked it all to make this what it is today,without them these smug punks in semi-legal states like cali pointing fingers with an almighty and better than thou tone wouldn't have a pot to piss in and they know it, and the smug punks know who they are. No Need to ask.

When life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door. :deadxmas:

yeah the attitude out here from young 20 somethings is unbelievable. they act like they have been growing for 20 years. same with attitude at the Hydro stores. the whole scene is pretty lame but it's better than being underground. we can only hope that the douchiness will douche itself out over time with regulation and the market adjusting itself. the cream will rise to the top. also, a lot of people don't know what they are smoking. lots of garbage herb in Cali. i would say 20% of it is medicinal grade to me....in other words, flushed properly, pesticide free, and properly cured and harvested when the glands are mature for medicinal purposes.:tree::santa1:


The Hopeful Protagonist
The "legal" status of some is tenuous at best.

When federal law recognizes local, then I'd breath a sigh of relief.

Until then, it's simply a way of reallocating resources until it becomes a "problem" again.

Been watching these fecks at work for too many decades to not know how they go about their appeasement.



Just Call me Urkle!!
On a side not fuck Richard Lee I hate how he hides behind " helping the sick" but he's just about lining his pockets with my hard earned cash! He want's to be the Mc Donalds of pot and that's ok but at the same time don't try to stop me from BBQing my own burgers ya know? The fact he's trying to make it to where we have to go through someone like him is bullshit. I haven't and wont support Blue Sky or anything Richard Lee is attached to...


Just Call me Urkle!!
also, a lot of people don't know what they are smoking. lots of garbage herb in Cali. i would say 20% of it is medicinal grade to me....in other words, flushed properly, pesticide free, and properly cured and harvested when the glands are mature for medicinal purposes.:tree::santa1:

Well said!!! That is a HUGE problem out here lil wannabee cash croppers hit Blue Sky and buy a bunch of cuts harvest early and don't flush and call themselves pro's hahaha


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
i personally would like it legal, not just on the local level but fed level too..
i am in a very red state (illegal)..i don't give a fuck, the way i see it is this, if i get busted the state will have one hell a bill to pay to get me to doctors appts. 2-3 a/wk. plus any and all hospital stays, blood work and or scans, which happen alot and are very neccessary..
honestly, to most local agencies, a small time personal med. grower like me with special needs is not worth their time as i would be more of a drain on the system..plus no judge or county would want take the responsibilty if something were to happened to me..
back to the point, i agree legals in Cali. hide behind the slogan helping the sick and they think they are better than the rest of us..BS i say..


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
On a side not fuck Richard Lee I hate how he hides behind " helping the sick" but he's just about lining his pockets with my hard earned cash! He want's to be the Mc Donalds of pot and that's ok but at the same time don't try to stop me from BBQing my own burgers ya know? The fact he's trying to make it to where we have to go through someone like him is bullshit. I haven't and wont support Blue Sky or anything Richard Lee is attached to...

thank you! he is the anti christ of weed, people just dont realize it yet. he already done the moratorium for no more clubs in oakland to monopolize. did you know he is not registered as a non profit...

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Every word they type has a pompous, holier than thou feel to it, like they're part of the club and the illegals aren't.

For one thing, I think they're idiots for thinking that the government will never be able to touch them, or that they'll never change their stance on the legality of what they're doing.

Another thing... What the frick is wrong with illegal growers that makes you so much better than them?
You were illegal at one time, and it would only take one angry politician to take away your precious status.
Well Christ on a cracker... you really are an eloquently spoken individual.

You made some very convincing points there Moldy Dreads! I can't wait to see you in Debate Developmental Essentials 101. I start class promptly at 10.
LMAO Mustard, the OP comes on here and tries to lump Medical growers into a "Legal growers" category then proceeded to generalize them/us/whoever and call people idiots that think a certain way (his assumption again). You want me to debate this stupid idea? I think he/she failed immensely by starting a thread that in no way unites anyone, but divides, and causes unnecessary shit flinging due to some lame ass assumption that Medical growers think they are in some way superior to anyone.

The original post that generated this thread just comes off as jealous, generalizing, mean, and degrading, just like he complains his perceived haters are...

Oxymoron if you ask me, no I guess I'm done with this ridiculous thread.

and BTW

it would only take one angry politician to take away your precious status
That's your wish probably, sorry won't happen.That is a dream that many politicians may believe, but guess what, we live in the USA, and here Democracy still supports the decisions of the general population, who vote these a-holes out of office and make laws like Prop.215 be a reality in 1996...snap out of it, Why hate so much, and why start threads on why you think people are better than you..don't hate PARTICIPATE!


Just Call me Urkle!!
thank you! he is the anti christ of weed, people just dont realize it yet. he already done the moratorium for no more clubs in oakland to monopolize. did you know he is not registered as a non profit...

Interesting!! Not registered as a non profit collective? Tisk tisk lil fuck wants to be Richy Rich! Stop helping this asshole people! Seriously stopping other clubs from opening so you are stuck with him is bullshit! Who does he think he is? Push that fool down a hill in the city on his lil wheel chair lol I'm a dick when you fuck with the sick!
I personally want it to stay the way it is, and continue to grow on the pace that we are on. I would like States to get involved in the movement, but to still keep Marijuana classified as a "Drug".

That way, if States make moves to set standards in place (like growing a certain number of plants, legal limit amounts of dried MJ you can have on you, etc...) then both sides will benefit off of it. The legal (dispensaries) can still continue with their work, and the illegal (street dealers) can still profit off of it. If BIG Government gets involved, and takes over the show, it will pretty much be the end of both sides.

Dispensary/Collective owners and street dealers.


Active member
thank you! he is the anti christ of weed, people just dont realize it yet. he already done the moratorium for no more clubs in oakland to monopolize. did you know he is not registered as a non profit...

maybe the feds will pop him and put him out of business. :p

fuck his monopoly.


Active member
things could get ugly next year if the state doesn't seriously regulate this shit. i see the mob moving to enforce if the State does not.

growers union sounds like a good plan as well as a patients union. not the D's masquerading as patients unions but a non profit org that fights for patients rights and a non profit org that fights for growers rights. it's obvious that is what is necessary to combat the strength and power of the D's who have tons of Lawyers, Guns, and $$$.


cant stop wont stop
I havent noticed the whole 'better than you' attitude between legal and illegal growers as much as i notice people hating on commercial growers - legal or not.

bottom line is that someone HAS to do it, as not everyone can grow their own.

agreed that full legalisation would be trecherous due to big pharma and gov stepping in with their funds and facilities trying to wipe out indipendant growers who take pride in what they do and put food on their family's tables all while helping others with what they need/want


Active member
I think if it is ever legalized then the government will eventually make a visit to all these so called legal growers and shut them down and have big corporations take over growing then a few years after that they will start putting unspecified additives in it just like they do with everything else and then all the people that thought they were going to be able to grow legally when it was made legal will be shit out of luck but the illegal growers will still be in business because the government won't know where they are unlike the card people who they have in their files.


Active member
i hear you man, fuckin just because they are goin legal they act like their shit dont stink. but where did all that weed you have been smokking come from prior to 215???? illegal growers are what MADE the market what it is today. they are willing to risk their asses so that you can smoke your meds. you wannna go legal fine go ahead!! but some people dont like the idea of having mr government in their pockets taxing a nice 50 per ounce. fuuuccck that.

plus where im at "legal" growers and clubs still get raided soo.......unless your whoring yourself to the government like Richard Lee there is not such thing as a totally legal grow.

legal = your paying taxes to the man.


Legal illegal who gives a fuck just overgrow the world yeah?

Blessed are those that care for med patients and Blessed are the illegal growers that make sure the rest of the people get meds.
It comes down to the individual. People who are in it for the money exist in both legal and illegal operations. Designating it as two different markets is unrealistic.

I know plenty of people with cards for bullshit conditions (I've got a skinny friend who actually got his doctor to write a rec for anorexia). I mean anyone can say they have chronic migraines. I'm not saying migraines and anorexia cannot be helped with herb, just that I know people who do not have the conditions their rec is for.

By the same token, I know many people in non-medical states who have conditions that herb relieves.

The herb being grown by med growers is going to recreational users and the herb being grown by commercial growers.

As long as the people who need medicine get it, and the people who wanna get high get high, I do not mind if a legal or illegal grower wants to make enough to pay their mortgage/rent. It's those who buy H2s and Escalades and boats that I have a problem with. Getting rich off of patients makes you no better than the executives at Pfizer.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The government is going to have a stake in keeping the prices high with taxes IMO. There is always be bootleggers too!! Just because it's legal doesn't mean you have to grow it legal.