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The growing rift between legal growers and...


Illegal growers.

I've seen it pop up a lot lately, whether it's the legal/med growers boasting about being completely legal and out of the government's reach, invincible basically, or the times when it's someone with the licenses/permits acting like they're somehow better than the illegal growers.
Every word they type has a pompous, holier than thou feel to it, like they're part of the club and the illegals aren't.

For one thing, I think they're idiots for thinking that the government will never be able to touch them, or that they'll never change their stance on the legality of what they're doing.

Another thing... What the frick is wrong with illegal growers that makes you so much better than them?
You were illegal at one time, and it would only take one angry politician to take away your precious status.

Sorry I'm ranting, had a bad few days...


your overthinking and making assumptions, people who make claims about their grow being legal are simply excited about what their doing and all the steps they had to go through to get to that point.


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Illegal growers.

I've seen it pop up a lot lately, whether it's the legal/med growers boasting about being completely legal and out of the government's reach, invincible basically, or the times when it's someone with the licenses/permits acting like they're somehow better than the illegal growers.
Every word they type has a pompous, holier than thou feel to it, like they're part of the club and the illegals aren't.

For one thing, I think they're idiots for thinking that the government will never be able to touch them, or that they'll never change their stance on the legality of what they're doing.

Another thing... What the frick is wrong with illegal growers that makes you so much better than them?
You were illegal at one time, and it would only take one angry politician to take away your precious status.

Sorry I'm ranting, had a bad few days...

Legal/med growers and those with licenses and permits are one and the same. But you are right there are class struggles even among drug addicts.


Active member
Another thing... What the frick is wrong with illegal growers that makes you so much better than them?

Ignorance will always cause strife.

Personally, I benefited from illegal growers for 25 years until I came to California. I've had problems that have been alleviated by cannabis during that time and am DAMN GLAD THERE WERE ILLEGAL GROWERS MAKING THE HERB AVAILABLE TO ME!

That being said.... it's going to be tough on them as things change to a legal status. It'll be especially tough on those growers that don't want to change.

The time will arrive when a good grower with a great portfolio showing exactly what they're capable of will land them a consulting job that pays waaaay better than what they make now.

Change or die.... your choice. Nature won't care either way, even if I do.

Stay Safe! :tree:
Perhaps the most hilarious thing I've seen on the internet regarding pot is a member here named humbolt something or other. She/he has an avatar of mounds of buds, makes a living selling pot under prop 420, and has the balls to wax poetic to some kid in another thread about people moving to Humboldt to "take advantage" of the laws.

Like I said when to him, it's like he's living vicariously through another person. The lack of self awareness can be pretty stunning at times.

Truth is, illegal growers are the ones I tend have a bit more respect for. Legal growers aren't putting themselves out there in the same way, and let's be clear: illegal pot growers are generally more about the herbs than legal ones. Just my opinion, and the reason is because if illegal growers were just about the dollar bills they would be selling something white and powdery; hell, if they're going to prison either way with a bust, might as well make REAL money and not chicken scratch with plant flowers.

Just my two cents. I've got no bitterness towards anyone. The problem is that spending time in California, and for me, my own experience this website, opened my eyes to the massive influx of douchebag predatory-type people who, you can tell, couldn't give two shits about cannabis and are driving Beemers off of it. Krunchbubble comes to mind here. It's guys like him that make me hate this transition from illegal to legal and the underworld it creates. I wish it would just be legal already. Just seeing the types of douchebags that are getting rich off this stuff can be depressing.

So is the world I guess.

Happy Holidays.


i wish i had a medical card, as cannabis does alleviate certain symptoms in my daily regimen. i dont have any beef with legal growers, but id hope they remain within their structured allowance. If legals want to be radical and adopt semper fidelis between themselves then more power to them, as long as they follow the rules because folks fought blood, tooth and nail for those rights..quite the privilege given..

i think there are only 4300 or some 4k number of medical card holders in canada.(it might even be a 3k number, im hazy on the details...durr) strict mofos them is.

im not bitching, ive been told where to go to get legal, i just have no money they ask much of.


it called headier than thou

and any one grateful for a specific strain that helps their pains owe it to illegal growers


From what I've heard the legal growers charge for a frickin eighth or quarter of erb I think I'll just grow my own thank you.Legal or illegal,rip-off prices are not very flattering.As for the potency,I've heard that 9 of 10 strains arent worth a damn anyway.This is what I've been told people I've never been to a dispensery.I know that charging 100-125 bucks for seven grams of erb is just plain insulting


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Blue dot... this thread has you written all over it.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Just my two cents. I've got no bitterness towards anyone. The problem is that spending time in California, and for me, my own experience this website, opened my eyes to the massive influx of douchebag predatory-type people who, you can tell, couldn't give two shits about cannabis and are driving Beemers off of it. Krunchbubble comes to mind here. It's guys like him that make me hate this transition from illegal to legal and the underworld it creates. I wish it would just be legal already. Just seeing the types of douchebags that are getting rich off this stuff can be depressing.

So is the world I guess.

Happy Holidays.

hmmmm, why the hate? just because i have several grows on here. because i preach medicinal and not legal? you have no idea who i am or what im about, bro. not that i have to show you my resume, but i have been growing for clubs and working at clubs since the day prop 215 was voted in.
truth is all my grows are 100% legal and goes to patients only and i am also on the board of one of the most legal non profit co op's in California.
usually the people who start to hate are the ones who cant pull it off by themselves, see's someone else do it, and the whines and cries because they dont have the intellect or balls to do it. its all good though, you need a teacher? im right here :eggnog:
dont you realize that if it is legalized your only going to be legal for a 5 by 5 ft growing area? Richard lee is making sure that you will not be able to support your medical needs by doing this. he is going to make sure that you will not be able to support yourself and buy from a club, such as his...... dont get suckered into the hype........

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Legal isn't the term that applies. Pseudolegal or half illegal are more to the point terms you can use.

It's all illegal in the federal government's eyes.

Illegal growers that supply medicine and call themselves legal are what I'm assuming you're referring to when you say legal growers.

They need other growers in nonmedical states to continue operating under the radar so that their own market in the medical states is validated. Who wants to pay fifteen a gram when it's legal?!

Likewise the country joe farmer who rakes in a total of one outdoor crop a year would like for it to fetch a decent price. With medical being available his prices usually have to drop just to get it to market. It truly is easier to walk into a dipensary than it would be to drive to country joe farmer and bring back pounds to be resold.

So basically the nonmedical growers are getting their markets trashed by the medical growers, and the medical growers are trying to squish out the nonmedical growers even though they need them to continue their own markup.

It's not all supply and demand, it has a lot to do with availability.
Legal isn't the term that applies. Pseudolegal or half illegal are more to the point terms you can use.

So basically the nonmedical growers are getting their markets trashed by the medical growers, and the medical growers are trying to squish out the nonmedical growers even though they need them to continue their own markup.

It's not all supply and demand, it has a lot to do with availability.

Very well spoken!

It's the vicious cycle we are now seeing day-to-day. My brother and I were just talking about this. You have the street guys selling their weed, but the streets buyers can now buy them from dispensaries (losing out on street sales hurts), then you have the dispensaries (who by opening are taking the street guys business) and are running out of product asking the street guys for pounds and trying to haggle them on a price.

It will smooth itself out soon but this is getting ridiculous.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I think a lot of the boasting is people just being excited about themselves being legal. There is some animosity from the people in legal areas getting flooded with newbs with a light bulb and a plant that don't care to learn wtf they are doing. I don't live there, but I can only imagine some of the people (kids, gangbangers) that move there and piss off the locals.

While some us might take it offensive when all the Cali people say "don't come down", because we are facing hard time for what we are doing, they don't want a bunch of goofy people moving into their towns. "All politics is local."

I believe it's just a natural disconnect between legal and illegal growers right now. We want what they have, they have it and unfortunately some don't care about you or me. But many do.

My hostility is reserved for the illegal growers wanting to keep it illegal to keep their profit margins high. As horrible as it is to say this, I'm not going to mind one bit as they get destroyed by legal competition. Wanting to hold sick people down to line your pockets is pretty gross behavior in my books. They are in the tiniest minority here though.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
In my opinion, legalization justs hands it to the same morons who've fucked everything else up.

Just because I don't want the greedy hands of the government in my pockets and in my home doesn't mean I don't think sick people shouldn't get their medicine.

I don't want it illegal. I want it legal. But until people pull their faces off of their bongs, democracy won't work just like it hasn't in decades. The feds will take advantage of the opportunity and run with it while the people say "Hey WTF?" just like always.

I am an illegal grower wishing for it to remain illegal... that doesn't make me a horrible person. I don't hold sick people down and I don't want to line the bullshit government's pockets anymore than I do now.

Legalizing now in the current state of affairs would be like untying a bunch of marbles at a rollerderby. The only people who would benefit would be the government.

SpasticGramps -- I like you. Don't make me change that opinion.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
There's a delivery for you:



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
You should at least be a proponent for decriminalization. I would love to see decriminalization without government involvement. I fucking hate the government. I don't want to see one dollar go to those greasy scumbags in Washington, but I don't believe that's how the world works.

Unless we have revolution, this virus known as Washington will continue to invade our lives. MMJ isn't going to be any different. I'm saying know when to pick your battles. You want it to remain illegal to keep the scummy feds from getting their hands on your money. That's a noble cause and I can certainly identify with that. I, because I've had leukemia and a bone marrow transplant identify with the pain of the sick people more I guess. I wouldn't be here had it not been for MMJ and I believe it is a basic human right that everyone should have and should remain illegal for no reasons.

I don't think our squabbles and hatred for the government supersedes the needs of those people. As much as I hate them, I'm a realist in thinking that in order for those people to have access to their meds the Feds are going to be involved. Political reality.

I believe you have got to learn to fight from within the system. There are avenues to power and influence. Bring down the bastards from within. It's the only way IMO. Sorry if you don't like me anymore bro, but I remain steadfast on this issue. Because of what I've experienced I can see it no other way.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I think it is more of a weight lifted off the shoulders and is exciting to have legal backing currently. Is it a holier or better than thou mentality? Not sure but it sure is a ton less stressful to do now then before when I thought I would be doing mandatory time.

I think those without cards in the same breath can seem jealous at times and for good reason and that also might get a so called "illegal grower" by federal standards irritated because they are not legal simply due to what state they currently reside in which is 100% bullshit.

I don't think I am better than anyone but I sure as hell feel like a weights been lifted off my back and others odds are feel the same. You would feel the same if you got a card, I don't think it is a looking down on anyone but rather stoked that the law CURRENTLY is protecting us which is true now.

Can things change and us lose our med rights? You bet but then we would just go back to how we used to do it and more serious about security.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I still have reservations. I do want it decriminalized. You see where I'm coming from.

I think the medical movement should be first in line. I think we need to be more involved in handing legislature ideas and methods. I know it's a matter of time.

I still like you Gramps :friends:

Moldy Head -- Well Christ on a cracker... you really are an eloquently spoken individual.

You made some very convincing points there Moldy Dreads! I can't wait to see you in Debate Developmental Essentials 101. I start class promptly at 10.


In search of Genetics
Everyone needs to give thanks to the guys who risked it all to make this what it is today,without them these smug punks in semi-legal states like cali pointing fingers with an almighty and better than thou tone wouldn't have a pot to piss in and they know it, and the smug punks know who they are. No Need to ask.

When life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door. :deadxmas:

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