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The growing large plants, outdoors, thread...

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It actually slipped my mind last night, but I have 12. This is the largest one, sorry for the poor camera quality... I never have owned a digital camera aside from the one on my phone haha. I put this lovely lady out at the start of May. I was gifted this and am unsure of the strain. My buddy who was looking over things while I was away killed a couple of my plants... long story, but he did rectify everything. cheers. I know I will need something larger for support, but I needed to start with something. This is about two and a half feet wide and two feet tall.



I like to spray them down every day if possible...weigh those branches down with water


Active member
I can't spray my outdoor plants everyday because my plots are spread out far and wide, my time table is whenever I can lol.


I'm blessed to have my garden on my property...:)

I think the point is to hit them as often as possible for your situation...


ARE YOU Spraying early in the morning or later in the day or night time? I haven't been water foliaring at all something that slipped my mind.

From what I heard spraying during the day could cause harm or even burn the plant, really never knew the answer? Talking about cooling them down so I'm guessing you guys spray in the mid day.


Active member
Water, yeah. They seemed to love that late in veg, not only spreads em open but cooled em down when it got up over 100. but how often is too often for FEEDing em something via foliar ap?


Active member
It all depends on what you are actually foliar feeding with, you can actually do more harm then good if you foliar to often, all depending what your using.


I would feel comfortable hitting them with Kelp extract & yucca every day, but not Ca 25 or Brix Mix...I also wouldn't be scared to hit them with compost tea all the time either...


Active member
All due respect, but here is my original question, might be phrased differently that before for clarity:

Assuming I am following Tom's recommended usage of Calcium25 and Brix Mix alternated once weekly, how often could I use other foliars (N Booster, Kelp, Teas) and is it most efficient to hit them with pure water in between? Can stomata become clogged.


they don't clog but if they're dirty they don't work as well...like how sunglasses are when they're smudged..this is another reason why constantly spraying down with water is nice. Hit them with kelp, fungal teas as often as possible...if you're talking about using calcium nitrate or potassium nitrate as a foliar i would only do that once a week


ah sweet, thanks for that mate, yeah i'm reading up on it now, sounds like foliar spraying is definitely worth implementing in your grow. a lot of people have found increased yields and chlorophyll production etc.

Hi mate....If you are going to start foilar feeding, have a look at the seasol products, they are certified organic in the commercial group. Best time to do it is real early mornings and late evenings and do up under the leaves as this is where the stomata's are the largest and absorb the spray better. I do a half strength mix and do it once a week.....cheers K
Miraculous, Amazing & Magical!!!

Miraculous, Amazing & Magical!!!

Over the course of the last three years, I have had the pleasure to talk and work amidst several exceptional FARMERS in California. Five common threads that ultimately aid to an amazing season are..

1). The wider your holes the bigger your trees... If your trees roots can extend horizontally 5ft or more (12x12 hole works wonders) then your boughs will follow. 2). Prominent sun exposure. At least 8hrs. - 10 to 14 significantly better.
3). Home brewed aerated teas alive and thriving with beneficial microbial (bacteria & fungi) inoculants to promote plant health and soil amendment uptake. 4). Hopefully your thumb is a shade of GREEN... And number 5). Build a Generator of Soil.

As far as soil and amendments go, the following recipe is by far one of the best for overall production and quality of your harvest:

Soil & Amendments for Gargantuan 8lb. to 12lb. TREES (working in 10x10 to 12x12 holes)!

1). 20% worm castings
2). A special mix at a local compost/worm farm at equal proportion to the worm castings.
*Special mix contains: Green compost, chicken manure, cow
manure, rice hauls, and perlite.

3). Five bags of perlite.
4). Optional: Cut above mix with... Native soil, (2-5 bags) of
Happy Frog and or Ocean Forest (your favorite potting soil) -
depending on your holes/containers size. (Save
one bag of Happy Frog for each tree to transplant directly
into their new holes once your clones and or seeds have
hardened off).
5). 1/2 bag of oyster shell
6). 1/2 bag of steamed bone meal
7). 96oz of Rock phosphate
8). 96oz of Azomite
9). 96oz of Glacier Rock Dust
10). 96oz of Gypsum
11). 96oz of Green Sand
12). 96oz of Feather Meal
13). 64oz of Kelp

*At this point it would be best to pull out your tractor... If you don't have a tractor use your rototiller and blend your ingredients to create your, "GENERATOR of SOIL!!!"

14). Add approx. 1 cup of Mykos (Pure Mycorrhizal Inoculant) dispersed around the roots of 3 to 5 gallon bags during transplanting of tree to hole or outdoor (large) bins/containers.

This is not a cheap amalgamation... However, if all goes well during the season, you will successfully prevail into harvest with a permanent farmer's grin ... You will have the BIGGEST Marijuana Trees growing on your farm that you have ever seen. Miraculous, Amazing and Magical!!!

Good Luck & Many Blessings!!!

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
And Like wise!

Hey I want to clarify something. Maybe people on Overgrow doubted Tom on the 10 Lb statements, But I never did. You see My several friends in El Dorado County grew giants back in 1977 when I met them, and probably long before.These guys are in their 70s now. They grew 14-16 foot tall plants. CAMP messed things up. I remember giant plants hanging. (Red Leb/ Afghani) Vaulted ceiling buds on the floor. Multiple Antique steamer trunks to hold the dry curing buds. Treasure Chests. Everything labeled. Everything organized.


Active member
Best time to do it is real early mornings and late evenings and do up under the leaves as this is where the stomata's are the largest and absorb the spray better.

Yep, a few other things that help are low winds, mild weather, humid/moist weather, and a surfactant, they all enhance absorption.

You don't want to foliar when the temps are high or its really windy out, you won't get very good absorption because the plants stomata are closed.


Lots of people have asked what I put in my soil...now that I have plants in it and I know it works...here's what I used and how much..

Crab shell meal - .75 lb
Shrimp shell meal - .75 lb
Nutri Rich - 10 LB
Fish Meal - 1 lb
Fish Bone meal - 3 lb
kelp - 1/4 lb
gypsum - 5 lb
Activate 80 - 1 lb
Green sand - 1/2 lb
Alfalfa - 1/2 lb
Oyster shell flour - 5 lb

The base mix is 6 bales of Pro Mix HP 1 bag of #4 perlite and 1 cu ft castings in to which all of the above was mixed in to then spread over the top and tilled in...left to sit for a month before planting was possible...When I turned the pots, a lot of the pot had hyphae running through it..........i believe this is because I designed my soil mix to increase fungal activity in the soil..


well look who came out of the soil mix closet lol. thats a hell of a mix Planty. is the crab shell to help increase chitin eating bacteria and calcium, or as a fert?


Active member
Planty: any idea what it cost per 100 gallons? or per pot? and how long between filling and planting do you recommend?



All of those reasons bro...


I really have no idea on the price. I'm sorry. I spent an embarrassing amount on the whole thing. 21 pallets total. Three weeks would be good. Four is more better.


Active member
yeah... i hear ya. haven't we all. worst part of the future of growing will be if we have to start counting every dime to make it worth our time and love. my homeboy owns a vineyard that lost about 80% of its year to that sunday frost bullshit. I am trying to help him get something together fast and furious to keep the food on the table this year... the mindset of the vinter vs the mindset of the ganja farmer when it comes to cost per this and that is very different.
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