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The Emerald Triangle Could Be In Grave Danger....

There is a big difference between a breach in a reactor and a nuclear detonation.
the more significant particles will dropout over the ocean, which still sucks.



May your race always be in your favor
The wind in the Pacific blows from west to east. Thats from Japan to the U.S. for the geographically challenged. Living on the west coast there have been more than a few times when pollution from China darkens our skies. So anyone who says that it will never get this far has his head in the sand or some where else the sun don't shine. If the reactor melts we are going to be screwed, if its bad enough it will cover the planet in a few months or so. think about that.
So on that note, I'll have another drink and bong hit please,Cause whoopee we're all gonna die.


weed fiend
Some of Cali's reactors are along the San Andreas fault.

36 years ago, Wall Street got out of the business of investing in nuclear power plants. Construction is boondoggle and cost over runs mean power companies lobby for financial assistance.

Westinghouse' latest reactor has just been criticized as unsafe by their own experts and NRC. But Westinghouse will play the too big to fail card and taxpayers will subsidize another three decades of construction.

If the NRC had the teeth, we'd make damn sure that General Electric, Westinghouse, etc made safer reactors. But recommended safety cuts profits.


Yes. NorCal, SoOregon, and ConUS besides ...

Yes. NorCal, SoOregon, and ConUS besides ...

I'm not an alarmist by nature...but what I see happening in Japan should be very concerning to anyone living NoCal and SoOregon.

There are 4 reactors and 7 fuel storage pools directly across the Pacific that don't seem to be anywhere near control.

Why the FUCK entombment is not happening now is completely beyond me. Until done this mess will be releasing a lot of radiation.....some of which will eventually find its way to the Triangle. Look at what happened from Chernobyl....the effects last generations....I would say this could effectively kill whatever local dairy industry there is in these areas....and I'm thinking that folks might have a real hard time buying/smoking herb grown in a rad zone....

The toll on Japan is going be beyond calculation. Tokyo region of 36MM people some 100miles downwind....so please....I'm not trying to trivialize this disaster in any way....I'm just think the danger to the Triangle region from this is real and should be considered.

Now #4 is melting down.

All six nuclear reactors at Fukushima Japan are of the same design -- General Electric Mark I boiling water reactors. All six have at least 2x the fission fuel load of their reactors stored on-site (in the reactor buildings) of spent fuel. Even worse, a number of the reactors have been using MOX fuel (uranium + plutonium pellets) instead of the original uranium pellets these facilities were designed to use.

Under normal circumstances, the use of MOX fuel is inconsequential. But this six reactor facility has experienced both a 9.0 earthquake and the devastating 15 meter high tsunami that followed. Nuclear power plants require ~ 1 Megawatt of power just to maintain safe operation -- control room operations, HVAC, pumps to maintain water levels in the spent fuel cooling pools, and to keep the reactor cores covered in water. Not only did the Fukushima facility lose power, but there was structural damage due to the earthquake as well as the tsunami. The emergency generators that would have provided power failed, and failed rather quickly.

The uncovered spent nuclear fuel in the cooling ponds are not under the containment domes of the six reactors themselves. They are catching on fire -- and eventually they will melt and pool together at the bottom of their cooling ponds. The same will hold true with the exposed reactor cores. Superheated steam exposed to incredibly hot vanadium fuel rod cladding breaks down into 2H2 and O2, which recombines with explosive force. Breaches in the six reactor containment vessels are inevitable, releasing radioactive steam and vaporized uranium, plutonium, steel, and concrete into the atmosphere. The melted fuel rods will collect in the bottom of the reactor vessels, ultimately melting through the steel into the ground -- the proverbial "China Syndrome".

The plumes of vaporized extremely radioactive material will be pushed around by prevailing winds, which could last for weeks or even months. Ultimately, this toxic plume will reach not only the USA West Coast, but also affect the rest of the country as well. This isn't bullshit -- dust from Mainland China's droughts have been blown as far East in the USA as Ohio. There's no reason to believe that this will be any different, excepting the toxicity. This reactor failure is not a Japanese problem, or a Northwest Asian problem -- it is a world-wide problem and needs to be addressed as such.

I weep for the suffering of the Japanese people, now and in the future. And I pray for people world-wide who will be harmed by this unfolding tragedy ... :grouphug:


Try google maps, it's 7300 miles from tokyo to eureka. Check out the driving directions it gives you, it says to kayak across the pacific ocean. I think that is too far for the fallout to travel, chernobyl's cloud didn't travel anywhere near that far.


shut the fuck up Donny
Anyone who is scared and wants to bounce I will be more then happy to take over their house and grow lol.

Lay off the pipe people.


Let me know when the buds glow in the dark. I might want a cut hehe! All I can say is I hope its not really an issue. That is a strong wind current though. I worry more about pacific Islands.


Freedom Fighter
For those who seen the map below...it is all false-- Made up--

Snopes doesn't let me copy the text, so here is the link--


They didn't have a containment dome. And the fallout wasn't contained.

Impact on People and EnvironmentMajor release of radio*active *material with widespread health and environmental effects r*equiring implementation of planned and extended *countermeasures...The resulting fire sent a plume of radioactive fallout into the atmosphere and over an extensive geographical area, including Pripyat. The plume drifted over large parts of the western Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, and Northern Europe. Large areas in Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia were evacuated, and over 336,000 people were resettled. According to official post-Soviet data,[1][2] about 60% of the falloutBelarus.
landed in

Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus have been burdened with the continuing and substantial decontamination and health care costs of the Chernobyl accident. More than fifty deaths are directly attributed to the accident, all among the reactor staff and emergency workers. Estimates of the total number of deaths attributable to the accident vary enormously, from possibly 4,000 to close to a million.[4][5]

Several procedural irregularities also helped to make the accident possible. One was insufficient communication between the safety officers and the operators in charge of the experiment being run that night. The reactor operators disabled safety systems down to the generators, which the test was really about.

I remember hearing on the tube that unauthorized cooling tests helped trigger the event.

Yeah. You can't see it, smell it or feel it. Less a Geiger counter, one will never know they're contaminated until violent vomiting ensues.

Germany has halted operations at pre-1980s reactors. Apparently, nobody knows whether operations will resume.

It seems with nuclear, we learn of flaws after the fact. Three General Electric inspectors resigned in 1975 over the Mark 1 reactor that's causing Japan's nightmare. They said that the wet containment domes weren't as safe as large, dry domes. GE balked at costs and retrofitted wet dome upgrades.

One of the vessels no longer contains water. That's a big problem. Not getting solid information from Japan's nuclear brains compounds the problem. According to MSNBC, US Marines will attempt to apply water from helicopters above. Looking more and more like 1986.

Disco I can tell you are no dummy for sure. Keep in mind that Soviet Russia was in an arms race with the USA at the time. They controlled all information coming into and going out of the country. No way could the soviets ever acknowledge any kind of superiority in technology, especially nuclear, by the USA. The only safe thing to do was blame personnel and execute them. The prime reason for the meltdown was the antiquated technology of graphite cooling rods.

Now the truth about the engineers that were executed. They probably did violate some safeties, which is common place in Russia. They give you a piece of shit to work with and expect you to manufacture miracles. If you don't make that piece of shit work (generate this many gig watts in such such time) your career and possibly your life will be on the line. Lots of stuff made in Soviet Russia was shit. During the Afghan invasion they littered the country with non functioning tanks and other military hardware. The Soviets were known for manufacturing inferior hardware in great numbers. A key ingredient to their failure as a government.

What I meant by contained holds true. The radiation was generally contained to Chernobyl. You didn't have radiation poisoning reports in other countries for instance, the focus of this thread.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
You should be storing clean water and food.

Alex Jones has the balls to tell the truth. Very rare in the media and hasnt been seen in the presidency since Kennedy.

I am sure Obama has your best interests at heart :smoke:

Plutonium isnt to be trifled with mate. Especially not when its in smoke and entering the jetstream.

Sorry to be a drag but you might just save you and your loved ones lives.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Urgent radiation preparedness action items for California, Oregon, Washington, B.C., Yukon and Alaska

Mike Adams
Natural News
Thursday, March 17, 2011

(NaturalNews) The New York Times report that a radiation plume will reach California by Friday has a lot of people asking us for more information about what to do. (See http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/17/s…) Fortunately, the amount of radiation that would actually fall on California (or Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, Alaska, etc.) is currently very small. Too small to pose a serious health risk for right now.

The time to get really concerned is if — and only if — the Fukushima reactors suffer a fuel rod “meltdown” event which would release a massive amount of radiation into the atmosphere. The United Nations has calculated that such an event would send a cloud of very powerful radiation headed eastward, arriving on the shores of the United States and Canada within 2-3 days after the meltdown, depending on wind patterns.

Importantly, this will give you some time to take action should such an event occur. The next 24 – 48 hours are crucial in Japan’s effort to stop the nuclear fuel rod meltdown. It is entirely unknown whether Japan can succeed in stopping it. The situation remains dire.
Important action items to take right now

If you live in the western states or provinces of North America, it is extremely important to be prepared by taking the following actions RIGHT NOW:

1) Fuel up your vehicle(s) and be ready to hit the road for a possible evacuation (or hunker down if you’re out in the country and feel like you would be safer there).

2) If you plan to stay put, go to the hardware store TODAY and buy large amounts of plastic sheeting and duct tape to seal up your windows and doors. This will help protect you from radioactive fallout. You will also need to store water, food, and all the usual emergency supplies because outside help probably won’t be available.

3) If you plan to evacuate, have a “Go Bag” ready to go at a moment’s notice. This go bag should include a water filter, emergency radio, flashlight, duct tape, emergency knife, spare cash, whatever medical supplies you might need, extra food and water, spare fuel cans and so on. Have it ready now in case you need it.

4) Significantly increase your intake of iodine-containing foods and superfoods starting right now: Seaweeds are a great source. We’ve listed our entire inventory of what we have available at our store (http://www.naturalnews.com/031730_i…), but I would actually prefer you to go out and get this locally TODAY at your local health food stores, where possible. You may not have time to wait on a UPS delivery. Fortunately, our store ships from Ojai, California, meaning that if you order foods from us today that are in stock, and you’re in California, you could receive them very, very quickly (within 1-2 business days).

5) If you have potassium iodide pills (radiation pills), don’t take them yet. Keep them ready to take if and only if a meltdown event occurs and a massive dose of radiation has been released into the atmosphere.

6) Have a plan for you and your family. Where will you meet if you need to evacuate? Don’t count on cell phones working. Have a plan of where to go, how to get there and how to survive once you get there.
Why you probably won’t be told the truth on all this by “official” sources

Hopefully none of this will be necessary. If they can stop the meltdown at Fukushima, there is virtually no real radiation risk in North America. That’s the outcome we’re all hoping and praying for.

Urgent radiation preparedness action items for California, Oregon, Washington, B.C., Yukon and Alaska aj150709banner1

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But if a meltdown takes place, it is almost certain that strong winds will push a massive radiation cloud right into North America within a matter of days, potentially dropping an extremely dangerous quantity of radioactive material on California or other regions. That’s the scenario that we all need to be prepared to guard against.

Do not rely on your government to tell you the truth about what’s happening. Governments are in the business of “preventing panic” by withholding information you need to know. Governments believe that if too many people know the truth, it might start a panic, and even more people could die in the panic than from the event itself. They may actually be correct at some level on that, but I believe that people have a right to know what’s really going on. And the sober, shocking truth of the matter is that as of right now, our world is facing an unprecedented nuclear meltdown event that could dwarf the Chernobyl catastrophe of 1986. We’re talking about as many as 600,000 spent fuel rods which are now threatened by fires and loss of cooling fluids. This is not a set of circumstances to be taken lightly.

I urge all NaturalNews readers to take this seriously. Get prepared now. Get your go bag ready just in case. Start boosting your natural iodine intake TODAY. Be ready to head out of Dodge if you’re in a geographic area that could be impacted. And then watch the news on this to stay informed (and read NaturalNews for an honest analysis of the situation).
The sad realities of the evacuation of large cities

Another thing: If a meltdown does occur and an evacuation is announced for parts of the west coast of North America, you will need to be one of the first to head out if you expect to get out at all. The highways around Los Angeles in particular do not have the capacity to handle a mass evacuation. They barely have the capacity to handle rush hour! Imagine what happens if half the people in L.A. try to leave all at the same time… that will be a week-long traffic jam, and people will run out of gas on the highways, abandon their vehicles, and make the highways impassable.

I don’t mean to paint this as a worst-case scenario, but I’m trying to give you an accurate description of what might realistically happen if a radiation cloud is headed toward LA and an evacuation effort is announced. If you aren’t out of LA by the time the government announces an evacuation, you’re probably too late.

By the way, this is actually a good time to own a Prius because a Prius can idle without the engine running and use virtually no gas. A Prius is a great getaway vehicle for jammed evacuation highways where traffic is barely moving. Of course, if you had a Hummer, you could probably just off-road it and bypass all the stalled traffic, but that’s a debate for another time…

Be safe and be smart about all this. Think ahead. Get real about what might unfold if a meltdown occurs. This is a time to interrupt your regularly-scheduled programming and start thinking seriously about what you can do to protect yourself and your family. It’s better to be prepared than to be caught by the unexpected.

We are lucky in one sense right now because we have forewarning of all this. There is time right now to take preparedness steps to deal with a meltdown event should one occur. I strongly advise all NaturalNews readers to use this time wisely and get squared away for what might be coming.

Just in case, you see. Most of the time, when I preach preparedness, I do so in the context of just getting prepared for “the unexpected.” But today, we have the expected! We know Fukushima is about to melt down. We know the winds will carry the radiation to North America. We know that evacuation of major U.S. cities in 48 hours is virtually impossible. And we also know that the supply inventories of certain preparedness items are strictly limited, meaning that not everybody who wants emergency supplies will be able to get them. These are the sobering realities of emergencies in our modern, high-population-density world.

Watch NaturalNews.com for more updates throughout the day. We’ll be posting stories at an increased frequency during this Fukushima catastrophe to help bring people information more rapidly.

Guy Weiss

The best thing is to avoid the radioactive fallout. These are the particles that are carried with the wind and fall to earth.

It would be a good idea to purchase large amounts of tin foil and shape it into a large sombrero type of hat. Wear the hat everywhere you go and never remove it.

There are many important uses for these types of hats.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
This is plutonium. There HAS BEEN a partial meltdown at least.

You dont take chances with this stuff.

Once again you are being lied to and told everything is ok.

"Go back to sleep America, your government has everything under control"

Yeah its ok. Obama said so.... y'know the guy who won a peace prize for carrying on the wars over oil, rape, torture and imperial dominance. Just ask Libya! They love depleted uranium shells and drone warfare. Its really fun!


weed fiend
With all due respect, ol' Alex plays alarmist on every issue. Has he ever got one right? I can't remember the guest that predicted the end of days during the BP oil spill. Probably buried in the tokers' den somewhere.

I saw a scientist on the tube speaking of Chernobyl. He said we all have a tiny piece of Chernobyl in our bodies. They even have a blip on the radiometer that represents elevated cesium(?) from the fallout.

It was 300 times less than dangerous. No reason to get folks paranoid. Even if things get worse we'll need as much calm and order as potential dangers/disasters allow.

Just because somebody's not buying plastic and tape doesn't mean they're not cognizant. It's probably going to take something more believable than a scientist(?) willing to suggest a 1 in 10,000-chance scenario as probable on AM radio.

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