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The Emerald Triangle Could Be In Grave Danger....


shut the fuck up Donny

Sorry, I can post to countless news organizations though. They are all carrying the same story and figures.

According to the findings, seawater samples taken from the water near the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant's No. 2 reactor several days ago were contaminated with radioactive iodine-131, seven and a half million times the legal limit, AP reported.

More recent findings, however, indicated that the reading has dropped to five million as of Monda

Did you really just cite a webpage from Iran?

I'm not disputing that the water being put into the ocean has high levels of radiation.

It has dropped from 7 to 5 million. And this reading was taken directly from where it was poured into the ocean which then immediately disperses it.

Note to self: don't go swimming in the ocean right next to the power plant.


Active member
I am not worried about that, I am worried about the fish that migrate and are radioactive as shit, but caught thousands of miles away from japan. I eat a lot of fish and I love tuna fish. Now with the mercury, plastics, and radioactivity looks like I will have to start raising my own fish and chickens. I need to get my own land!


Hmmmmm...........if this stuff will make our plants glow in the dark, won't that screw up our 12/12 dark period.

Seriously, we're going to die sooner or later so fuck it. Fill those bowls and lets get ripped. Because if I'm going to die, I'm going to be red-eyed and smiling from ear to ear......with a pepsi and girl scout cookies in hand of course.


Game Bred
Hmmmmm...........if this stuff will make our plants glow in the dark, won't that screw up our 12/12 dark period.

Seriously, we're going to die sooner or later so fuck it. Fill those bowls and lets get ripped. Because if I'm going to die, I'm going to be red-eyed and smiling from ear to ear......with a pepsi and girl scout cookies in hand of course.
ill go with a cognac and a girl scout ;) j/k


Game Bred
Girl Scout Ambassadors

On August 26, 2006 the National Council of GSUSA voted to change the level system as of October 2008.[6] The Senior level, which previously included girls in grades 9 through 12, was split, and girls in grades 11 and 12 (around ages 16–18) became Ambassador Girl Scouts, the new highest level. Girls in 9th and 10th grade remained Girl Scout Seniors. Girl Scout Ambassadors wear the same khaki colored vest or sash as Girl Scout Cadettes and Seniors. Their membership disks are dark blue.[3] New "Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting" handbooks will be introduced in Fall 2012 for all levels.
Adult members

Adults, both men and women, can join Girl Scouts also and participate as leaders or in other volunteer roles. Adults do not need to have a child in the program in order to volunteer with Girl Scouts.
Campus Girl Scouts

Young adults who attend an institute of higher learning may join or start a Campus Girl Scout group on their campus. While Campus Girl Scouts are full adult members in Girl Scouts and do not form a troop or sell cookies, joining Campus Girl Scouts allows them to get involved with their campus community and beyond. They may lead troops, volunteer for Council events, help with paperwork or the cookie sale, complete service projects- their activities are driven by the members of the group..

now i just gotta convince the wife to be a girl scout..
i just can't bring myself to join..


Game Bred
from young guns

Charley Bowdre: Sorry, John. It just struck me funny.
John Tunstall: And to William, both of you.
Charley Bowdre: Apologies, Billy. We was just razzin on you.
"Dirty Steve" Stephens: Yeah, we was just razzin on you.
Richard Brewer: Rumor has it you killed a man, Billy. You don't seem like the killing sort.
"Dirty Steve" Stephens: Yeah, Billy. What'd you kill him for?
William H. Bonney: He was razzin on me.

god i love that movie!!!!


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
EPA to raise limits for radiation exposure while Canada turns off fallout detectors

EPA to raise limits for radiation exposure while Canada turns off fallout detectors


Mike Adams
Natural News
April 5, 2011

The mass radioactive contamination of our planet is now under way thanks to the astonishing actions taking place at the Fukushima nuclear facility in Japan. As of last night, TEPCO announced it is releasing 10,000 tons of radioactive water directly into the Pacific Ocean. That 2.4 million gallons of planetary poison being dumped directly into the ocean.

This water is being released because they have run out of places to keep it on land. It’s too deadly to transport anywhere else, and all the storage pools around Fukushima are already overflowing. So they’re dumping it into the ocean, then calling it “safe” because they claim the ocean will “disperse” all the radiation and make it harmless.

But because there’s more radioactive water being produced every day at Fukushima, this process of releasing radioactive water into the ocean could theoretically continue for years, easily making Fukushima the worst nuclear disaster in the history of our world.

Quick, fudge the numbers before anybody notices!

Fukushima, you see, is doing to the Pacific Ocean what BP and the Deepwater Horizon did to the Gulf of Mexico last summer. Except that in the case of Fukushima, that radiation doesn’t just disappear with the help of millions of gallons of toxic chemicals. Nope, that radiation sticks around for decades.

So what to do? If you’re the United States Environment Protection Agency, there’s only one option: Declare radiation to be safe!

Yes indeed, friends, we have reached a moment of comedic insanity at the EPA, where those in charge of protecting the environment are hastily rewriting the definition of “radioactive contamination” in order to make sure that whatever fallout reaches the United States falls under the new limits of “safe” radiation.

The EPA maintains a set of so-called “Protective Action Guides” (PAGs). These PAGs are being quickly revised to radically increase the allowable levels of iodine-131 (a radioactive isotope) to anywhere from 3,000 to 100,000 times the currently allowable levels.

The group Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) is all over this issue, having obtained internal emails from a FOIA requests that reveal some truly shocking revelations of the level of back-stabbing betrayal happening inside the EPA. For example, under the newly-revised PAGs, drinking just one glass of water considered “safe” by the EPA could subject you to the lifetime limit of radiation.


“In addition,” PEER goes on to say, “it would allow long-term cleanup limits thousands of times more lax than anything EPA has ever before accepted. These new limits would cause a cancer in as much as every fourth person exposed.”

These new PAGs would also vastly increase the allowable levels of radiation in soil and food, too. That way, when the radioactive fallout from Fukushima’s massive release of raw radioactive water begins to rain down upon the West Coast, the EPA can officially announce that all the radiation is “below accepted limits.” That’s very comforting to many people, you see.

And why is it below the limits? Because the EPA just raised the limits by as much as 100,000 times!

Quack science is alive and well as the government

Truly, this is science at its most delightful. When the facts don’t fit your fairy tale, simply rewrite the fairy tale to discard the facts! That’s science for you today, folks: There’s nothing that can’t be denied, censored, oppressed or ignored if you just fudge the numbers with enough determination and arrogance.

The U.S. government does the exact same thing with vitamin D, of course. By lowering the definition of vitamin D deficiency to mean only those with a blood level below 30, the government magically and instantly transforms a wildly deficient American population into a “sufficiently nourished” population! It’s magic, friends. Magic with numbers.

But even the EPA’s sleight-of-hand magic isn’t fooling very many people this time around. Even the most TV-obsessed, CNN-watching news zombie has by now figured out that too much radiation is bad for you. After all, the media has been screaming at people about the dangers of sunlight radiation for years, insisting that the mere act of sunlight touching your skin could kill you from skin cancer.

And yet, thanks to the EPA’s magically-morphing numbers, even though sunlight radiation might kill you, Fukushima radiation is perfectly safe for ya!

You have a front row seat in this entertaining charade

Isn’t it amazing? Watching the U.S. government try to fudge its way out of the physical realities of Fukushima probably beats the best stage magic show you’ll ever find in Vegas. Sure, in Vegas they can make white tigers disappear right in front of your very eyes, but with the help of the U.S. government, they can cause the world’s largest nuclear catastrophe to vanish by simply redefining radiation exposure limits.

You may wonder, dear readers, where the U.S. government learned these amazing and fantastic tricks of fudging the numbers. The answer, as regular NaturalNews know all too well, is that they learned it from the U.S. Treasury, where fudging the numbers is an essential skill to keep things running. After all, if the federal government can pretend that trillions of dollars in toxic debt have no impact on the U.S. economy, it’s a no-brainer to also pretend that massive doses of radioactive fallout have no impact on environmental health, either.

That’s the new mantra in Washington: We just wish it away! It should be Obama’s new campaign slogan, actually: Are you ready to wish it all away? Watch the distraction in my right hand while I steal the money out of your wallet with my left…

British scientists have the solution: Spread it all around!

Getting back to the absolutely glowing situation in Fukushima, if you can’t believe the U.S. EPA, then perhaps you can take comfort in the authoritative words of a British newspaper, which assures us that:

“Scientists also confirmed that ocean currents will swiftly dilute the radioactive iodine-131, eliminating risks to human health and the environment.”


Surely this logic is impeccable, no? Any amount of toxic radiation can simply be declared safe by dumping it into the ocean and watching the waves sweep it all away. By this same logic, you could clean up a toxic chemical spill by swishing it around with wet mops and then declaring the zone to be safe again.

Didn’t we try this already with pesticides, herbicides and agricultural runoff? And didn’t it create massive ocean dead zones all around the planet? Now we’re going to add Chernobyl-sized radiation releases to that equation, too?

Fukushima is a massive dirty bomb

I’m reminded that if an Islamic-looking individual conducted such an act anywhere near a U.S. shoreline, it would be considered an act of terrorism. A dirty bomb, actually. And those individuals would be shipped off the Guantanamo Bay to be interrogated in a facility that President Obama once promised the voters would be closed down if he were elected. He was lying, of course. But that’s not even the news here. Everybody already knows he was lying about Gitmo.

So why is unleashing a dirty bomb an act of terrorism if you’re Islamic-looking, but if you’re Japanese suddenly it’s all officially safe? And by what contortions in its twisted agenda of anti-public service does the EPA go to these extraordinary lengths to redefine the very margins of radiation exposure? If Fukushima goes into a total meltdown, will the EPA just add more zeroes to the end of its safety margin numbers until we’re all assured our food is U.S. government approved 100% safe even while our hair falls out from eating it?

Will the FDA soon tell us that radioactive milk is safe to drink, but RAW milk is deadly?

Canada tries to out-stupid the USA

Ah, the fascination of watching this tragic comedy of errors unfold in the U.S. government almost cannot be exceeded. But Canada is sure trying. Its own nuclear monitoring network has simply been shut off, and its website now reads “Please note that as of March 25, 2011, the frequency of data collection by NRCan using the mobile surveys has been decreased due to the low levels of radiation being detected.”

Seriously, see the bottom of the page:http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hc-ps/ed-ud/…

Yep, since they’re detecting low levels of radiation, this is apparently justification for turning off the monitors altogether, which of course is the kind of brilliant early warning plan that could have only been dreamed up by a brain-dead bureaucrat. It’s as if these morons are sitting around a table having a conversation that goes something like this:

Bureaucratic Moron #1: Remember how we spent a hundred million dollars installing a national network of radiation detectors?

Bureaucratic Moron #2: Yeah.

Bureaucratic Moron #1: And remember how we started to detect some of the radioactive fallout from Fukushima as it began raining down upon Canada?

Bureaucratic Moron #2: Yeah.

Bureaucratic Moron #1: Well, I have a great idea. Let’s turn OFF all the detectors so that we stop detecting radiation!

Bureaucratic Moron #2: That’s brilliant! You’re a genius!

Bureaucratic Moron #1: I know I am. And we wouldn’t want to waste this expensive equipment, you know.

Bureaucratic Moron #2: Right, we want to save it for a scenario when we might really need it, eh?

Bureaucratic Moron #1: Exactly! And we’ll save millions of dollars in operating fees, because the best way to save money on radiation detectors is to not use them.

Bureaucratic Moron #2: You’re a genius! You should run for Prime Minister!
Yes there is a plan, but you’re not in it

Obama, of course, is trying to best his Canadian counterpart by simply urging the American people todo nothingin the case of radioactive fallout. Don’t worry, my little consumer sheeple, you don’t need to prepare in any way whatsoever, Obama says from his nuclear fallout shelter that’s stocked with 10 years of food, water, emergency medical supplies, government ammunition and military communications equipment. It’s okay for the President to prepare for emergencies, I guess. Just not YOU.

There is a plan, you see, for the government to survive every disaster that comes our way. You’re just not part of it. The government feels that its own survival is far more important than yours. And just to make sure you don’t interfere with its own plans, the government is going to turn off the radiation detectors, raise the official EPA limits of radioactive exposure, urge Americans to avoid preparing for fallout, and then pretend absolutely nothing’s wrong. Keep on buying, consuming and paying your bills, all you voters! Punch your time clock at your job if you still have one, and don’t ask any questions about radiation, vaccines or the chemical additives they put in hot dogs.

Some food ingredients, you see, are only disclosed on a need-to-know basis. And you don’t need to know.

Run for the cure. Vote in the next election. Buy diet sodas and watch lots of sports programs on television with occasional interruptions from the news programs now featuring “info babes” regurgitating scripted mindless propaganda bracketed by flying news network logos. Report suspicious activities at Wal-Mart (http://naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=5A4B5…). Call 911 on your Arab-looking neighbors just because they look Arab-looking. Watch “Ow, My Balls!” on your television set (http://www.naturalnews.com/021558_I…) and stop thinking about your future.

Your government already has your future planned for you. That’s why there’s no need for you to expend any effort considering it yourself. Why bother thinking when you can just passivelyconsumeeverything you’re being spoon-fed by the State? And don’t worry about the radioactive fallout. It’s all safe now. I’ve been assured of that by the EPA.



weed fiend
I made it this far.... 1st statement, 2nd paragraph -

This water is being released because they have run out of places to keep it on land.
This is part of the fiasco. Bunk information is offered as valid. Then bunk articles suggest that major media is lying when none of us know what's happening regarding fallout levels. Barring full meltdown, release levels, time and area of contamination are relative.

Japan hasn't run out of places to temporarily store spent fuel. Somebody deduced that from the fact that TEPCO stored their spent fuel above the reactors themselves. It was a good idea in the sense that spent fuel was contained as long as the containment buildings weren't destroyed. It's a terrible idea considering spent fuel can add to the fallout levels when cooling water isn't contained.

TEPCO isn't releasing radioactive seawater back into the sea. The big ass crack in the containment vessel is. They can't stop pouring water on the cracked egg because it might melt. So the cracked egg keeps releasing the contaminated water and proximity to the shoreline means it goes back into the sea.

Even the select few who know what's happening only know part of it. IMO, we don't need articles that mimic journalists yet forget or disregard fundamentals.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
The water and the spent fuel are two different things.

According to the latest info they have sealed up the crack with liquid glass of some sort.

The fundamental point in the article was that Canada has turned off their radiation warning systems and that the EPA have updated their 'safe' levels by a factor of 100,000%

You cant make this stuff up!

A good journalist would look at this from all angles and report on the facts at hand. As you say its hard to confirm exactly whats happening but from the look of the latest photos not much.

We need honesty and openess... now who should the world look too hmm?

Alex Jones, Natural news and Above top secret.com are getting masses of new readers because the mainstream media is just reporting what they are told to report. They are losing viewers/readers at a dramatic rate.


weed fiend
The water and the spent fuel are two different things.

You're correct, they're two different things. The radioactive water returning to the sea is a containment vessel problem. The article's statement that Japan is dumping radioactive water because they have nowhere else to put it is misleading.

EDIT - TEPCO says they have no storage left - my apologies.

According to the latest info they have sealed up the crack with liquid glass of some sort.

The fundamental point in the article was that Canada has turned off their radiation warning systems and that the EPA have updated their 'safe' levels by a factor of 100,000%

You cant make this stuff up!

A good journalist would look at this from all angles and report on the facts at hand. As you say its hard to confirm exactly whats happening but from the look of the latest photos not much.

We need honesty and openess... now who should the world look too hmm?

Alex Jones, Natural news and Above top secret.com are getting masses of new readers because the mainstream media is just reporting what they are told to report. They are losing viewers/readers at a dramatic rate.
I find that readers provide some of the best headlines to breaking news as well or far better than the articles responded to.

One of the reasons major media doesn't report everything that AJ reports is it's all gloom and doom. Another thing is his bizarre yet narrow array of experts. Outside the AJ network one never hears of these experts. Aren't they the ones advising folks to shave their heads? I like to see if either of these guys have shaved their head yet.
Last edited:


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
You say bizarre yet narrow i say way ahead of the field...

David Icke, Gerald Celente, Jesse Ventura, Willie Nelson, Ron Paul, Peter Schiff etc

All with a track record of honesty and integrity stretching back years.

Thats just off the top of my head. There are many more. They tend to go on tour and actually meet the people vs being media whores is why some may seem obscure.



Active member
Reactors 1 and 3 can no longer be entered by man or machine. Neither will work long enough without breaking down to do anything useful.

They are now completely incapable of getting an accurate measurement of the radiation due to it pegging all of their equipment. (Put your light meter on "Fluorescent" and point it at the Sun.)

The govts are going to point out that they couldn't tell us the truth because it would have caused mass panics, looting, rioting and many deaths. They'll tell us that the number of deaths from the radiation will be much less than the chaos would have created.

By the time people figure out that they were killed or made sick by ignorance... those who lied will no longer be of any importance... and neither will the fact that they lied.

We're moving into a "survival" phase folks. Figure it out quick or die quick. It's YOUR Choice. The dollar is being de-valued much faster than was previously planned because of this. I give it 6 months before the common folks like us are broke and starving.

Better get your "Barter Cap" on. Got any useful skills that people will trade you food and shelter for?

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