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The Ebb Flow Show


The mat stays real wet but there is enough air in there it shouldnt matter. Right? I mean that is what makes coco superior or at least different. What are your thoughts?
And that is pretty fuckin impressive that you havent changed the rez and damn near done. :respect:
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Active member
right that is supposed to be one of the benifits of the coco. It isn't really that I am not liking the coco mat, it is that I don't like the difference in moisture holding between the cocomat and the hydroton. I think next time if I wanted roots to be able to spill out of the pot, I will just put a layer of hydroton down in the tray. Or maybe use a coco/hydroton mix inside the pot and a cocomat would be a good combo since the coco/hydro would hold a good ammount of water inside the pot.


Active member
Day 44

Deffinately not too happy with this round. The huge stretch caused long stems that easily bent over. But luckily with my PVC SCROG screens I can screw on longer legs and raise the screen up a bit. Helped out, but still the yield on this round probably isn't going to be too hot.

Oh yeah, and somehow some pollen made its way through the house and down in to the flowering room. So I will have a bunch of top 44 X Blue Skunk beans. Not cool.

Oh well, I learn well by making mistakes.



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
howzit brother? hey those friggn ladies stretched like a mofo... wow.. nice that you were prepared with extensions legs.. and the pollen yea that sux.. thats a crazy cross. bbl peace..



Looks good regardless of the stretch, looks like a sea of budsickles :yummy:
bummer about the unplanned seeds, oh well shit happens...

70s :joint:


Active member
Day 52



Active member
Still truckin. Day 64 or so. These widdows will go for a while if you let them.

The seeds look like they are ready. I am going to give them another week maybe just to be sure.

The plants don't look like they got dusted as much as I thought. I still might get a decent harvest out of this setup. I will be doing some more ebb flow tables without the coco mat and with much less veg time. I have 8 lights of ebb and flow coming up this month.


jimjay said:
The mat stays real wet but there is enough air in there it shouldnt matter. Right? I mean that is what makes coco superior or at least different. What are your thoughts?
And that is pretty fuckin impressive that you havent changed the rez and damn near done. :respect:

looks like a little too high on the EC there , a "less is more" scenario with re:WW

( and she will do something 'massive' for u....
like this with enough root space )

* like the Coco matts they promote very nice moist zone ... if you are usuing them consider doing several "mini floods" of only 1min to the root zone area underneath , thus mimicing NFT to the roots growing out in that space , whether U R doing 4x4 , 6x6 r/w or the clay . :wave:


Active member
I am done with the coco mat. The roots ended up getting a bit brown down there.

The EC did get just a touch too high for a few days, but was corrected and stayed pretty low the last 4 weeks or so. They never filled in because they got pollenated by top 44 male.

The widdow I have doesn't like to finish flowering. Even at 9 weeks in the pistols are still white and still growing.

I harvested and trimmed the other day. Will have a final weight soon. Going to be bad because of the seeds, but shit happens.

I will most likely be donating the seeds.


GREAT thread. Just what I want to do as soon as I buy a new house.

I like how everything is layed out. If you can, please post some picture of the entire setup so we can see the whole system. Air intake, exhaust, tubing... :D



Active member
sorry, there will be no direct member to member seed donations here. Too much of a security risk for everyone. Good try though.

twowordz- thanks man, I will try and get some room pics up soon.

Boxy Brown

how thick is the coco mat your using?, iv used the 1" mats in the past with no root problems but when I tried the 1/4" stuff I got brown roots.


Active member
Yeah sorry I have been processing all that weed. I ended up pulling 3 pounds 10 ounces off these tables. Not bad I guess considering all the problems. I have seperated out a couple thousand seeds so far. Talk about time consuming.

I will get pictures up soon of harvest.

I have already filled up these 2 tables with 64 tabby clones in coco/perlite. I was going to do ebb flow on that one but the pots I used don't let enough water in so I am going to make it a drip system.

I have 4 more ebb flow tables I am putting in another room. Will post a link when I get it done.


Active member
Can't believe I missed this thread. Or any of your other threads. Wow, so much information and so many ideas!

Sorry if I missed it ... but how did you anchor down those PVC ScrOG frames, to keep them from being lifted up along with the plant canopy? Also, what size PVC are you using? 1/2" or 3/4"?