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The classiest coffeeshop in Amsterdam?


Grower for Life
red lebanese? i have to check that out. Last time i bought a nice red leb was in 93-94....


Moppel said:
red lebanese? i have to check that out. Last time i bought a nice red leb was in 93-94....
dutch flowers have a red leb as well ,,enjoy it my freind it tastes so good :yummy:


New member
red lebanon

red lebanon

as far as I remember (I'm a pothead after all) last time I bought a decent red Lebanon was at the Bluebird back in 2003, expensive but a sweet reminder of the past...
Red Leb I got at Dutch Flowers was hard like inscense .
Maybe my bad luck. But It's one of my favorite places.
Sit outside in the afternoon and doze off to a hash haze...
Farmer John said:
Theehuis in Haarlem had some great red lebanese..
Ah. Theehuis. On Smedestraat.
There's a narrow street running alongside it that goes to the back, with a courtyard and houses. One of them had a room for rent, but I never acted on it. Take a walk back there, might be a nice place to stay...

Lord Doobie

I remember going into a cafe on the main shopping street.
I said..."I dunno...coffee I guess"
He said, "No coffee!" :yoinks:

That really nice 2 story glass cafe on the corner was the most classy I found...

Probably gone by now...oh well, there's always the Grassshopper...unless that's gone, too.


cool pics baccas !! , i remember that scene like it was just yesterday!!!
hmmm and hazy nice hashes!,

any hot spots right now hazyfontazy??? whos got the goods!



cool thread, brought back some cool memories as well as providing a few ideas.

on the whole i don't remember one "posh" coffee shop in amsterdam. but again, that's not what i was looking for either.

if you want to spoil yourself you have to go to a classy place and run up such a bill that they don't bat an eye when you skin up after the meal and smoke a joint with your coffee.

but when it comes to a coffee shop, thats the last place on earth that i'd want to be too classy. i mean they are gonna be classy with their weed prices too if they go that route. so far people want their pot to be sold in comfortable dark cellars, lol... maybe you are on to some thing, a coffee shop for the rich, lol. it might do incredibly well if it's done the right way, it just won't sell much hash or weed, lol. but food and drinks would go well and could be expensive in tune with the decor, hehe.

although i must say i was quite happy with the selection of coffee shops. it was more finding the nice weed that was a task. but i always have great fun exploring.


Well-known member
surely if you want posh or high class u should go to manhattan.but as far as clean nice interior comfortable setup id say bluebird. great product and atmosphere with a comfy couch which to me is a major pluss.but high class grass nothing beats the grey area.eeassssssy


Well it's not in Amsterdam, but check this out for a classy coffeeshop in Eindhoven: The Grasshopper (nothing to do with the touristy Grasshopper in A'dam):


(Goto Pictures tab and check it out! - beats the pants off anything I've seen in A'dam! ....plus Moroccan owned so good hash there too ;) )

Cool tune on the website too, lol

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daddy fingaz

Active member
I think ur right British_Bulldog , thats the classiest looking coffeeshop ive seen, looks more like a posh modern bar, just wonder if the product is up 2 the same standard !!!!??!


Hi daddy fingaz,

Well I tried all their best hash, and it was quite good, not THE best, but good enough, and it's Moroccan owned, with loads of Moroccan customers, so the hash needs to be upto standard.....and remember this ain't A'dam.

The girl behind the counter was nice looking, and also very sharp witted - I'm not sure whether she liked me or not, but when I said something in English, she said that she thought I was asking her for sex, lol, and then we flirted and joked around.....

Anyway, I was standing at the counter rolling up, and there was a Moroccan dude there, possibly interested in me sexually (!), not sure, lol, but he took a shine to me too, and tried to insist I smoke a joint containing tobacco with him......and got shocked when I was rolling up pure weed......and pointed it out to the shop owner too! I had to explain to him that I don't smoke tobacco now - he got a bit offended I wouldn't smoke his spliff with tobacco! But wasn't too disrespected by it, as he understood.......eventually!!



the new barneys bar is quite posh for a coffeeshop, well the prices are anyway. you can't buy weed there but you can smoke.