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The CannaBunker Begins


Enormous Member
I have some short videos I'd like to share, but I don't know how to host them here, at ICMAG, or how to post them anonymously somewhere else. Any suggestions?


Active member
Best thread on ICM in years. Let me know if you're still having issues with posting photos (thought I read that somewhere), I would be happy to give you plenty of bandwidth on my (offshore) server to host pics with. This is an inspiration! Keep it up...


Let's see if this works. Here's a video of my concrete mixer. One batch out of 550. Play this video for 10 hours a day for a month, and you'll start to understand.


Is it possible to imbed videos from youtube at ICMAG?

No, imbedding isn't allowed and the link is working :yes:

I dig your level of committment :ying:
As I said, i'm versed in many trades, just lack the gumption to take on such a major project.

I do have future plans for an addition,increasing the footprint(basement) and hiding a room like yours :)


One day you will have to answer to the children of
So, you may wish to upload with a different 'username'.


Haha. It just dawned on me that I have not seen it said yet, but where did you put all the dirt you dug out to make the room ?


Enormous Member
I dig your level of committment :ying:
As I said, i'm versed in many trades, just lack the gumption to take on such a major project.

I do have future plans for an addition,increasing the footprint(basement) and hiding a room like yours :)

I wouldn't call it commitment, there were plenty of times that I wanted to give up. Once the hole was dug, there was really no going back. If you give up, what's left? A giant hole in your back yard. I knew that I didn't want that, so I kept on going.

I also quit my job to do this. Holding onto a job while doing this wouldn't have been possible. I tried it for a while, and it sucked the life out of me.

Good luck with the project, get a concrete truck, and it's easy from there. :)


I've done the 'hole in the back yard' thing before, along with some other sizable projects that not many homeowners would undertake...to several different homes...I just can't get 'up' for another project of this size. However, I do need an addition and what better time to incorporate a hidden dream room. :)

My question to you is this:

If your were going to sub some of the jobs out, mainly the excavation and rough-ins, aside from the obvious(water/drain,elec./plumbing) is there anything else you could think of having them rough-in to make it easier for setup later on?

I wouldn't call it commitment, there were plenty of times that I wanted to give up. Once the hole was dug, there was really no going back. If you give up, what's left? A giant hole in your back yard. I knew that I didn't want that, so I kept on going.

I also quit my job to do this. Holding onto a job while doing this wouldn't have been possible. I tried it for a while, and it sucked the life out of me.

Good luck with the project, get a concrete truck, and it's easy from there. :)


Enormous Member
I've done the 'hole in the back yard' thing before, along with some other sizable projects that not many homeowners would undertake...to several different homes...I just can't get 'up' for another project of this size. However, I do need an addition and what better time to incorporate a hidden dream room. :)

My question to you is this:

If your were going to sub some of the jobs out, mainly the excavation and rough-ins, aside from the obvious(water/drain,elec./plumbing) is there anything else you could think of having them rough-in to make it easier for setup later on?

Pretty much all of the work that I wish I didn't have to do, had to do with the concrete mixing. Shoveling gravel and sand, hauling cinder blocks, etc. Framing is fairly easy, since 2x4's are not made out of gravel.

Get an air compressor and nail gun. Framing is easy. You might want CO2 in your room, so if you have natural gas, you might want someone to install a black pipe line to your setup. That's not hard to do, but you'd need a pipe threader.

Have the concrete guys use their own forms for your job so you don't have to buy and discard a bunch of plywood. When I added on to my garage, I did the excavation and backfill, and the concrete guys gave me a substantial discount. I think the slab and knee wall foundation was about $1500. The excavation and backfill work was another $750 that I didn't have to shell out.

It would have made my life easier if I had of just made an addition with a full basement. That way I wouldn't have had to worry about any leaks. Having a patio as a roof creates some (reasonable) obsticles that would not be an issue if there was roof over the structure. I would have recommended using some more moisture barriers (plastic, tar, etc). I'd actually consider giving the bunker a tin roof before burying it.

Another word of advice is not to sweat the conctractors. Get a building permit, just call it something else other than a grow room. Professionals do not care what you're going to do with what they're building. They just want to get paid and move onto their next project. Don't be afraid to hire people. I'd worry more about getting help from people that you know. Stay out of your social zone for help.

I also don't think it's necessarily a bad thing for people to know about what you're doing, just don't ask for their help. They're too busy with their own lives and jobs to care if you're going to build a bud bunker, unless their lives or jobs intersect with yours on a significant level. Anyone you hang around enough to piss-off is a liability. I have a few friends that I never see that know about the build. I have much closer friends that don't know. Sounds wierd, but it's the arguments/fights from close friends that will fuck you. Friends who live 100's of miles away don't see me enough to get angry at me.


Enormous Member
I've done the 'hole in the back yard' thing before, along with some other sizable projects that not many homeowners would undertake...to several different homes...I just can't get 'up' for another project of this size.

It's better if you're not aware of the size of the project that you're tackling. I think I would have a hard time doing something like this again, knowing the toils that await me. Mixing concrete.


New member
Agree.. one of the best threads goin'...anymore coming on the Tube?...yeah, just tell the contractor your buiding a storm/tornado/cyclone shelter...leave it at that..:good:

...dont let the neighbors know or the next time the Local Weather "Yahoo"comes on:lightning: , you'll have folks beatin' on your "Bunker":hide:...ha ha