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The Black Hand of California thats Jim Crow

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Active member
It true that an end to the elevation of the mediocre white persons will happen but it also means the elevation of the mediocre black person. ie instead of your dumb white cousins getting jobs and business loans, it will be my dumb mediocre black cousins getting those loans and hookups. In order for a black American to succeed, obtain economic elevation, its not needed to be an Oprah or LeBron.


Active member
I think that’s been tried a few times, notably in Rhodesia and South Africa.

It’s weird - and I’ve seen this repeated/referenced before - that things like nuclear families and personal responsibility, and the benefits of, are ascribed to loans and hookups.

The current narrative is that race isn’t real, unless one is using it negatively against Caucasian folks. It’s forbidden to suggest that the (non-real) black community police itself, hold itself accountable, and do something for itself.

It true that an end to the elevation of the mediocre white persons will happen but it also means the elevation of the mediocre black person. ie instead of your dumb white cousins getting jobs and business loans, it will be my dumb mediocre black cousins getting those loans and hookups. In order for a black American to succeed, obtain economic elevation, its not needed to be an Oprah or LeBron.


Active member
This Trump thing couldn't happen without approval from the rich.. it sorta reminds me of a Sopranos episode when Richie April was attempting to take out Tony Soprano. Richie approached Jr Soprano for the okay and Junior simply told him to gather support from everyone else, first... but Richie could gather support because no one in the crew respected Richie April... later on Junior told Tony about Richie's plan..
They gave trump every opportunity but no-one respected him as a leader.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
- Throughout history - when different tribes are forcibly mixed - bloodshed most always ensues -

- Humanity is still very much in its 'Tribal Stage' - and multi-culturalism seems to be creating more and more casualties and problems - ever day - as social unrest and crime blooms apparent - as tribes clash - go to battle - go to war - all trying to be the MASTERS - and not the SLAVES -

* this thread might help join some dots -



Active member
All I got is facts, theres no vendetta or hate in what I bring..
Ive been really researching Californias real estate game and I really needed to know and understand who were the obvious winners, why california real estate prices are so high and why the black community in SF has been priced out of the city?... My personal experience dealing with rental property management agencies is they are an equal oppertunity exploiters. In my building alone my property manager, who can only be described as the female version of trump, moved in 20 new white tennents, then after 3 months she raised their rents from $1500 to $2600. Ofcourse none of these people could afford to live in an apartment that was effectively costing them 3/4 of the monthly salary. So she kicked them all out.. Today, 80% of my building is empty and this woman is sitting on 25 available apartments.. But the 20 families she kicked out, dont have a place to live or are living in cardboard boxes on the streets of SF....
Its the free Market at work...... the california real estate market, where white beast lay in wait...


Active member
To disagree is your right. Didn’t think you’d like my post. But you asked, so I answered. Lots of people in this country live their lives according to The Bible. Hasn’t steered me wrong yet.

What you do doesn’t matter. It’s about the sins of the father. If your ancestors did shady shit, that Karmic ass-whipping is coming your way.

I disagree and don't give me that religious text bullshit. I treat everyone equally and individually until I'm shown otherwise.
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Comfortably numb!
To disagree is your right. Didn’t think you’d like my post. But you asked, so I answered. Lots of people in this country live their lives according to The Bible. Hasn’t steered me wrong yet.

What you do doesn’t matter. It’s about the sins of the father. If your ancestors did shady shit, that Karmic ass-whipping is coming your way.
I am known as blunt but, I wouldn't have put it that way! :tiphat:

I believe in God, not religion, and that is far as I am willing to go!


Active member
To disagree is your right. Didn’t think you’d like my post. But you asked, so I answered. Lots of people in this country live their lives according to The Bible. Hasn’t steered me wrong yet.

What you do doesn’t matter. It’s about the sins of the father. If your ancestors did shady shit, that Karmic ass-whipping is coming your way.

Aint nothing wrong with religion if its used to call to justice the powerful. Unfortunately, religions within the US has never called to justice anyone powerful or the money changers. Religion is supposed to develop thinking and help the community create change for the better. And yet there still are practicing churches present today that were also present while 4 million americans were enslaved.. One needs to ask himself, if the church has not created change and better practitioners, what exactly is its true purpose??... Most of our religious leaders today are nothing more than counter-revolutionaries, the one religious leader who bucked this trend and attempted to free his flock, was killed.
Beware of Rev. Barber, hes a false prophet!...


Active member
Take a look at that!..... post 666 is about religion and the false prophets amongst us... I cant make this shxt up..


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Active member
For profit police state. I bought a car for $1400.00 a 2001 bmw 740i. My plan was to fix and restore the car bringing its value up to $6000.00 then sale. I had just finished repair of the engine with $1000 when one morning I found a parking ticket on my car. 4 hrs later there was another parking ticket on my car. After a month my ticket total had reached 20 tickets. Then one day my car disappeared!...stolen? No, but very quickly I found it in the downtown SF impound lot across from the SF police station. From behind a 4 inch bullet proof glass the clerks revealed my ticket total and impound fee had reached $3800.00. This sum authorizes property forfeiture by the police impound agency without owners consent. So yes it was stolen by the police....Not to be discouraged I charged it to the game and set my eyes on a 6 speed bmw 540i. This would be a quick fix and flip plus I planned to add a turbo to make a profit of $5000. Once the mods were done I parked my car in front of my building hoping to tune it early the next morning. 6am the next morning I found 3 tickets on my car. 3 days later I caught the a tow truck and a traffic officer attempting to tow my car.! With a left uppercut then an overhand right to the officers jaw he quickly went for his mace. He ask, who are you? the owner, I said. They quickly pack their gear and left the scene... I never got another ticket nor have I seen the officer again... so u see, they what they do is evil and unjust... if they are called to defend that evil, they react like the cowards they are.. sorta like some of the folks in this thread


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Well-known member
Why didn't you move the car after the 1st ticket? Why did you let 20 tickets accumulate and do nothing? Why did you let your car get towed? Why are you blaming to police for YOUR f'kup? :dunno:

Were either of the cars even registered???

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
- I used to have a nice Jag - but since I live not far from the centre of a busy London suburban town - all the parking places are restricted - either you buy a residents parking permit every year (expensive) - or you pay hourly for parking (expensive too) - and have to always be aware when that time runs out - or you get a metal boot on your car + tickets - that you have to settle a fine for - or the boot stays on - and you can't go no-where -

- Urban areas have been made into VERY profitable parking businesses - and I always seemed to fall foul of parking restrictions - costing me 1000's over some time - so I gave the Jag away to a buddy 10 years ago - and life is now much-much simpler - so better - either walking - or just taking the bus -


Active member
Why didn't you move the car after the 1st ticket? Why did you let 20 tickets accumulate and do nothing? Why did you let your car get towed? Why are you blaming to police for YOUR f'kup? :dunno:

Were either of the cars even registered???

I was actually gonna apologize to him, I turned down an offer to become a sfpd.
I don't know, maybe I don't like fearing the police...maybe I think there's something fundamentally wrong with that dynamic... but atleast I read and attempt to understand.... some of us fail to see the point in either reading nor understanding.... some of us are blissfully fools with no Healthcare... My dad and I have the VA med for life.


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St. Phatty

Active member
Why didn't you move the car after the 1st ticket? Why did you let 20 tickets accumulate and do nothing? Why did you let your car get towed? Why are you blaming to police for YOUR f'kup? :dunno:

Were either of the cars even registered???

Sorry we can't use question marks any more today.

Cosmic Giggle used up the entire ration ! :skiiing:


Well-known member
I don't know, maybe I don't like fearing the police...maybe I think there's something fundamentally wrong with that dynamic... but atleast I read and attempt to understand.... some of us fail to see the point in either reading nor understanding.............

Just 1 quick question so I can "attempt to understand" :rolleyes:, do you still owe money on those 2 car, 20+, outstanding fines???????????? :whistling:


Active member
Just 1 quick question so I can "attempt to understand" :rolleyes:, do you still owe money on those 2 car, 20+, outstanding fines???????????? :whistling:

The question is not whether I still owe the SFPD, its whether the SFPD created a situation were they can identified a citizen as the criminal, then use forfeiture laws to "steal"- to repossess my property and call it even... They gained and I lost because they claimed I broke the law..
Did you know back in 1940s in the deep south, black men were arrested for jay-walking or looking at white girls.. then thrown in jails... ....3 months later they are working for a local white businessman in a coal mine or building rail-roads to work off the criminal debt. Of course this work was done without pay because they were without a doubt black criminals..
It was called the "Jim Crow"era...
My grand father had a brother that was killed in one of those mines while he was jailed. He was arrested for not going into the field to pick cotton.
Anyone can be made a slave to the state, if they have broken the law or someone says they broke the law. That law is still on the books today, it was created for black men..

Or maybe you didnt know.... many of the trump republicans cant write a full sentence or read without your fingers..... dumb and broke and indebted to rich white men, that actually treat u worst than black folks... its a hard pointless life, aint it?


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