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The Black Hand of California thats Jim Crow

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Active member
The city government of San Francisco understands that black americans are an exploitable and wealthless group. Did they set up job training sites or create targeted government jobs to assist black citizens? Well, yes and no..
First, the city set up entry-level job training programs called "City Build" for the massive construction projects around the city. All the upper level managers of the programs were white with 3 year contract salaries of $100k+. The lower level trainers and promoters of the program are black and latino, their salaries were dependant on the level of participation of trainees, $50k.. The trainees (black and latino) are put through the 4 month program without pay and no guaranty of long term job placement but if they miss 3 days they are expelled from the program and must restart. After completing the program most candidates were placed in jobs with the laborers union or steel workers union. The Electricians Union of California is highly racist and did not except any graduates of the program. Most of the graduates within 1 month obtained successful employment but average length on the job after hire was just 3 months. After 6 months 80% of graduates dropped out of the program completely. They realized the program was a con game set up by their own city government.
So even if you wanted to become a productive black american member of society, earn your living in a honest fashion, the City of San Francisco will use that desire and weaponize government to prevent it from happening.
The program lasted for 8 years from 2010 to the beginning of covid. I think your new vise president had a hand in starting it up..


Active member
You ass wipes really think Im gonna allow you cowards to have California..?... and renege on my rightful place in it..??!!
fxck you, eat a dxck...


Active member
It's California's fault. It's Alabama's fault. It's the government's fault. It's white folks' fault. It's landlords' fault.

It almost became Canada's fault but their immigration requirements were too oppressive.

I feel like if you had spent the last 8-9 years picking up a computer degree or skilled trade with the same fervor you've picked up a mishmash of political speech you'd be on better footing to complain.

A 40 year old transplant, wheels spinning, offering insults in trade for handouts is a bad look.

Maybe someone will give you a platform and then you'll get some traction.

Thing is, as fresh as you feel you are, you're on like the third or fourth post-war wave of "angry, unskilled, and entitled" as identity/political stance and it's just fucking tired.

A CDL would be a good ticket for you to pursue. Used right, it can get you everything you want in 10 years. Easier to stay in your state of mind, though, and look for fresh outrage instead of solutions.

Best of luck.

You ass wipes really think Im gonna allow you cowards to have California..?... and renege on my rightful place in it..??!!
fxck you, eat a dxck...


ICMag Donor
Oaxacan, still my all time favorite. So many seeds discarded; silly me.
We all did that unfortunately.. huge amounts of seeds all gone..or most of us I think...I know I did even with the gold colombian stacked to the ceiling in 77-79 that smelled like licorice and my home, like a literal warehouse would have that aroma...everywhere,intoxicating. Sorry I started to swerve back in time a little

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
You ass wipes really think Im gonna allow you cowards to have California..?... and renege on my rightful place in it..??!!
fxck you, eat a dxck...

I respect that. Especially today. My car was stolen last night and I feel like I'm drowning in this fucking clown world. But, we must each keep up our personal fight.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I respect that. Especially today. My car was stolen last night and I feel like I'm drowning in this fucking clown world. But, we must each keep up our personal fight.

- Car? - Pahh! - I haven't even got a bike - and the buses are like going to a viral version of ' The Battle of the Somme' - allegedly - 'Fix bayonets - mask-up - over the top boys - on my whistle!' -

- so its only 'Shank's Pony' for me - young fella-me-lad - <sighs and starts walking>


Active member
Its funny that these asshole aren't questioning whether the validity of my assessment of the California economy is spot on or not. They don't even call me a lying asshole... but what they break a sweat in doing, is attempts at convincing you not think about changing this highly disfunctioning system. They say, " why don't u move?" as if the same system doesn't exist in other states... or " you know, its the system that has always existed, so be a good American and just except its gods plan."
These people are more dangerous than any right wing nazi or taliban extremist, because they blindly defend while refusing to think and question themselves or authority.... They are the policemen that shot citizens in the back, then claimed they feared for their life....They are Jim Jones followers telling u the koolaid is fine....Its America's hidden cowards, 1 million strong...
Real freedom is the ability to live without the influence of outside forces infringing upon those freedom..

St. Phatty

Active member
Hard to social distance on the bus these days

Africans have some of the lowest rates of Covid19 deaths per capita.

They are also much younger on average, get a lot of sunshine & therefore make their own Vitamin D, AND they take Ivermectin regularly for a lot of diseases related to Parasites.

They also take HCQ regularly, and call it "Sunday Sunday" because they take it once a week. Presumably on Sundays. :groupwave:


Well-known member
These people are more dangerous than any right wing nazi or taliban extremist, because they blindly defend while refusing to think and question themselves or authority....

Heya HOVAH, I noticed from visitors messages you left on your homepage that you've moved around a bit, been happy initually and then unhappy:

..... Man oh man, i wish Atlanta,Ga was like Denver, CO (4/2012)

..... glad i moved to the bay area, the red necks in Denver where a
little much! (7/2012)

It seems when a pattern repeats itself with any degree of regularity in different places/situations, that maybe it's baggage (thought patterns/ feelings) a person is carrying around that needs to be examined honestly and confronted.

Maybe you're going about things in the wrong way, maybe you can turn this situation around? :tiphat:


ICMag Donor
- Car? - Pahh! - I haven't even got a bike - and the buses are like going to a viral version of ' The Battle of the Somme' - allegedly - 'Fix bayonets - mask-up - over the top boys - on my whistle!' -

- so its only 'Shank's Pony' for me - young fella-me-lad - <sighs and starts walking>


Active member
Heya HOVAH, I noticed from visitors messages you left on your homepage that you've moved around a bit, been happy initually and then unhappy:

..... Man oh man, i wish Atlanta,Ga was like Denver, CO (4/2012)

..... glad i moved to the bay area, the red necks in Denver where a
little much! (7/2012)

It seems when a pattern repeats itself with any degree of regularity in different places/situations, that maybe it's baggage (thought patterns/ feelings) a person is carrying around that needs to be examined honestly and confronted.

Maybe you're going about things in the wrong way, maybe you can turn this situation around? :tiphat:
So who should care about justice? Someone who hasn't moved or seen world? Or in your case only billionaires should care and have to power to influence justice?

Brother Nature

Well-known member
It seems when a pattern repeats itself with any degree of regularity in different places/situations, that maybe it's baggage (thought patterns/ feelings) a person is carrying around that needs to be examined honestly and confronted.

You mean like the baggage of the color of his skin?

I get a lot of what he's saying and I'm not a minority. Spent an inordinate amount of time in the federal system myself and it's pretty obvious it's stacked against those of us who can't or refuse to abide by it's WASPy, conformist, slave owning origins. America was built on slavery, it's just expanded beyond race now and encompasses all lower classes. Look at Amazon, Google, Wal-Mart, any hedge fund, and clearly it's hit the Cannabis industry too. It's the masses paying for their bosses new private jet that he fucks children on with impunity and you guys sit here like "Oh please sir I'll have some more", yet people idolize the .001% and just fucking bend over and take it again and again without lube. What a fucking joke on a site dedicated to cannabis growing that there are people defending the man and the system that puts him in power. Leaving the US was the best thing I ever did with my life and as much as it is sad watching my country crumble under it's own hubris, I take a bit of perverse joy in it when I read through threads like this and see no Unitedness in your United States.


Seems to me you were on the right track ... but you personalised it ...

It's California's fault. It's Alabama's fault. It's the government's fault. It's white folks' fault. It's landlords' fault.

It almost became Canada's fault but their immigration requirements were too oppressive.


White as fukn snow here ...

All you enlightened readers ... how do you explain the following injustice? How will you reason it away?

The NFL is being sued by two retired African American players who have symptoms of early onset dementia they claim was brought on by head knocks.

The NFL has denied their claim on the basis that African Americans have a lower cognitive ability. In other words the ex players are not damaged. The inference is that instead they're dumb because they're not white.

(Fukn glad I read James Baldwin when I was a teen ...)
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