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The Black Hand of California thats Jim Crow

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I see you have picked up some flak for this post. I suppose the temper of the flak reveals the degree to which the adressee was annoyed.

But it seems true to me that we are always looking outside ourselves for reasons why. Why the world is fukd why my girlfriend left me why political leaders are needed.

Hovah ... in my view Ms Giggle is quite right. We ... all of us ... see what we want to see, hear what we want to hear.
And so the problem is always outside us and remains someone else's fault.

The BIG DEAL ... the really big deal ... is to know thyself!

Heya HOVAH, I noticed from visitors messages you left on your homepage that you've moved around a bit, been happy initually and then unhappy:

..... Man oh man, i wish Atlanta,Ga was like Denver, CO (4/2012)

..... glad i moved to the bay area, the red necks in Denver where a
little much! (7/2012)

It seems when a pattern repeats itself with any degree of regularity in different places/situations, that maybe it's baggage (thought patterns/ feelings) a person is carrying around that needs to be examined honestly and confronted.

Maybe you're going about things in the wrong way, maybe you can turn this situation around? :tiphat:

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
White as fukn snow here ...

All you enlightened readers ... how do you explain the following injustice? How will you reason it away?

The NFL is being sued by two retired African American players who have symptoms of early onset dementia they claim was brought on by head knocks.

The NFL has denied their claim on the basis that African Americans have a lower cognitive ability. In other words the ex players are not damaged. The inference is that instead they're dumb because they're not white.

(Fukn glad I read James Baldwin when I was a teen ...)

This can't be real^

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
This can't be real^


Well, I guess it is real, but I can't help, but think it's more made up deep state shit. Good job deep state. You tricked people into thinking "phrenology" is still a thing. NFL is BLM is Deep State.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

Well, I guess it is real, but I can't help, but think it's more made up deep state shit. Good job deep state. You tricked people into thinking "phrenology" is still a thing. NFL is BLM is Deep State.

Before anyone rolls their eyes, let's look at this logically.

1. Any settlement / legal firm would automatically not have a policy or program like this. They run everything by their own 'legal departments' and it's all so that lawsuites against themselves or their clients don't get sued (as is the case here).

2. The idea that a injury lawsuite would ever even really look at IQ seems highly dubious to me. You simply cannot pay less in damages because one person is smarter or more talented or any stupid thing like that. People with pre-existing mental conditions are just as entitled to damages as anyone else, unless MAYBE (and that's a big maybe) if they were a matheametician and are suing for financial damages. Which is clearly not the case here.

3. Think about the timing and organizations involved. Has the NFL revealed itself to be a far left organization recently? Pushing politics? Who benefits the most from the idea that we are a systemically racist society? The Democrat Party?


Active member

It was black americans that created this race thing... Yes, black americans decided to place themselves below white americans, and we(black americans) decided to give white americans all the wealth and influence within America. I feel really discussed with myself for the lack of historical references to make this fact relevant.. but trust me black americans created this race thing over 200 years ago.... This race thing continues because black americans insist on its reproduction, rich white americans have absolutely no dog in this race.

**THIS IMPORTANT MESSAGE CONCLUDES** and no its wasnt the Sensi Star talkin


Active member
But if u still want read about the reinslavement cycle, this book is a gold mine....just remember its all fiction..


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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I just find the NFL story questionable. That is all. It is a tad over the top 19th century racism. I think if this is how they've been reaching head injury settlements all this time, we would have heard about it. I admit, that I could be wrong here, but it reminds me of the 'pro rape' march that was supposed to take place in SF. It was all over the news, the dems were voicing their outrage and it turned out to be a totally fake story. My friends and co-workers were all getting ready to assault a bunch of people that didn't even exist. That's what this NFL injury thing reminds me of.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
But if u still want read about the reinslavement cycle, this book is a gold mine....just remember its all fiction..


Off topic, but very near..


Active member
All of this reparations to black americans talk, is very very scary to some folks... When black americans get an even economic playing field with white americans its means an end to the elevation of the mediocre white male and female...ie the creation of new Trumps.. And the police!.. well, they will suddenly lose the urge to hassle young black kids because of the fear of powerful black law firms owned by black americans... And suddenly your local municipality wont find the need to cycle black americans thru their court systems, for profit of-course... $800,000 to every living black american is the muthafxckr !..


What can't be real? Your fukn ABC sez it's real. The ex footballers (I believe it was them) said it was real. One of them even demonstrated word salad while being interviewed! So I reckon it's real.
According to ABC the NFL have a get-out-of-gaol-free card. They can claim cognitive inability when dealing with African American players.
There's probably no use in debating with you Hempy (even tho' you are descended from that great Scots Clan). You'll probably say your ABC is a lefty pinko conspiracy to end listening to the wireless altogether!

This can't be real^

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
What can't be real? Your fukn ABC sez it's real. The ex footballers (I believe it was them) said it was real. One of them even demonstrated word salad while being interviewed! So I reckon it's real.
According to ABC the NFL have a get-out-of-gaol-free card. They can claim cognitive inability when dealing with African American players.
There's probably no use in debating with you Hempy (even tho' you are descended from that great Scots Clan). You'll probably say your ABC is a lefty pinko conspiracy to end listening to the wireless altogether!

I would like to see how far back in time this settlement formulation goes. I have a suspicion that it is rather new (meant for informational warfare against the people of the united states). But, again, I could be wrong, I admit. But, it seems over the top and emotionally provocative by design. Why would the NFL pay players millions of dollars (obscene amounts of money) just to scam them out of a much smaller amount, using an illegal formula for settlements?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
...makes about as much sense as getting a tuna sandwich at 2am in a chicago blizzard (Jussie Smollett). But, because of the institutionality of the situation, it is much more convincing. I could be wrong and wouldnt want to argue it further than that unless more info becomes available.


Active member
I don’t know, man.

Reparations will eliminate the need for affirmative action.

Without affirmative action in law schools black lawyers might not be a thing anymore.

Unless your utopian ideas include reparations and affirmative action.

You’re talking about an equal playing field, though. Not handouts and preferred treatment.

All of this reparations to black americans talk, is very very scary to some folks... When black americans get an even economic playing field with white americans its means an end to the elevation of the mediocre white male and female...ie the creation of new Trumps.. And the police!.. well, they will suddenly lose the urge to hassle young black kids because of the fear of powerful black law firms owned by black americans... And suddenly your local municipality wont find the need to cycle black americans thru their court systems, for profit of-course... $800,000 to every living black american is the muthafxckr !..


Active member
Last year our government, your government through the Federal Reserve starting buying back stocks in various private companies that were having trouble staying solvent. This effectively means giving boat loads of money (our tax dollars) to private corporations ie QE.
By March 2020 total QE to private americans corporation totaled $6 trillion dollars.. $6 trillions is equivalent to giving $30k dollars to every american citizen.. Did any of you recieve $30k from your government?

Brother Nature

Well-known member
"Reason: PLEASE, No posts advocating assassination of Gov. officials, thanks!"

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Lame....
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Well-known member
LAME indeed!

LAME indeed!

.......[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Lame....

Ya think???

Do YOU want the FBI/CIA looking deeply into the ICMag website with their sniffer packs, looking for threats of assassinating Gov. officials, 'cause that's what they do, that's what they're looking for! :rolleyes:

...... and howz about looking deeper, like looking into individual ICMag members?

.......... howz about the FBI/CIA looking in to YOU or HOVAH????? :whistling:


Comfortably numb!

Are you trying to tell us this site is not being sniffed as we speak, regardless of previous comment? Think again good buddy :)


Well-known member

Are you trying to tell us this site is not being sniffed as we speak, regardless of previous comment? Think again good buddy :)

Of course, I imagine that ALL websites are being 'sniffed' alla the time, which is why I removed the offending 'data', to show the FBI/CIA that ICMag doesn't condone ANY threats of violence/assassination against any person OR Govt. official!

......... but at least they know who made the threat and also who condoned the threat! ;)

.................. smooth criminals are the one's smart enough NOT to get caught, again! :good:
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