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the 10-10-10 thread...what is your opinion?


lives on planet 4:20
Hi, this thread is not about Nutes! it is about the STRUCTURE
of the Universe, and about the Force that created us, and that
continues to manifest everything in the present moment!

this video really sums up very well, what this thread is about:


...the other five videos are below in this post, just in case this is
the kind of topic that interests you!

Here is one of the posts from this thread, just in case you never
read any of the other posts:

All ancient writings, and the majority of religions, all point
toward one TRUTH. This truth is that there is one God, Creator,
Universe, Consciousness, Awareness, Nature, or whatever else
anyone wants or likes to call it.
I personally like to call it
Consciousness, because this makes it easier to understand and
to explain things to people. The reason is simple, words like God,
Creator, Nature, etc...people have a concept in their mind, and
it is very difficult for them to think without this concept getting
in the way of what I'm trying to say.

This one Consciousness is everything that there is. It is a singular,
undivided, whole, nondual STRUCTURE.

For example, like a Human Body is a Structure.

But, in this one structure called Consciousness, there are many
elements that impact each other, just like in a human body you
have the bones, the skin, the heart, the blood, the brain, the
muscle tissue, the fat tissue, and so on...but it is all ONE, single,
undivided, whole, nondual STRUCTURE.

Inside the structure called Consciousness there are many elements,
or manifestations, as they are usually called, and these
include the Universe, the Galaxies, and the Solar Systems.

And for example if we take a manifestation like a human body, it is
created in this order, at least as far as scientist have been able
to discover and agree on:

Everything starts off with subatomic particles that combine to form
atoms, that combine to form molecules, that combine to form cells,
that combine to form organs, that combine to form systems, that all
ultimately combine to form a human body.

And this is how any manifestation, including the Universe itself
is created. There are a few more steps obviously in creating the
Universe...lol...but the PATTERN is the same.

But, what is missing in this model is the "INTENT OF THE
CONSCIOUSNESS" that is the designer, and the energy source
of everything that it manifests. So before, the sub-atomic
particles form into atoms, there is the intent of the consciousness
that gives the "SIGNAL" for something to be manifetsed.

...sort of like when we human have a "desire" to do something, and
we can't get it out of our head until we do it. A very good example
that many will understand is the "desire" to grow cannabis.

You have a desire to grow a plant, and this desire is the "intent"
that starts the whole process. You buy seeds, created a place
where you will grow them, put a light, create air flow, put the
seeds in some medium, and then you spend 2 months or more
taking care of your plants, and when they are done you smoke
them or make brownies...or whatever.

This is how Consciousness also operates, it has a desire to create
a human being, and this desire (intent) starts the whole process,
so the Consciousness tells the sub-atomic particles to form the
atoms, then molecules, then cells, organs, etc.

Then this Consciousness watches over this Human Being, and when
it's done growing and it's life ends...it smokes us in the BONG...LOL!!!

In other words, if there was no intent, there would be nothing!

This basically means that this One, Nondual Consciousness has
a desire (intent) to create (manifest) stuff, and everything that
it creates is a part of it, it is not separate from it...in reality...it
only looks this way...it is an illusion...that is created so it will be
more fun for it to play this game.

It is like AC said, it is a four-year-old kid that is playing a game,
but it has no one to play it with, so it has to create an illusion
that there are different players in this game.

And these players are the Universe, the Galaxies, The Solar Systems,
The Sun, The Earth, The Moon, Human Beings, Animals, Plants,
Fish, Birds, and so on to infinity!

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El Toker

Hi folks, today is 10-10-10 and for another 1000 years there will
not be a date like this
Tommorow is 11/10/2010 and there won't be another day like that ever, but I won't be celebrating that either.

It is the craziest shit, and cannabis, shrooms, LSD, and other
substances allow us to observe that we are not simply human
beings having a spiritual experience, but that we are something
much more...in fact, something much, much more...to the infinity!
Yes, hallucinogenics certainly allow people to experience a profound sense of meaning. You can get the same effects by damaging a brain or by applying a powerful EM field to the temporal lobes. alternatively, you could have a schizophrenic episode and it wouldn't be very different. It just shows that our sense of "meaningfulness" is very easily fooled.

What is YOUR opinion on the structure of the Universe, and how do
we as human beings fit inside of this structure?
The universe is very big, and mostly very cold and empty. We fit into this as creatures who have evolved by random chance on a small insignificant spec in the corner of the universe. Many people can't handle this truth so make up or pass on comforting stories about patriarchal loving entities that will care for them when they die. It's all a bit pathetic really.

Mine is like this: There is One Consciousness that sends energy
through a prism and what we observe as ourselves living our
human life is created. This basically means that we are living
in a "total immersion movie" that is nothing but an illusion.

There is plenty of quantum physics data confirming that this is
the structure of the Universe.
No, there's no "quantum physics data" to support that idea, just drug induced hippy bullshit.


lives on planet 4:20
No, there's no "quantum physics data" to support that idea, just drug induced hippy bullshit.

Michael Talbot summarized this in his book The Holographic

Put another way, there is evidence to suggest that our world and
everything in it—from snowflakes to maple trees to falling stars
and spinning electrons—are also only ghostly images, projections
from a level of reality so beyond our own it is literally beyond both
space and time.

In The Holographic Universe, Michael Talbot also said this:

Physicist William Tiller, head of the Department of Materials Science
at Stanford University and another supporter of the holographic
idea, agrees. Tiller thinks reality is similar to the
“holodeck” on the television show Star Trek: The Next Generation.
In the series, the holodeck is an environment in which occupants
can call up a holographic simulation of literally any reality
they desire, a lush forest, a bustling city. They can also change
each simulation in any way they want, such as cause a lamp to
materialize or make an unwanted table disappear. Tiller thinks the
universe is also a kind of holodeck created by the “integration” of
all living things. “We’ve created it as a vehicle of experience, and
we’ve created the laws that govern it,” he asserts. “And when we
get to the frontiers of our understanding, we can in fact shift the
laws so that we’re also creating the physics as we go along.”

And check out the quote by Barbara Dewey, writing in Consciousness and Quantum Behavior:

It’s as if God said, “If I’m going to become physical, then I’ve got
to carry with me all the laws which make a physical world work. I
will do this by inventing a tiny particle which, through its design,
will, first, create the universe and then dictate all behavior like
gravity, magnetism, the strong force, and the like throughout that
universe because of the way I have constructed it. At the same
time—and in order to make things easier for Me—I will invent
senses which make the possessors of those senses think they see
and touch and hear real things, think they witness space and feel
time pass, when in fact all that realness will just be an illusion.”

Speaking about this phenomenon in the movie What the Bleep
Do We Know? Amit Goswami, PhD, a brilliant scientist on the cutting
edge of quantum physics and Consciousness research, said:

We all have the habit of thinking that everything around us is already
a thing existing without my input, without my choice. You
have to banish that kind of thinking.

Instead, you really have to recognize that even the material
world around us, the chairs, the tables, the rooms, the carpet,
time included, all of these are nothing but possible movements
of Consciousness. And I’m choosing, moment to moment,
out of those movements, to bring my actual experience into

This is the only radical thinking that you need to do. But it
is so radical, it is so difficult, because our tendency is that the
world is already out there, independent of my experience.
It is not. Quantum physics has been so clear about it. Heisenberg
himself, co-discoverer of quantum physics said, “Atoms are
not things, they’re only tendencies.”
So instead of thinking of things, you have to think of possibilities.
They’re all possibilities of Consciousness.

Read the Reviews for this guy's books...it is not BS...it is the most
advanced scientific proof that we are living in a DREAM created by




Active member
to live on a planet, that is travelling around the sun, and that is
travelling around in this galaxy, and that is travelling around the
universe, and that is travelling around the Multiverse...and so on.
^lol that sounds like a "multi'verse" ;)

El Toker

Read the Reviews for this guy's books...it is not BS...it is the most
advanced scientific proof that we are living in a DREAM created
I don't blame you for this, it's just an example of the piss poor state of most science education these days. This guy has written a couple of books, speculating about the nature of the universe. In no way, shape or form are these pieces of work "advanced scientific proof". From his wikipedia page
As a pioneer of a self-styled multidisciplinary scientific paradigm, he refers to himself as a "quantum activist" engaging in research on the "Science within consciousness", which comprises and explains the "downward causation" and the upwards drift in the fields of physics, biology, and psychology and more recently the healing arts, thus resulting in varied theories of integral medicine based on five interchanging levels of existence: the physical, the vital, the mental, the supra-mental intellect and the limitless bliss state.
Did you notice the "pioner of a self styled" bit? or
Goswami is in favor of lucid dreaming, which simultaneously allows adoption of the equipotency of the waking and the dreaming state and precipitates creativity. He claims that this skill has provided him instantaneous insights regarding superconductivity in regard to the structure of the atomic nuclei. Following this he discovered the self-owned illusion that mind and brain are identical. Topics like death, reincarnation and immortality drew Goswami's interest of research
FFS. :laughing:

Believe if you want and feel free to discuss his ideas but please don't try to pass this exercise in wild speculation off as being anything remotely like real science.


Active member
Tommorow is 11/10/2010 and there won't be another day like that ever, but I won't be celebrating that either.

Yes, hallucinogenics certainly allow people to experience a profound sense of meaning. You can get the same effects by damaging a brain or by applying a powerful EM field to the temporal lobes. alternatively, you could have a schizophrenic episode and it wouldn't be very different. It just shows that our sense of "meaningfulness" is very easily fooled.

The universe is very big, and mostly very cold and empty. We fit into this as creatures who have evolved by random chance on a small insignificant spec in the corner of the universe, and see humans as the pinnacle of their creation. Many people can't handle this truth so make up or pass on comforting stories about patriarchal loving entities that will care for them when they die. It's all a bit pathetic really.

No, there's no "quantum physics data" to support that idea, just drug induced hippy bullshit.

Yup...we're no different than all the rest of life. Maybe a bit smarter than most. But nothing "special" except to ourselves.


lives on planet 4:20
Believe if you want and feel free to discuss his ideas but please don't
try to pass this exercise in wild speculation pff as being anything
remotely like real science.

The only real scientists are the ones studying the atom, and how
reality is created through it. This is only common sense since the
atom is the building block of the Universe.

But, this is not what is important. The only thing that matters is what
each one of us can confirm is "true" for ourselves...right? I mean if we
put aside everything we learned from "somewhere" and observe what
is right before our eyes, we can see that "nature" sort of just happens.

If we are part of nature...it is only logical that we also...just happen.

At least, that is the conclusion that I have made for myself, and
I don't really care what the scientists say or prove, for me it has
been interesting to read all that stuff in the past, but now I have
been making my own realizations by observing what is.

Just like with growing weed, you can read about it as much as you
want, but when you actually grow it, all that doesn't really matter,
because if you have some beans, some soil and some light, you
can eventually figure out everything for yourself...right?


3rd-Eye Jedi
the quantum and its converse are not mutually exclusive, in fact the different string theories were unified because they were indeed symmetrical, congruency is a relative constant in geometry

the ability for us to conceive and focus on one entity of our being, such as our conscience thought is a gift, to live only in that one entity is a curse.

people mitigate humanity because of a lack of understanding, a basic impotency in your being do to a defective understanding of how you effect the world

so you would allow yourself to believe that the random articulates itself to the moment until even life's meaning is a simple random unfolding

i have no issue paying the price of happiness with sadness, the price of life with death, or the price of love, even when it comes with the potential of loss

our personal potential, the potency of our being is expressed in its greatest accord when we operate within the whole our human being, not just the parts we find personally appeasing

i like to use the pink floyd album dark side of the moon cover or the ying yang as a poignant example

what do glean from the cover of the dark side of the moon album

or how about the ying yang?

duality exists in singularity if you an external observer or if you are an entity, within singularity exists in duality

this shift of perspective and our ability to place ourselves within those paradigms of perspective is our gift, its a choice and we choose to perceive it or not, AKA our will coupled with the potential to understand

I am not so weak willed and bereft of conscience that I would allow my will to choose between right and wrong to be an intangible because there is nothing but the unfolding conscience of man today

i am not so egotistical to think that I posses more potential than the design of my being allows

but knowing the truth of my being relative to the world around me, I can live understanding the duality of day and night, sun and moon, love and hate and where I lie in between them

the evolving "truth" of the new age today is as perfect a finite definition of the universal truth as the evolving "truth" of science today holds a perfect finite definition of the whole of the universe (the ultimate defining equation or algorithm)

seems to me most human beings are simply greedy in things material intellectual and spiritual and it boils down to wanting more of all from the world around us while do less to earn it in a world of increasing need and decreasing capacity

the fear of Armageddon is the fear of our own inequities, which most refuse to address directly but do everything in this world to avoid


3rd-Eye Jedi

and if you are a numerologist 10-10-2010 is not the same as 10-10-3010

note the 3 vs the 2

I would think that astrological influence, if you do tarot or numerology should probably be considered

I surmise because I personally choose not to put credence into either. TO ME, they are like gold or material wealth, attractive ways for some to seek power that is not required to know the truth but hold enough allure to trap our egos none the less


lives on planet 4:20
duality exists in singularity if you an external observer or if you are an entity, within singularity exists duality

this shift of perspective and our ability to place ourselves within those paradigms of perspective is our gift, its a choice and we choose to perceive it or not, AKA our will coupled with the potential to understand

didn't want to copy the whole post, but I really enjoyed reading it,
and especially found this to to be well put!

El Toker

The only real scientists are the ones studying the atom, and how
reality is created through it. This is only common sense since the
atom is the building block of the Universe.
well that's certainly an original perspective, quite different to the current consensus. Perhaps you could expand on it a little?

But, this is not what is important. The only thing that matters is what
each one of us can confirm is "true" for ourselves...right? I mean if we
put aside everything we learned from "somewhere" and observe what
is right before our eyes, we can see that "nature" sort of just happens.
I see what you're saying. All that "book learning" is a waste of time, and the army of scientists across the world advancing human knowledge are now redundant, because all we need is for you to spark up a joint and share your insights. It's cosmic man, far out.

At least, that is the conclusion that I have made for myself, and
I don't really care what the scientists say or prove, for me it has
been interesting to read all that stuff in the past, but now I have
been making my own realizations by observing what is.
Of course you don't care what the scientists say, they have a limited outlook bogged down by irrelevancies like facts and empirical data. What have the scientists ever done for us?

Just like with growing weed, you can read about it as much as you
want, but when you actually grow it, all that doesn't really matter,
because if you have some beans, some soil and some light, you
can eventually figure out everything for yourself...right?
I read about growing weed before I did it. I'm very glad that I did, as it allowed me to benefit from the culmulative experience of thousands of growers. What you are suggesting is commonly referred to as "reinventing the wheel".