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THC's 2009 outdoor grow


Active member
yeah lowryder 2 is great , the bigger ones make real decent buds , this was a smaller one.

Just made some dry sift from the leaves of the LR2 i harvested 2 weeks ago


nice , flexible and sticky

I did one dry seive run and will do an iso run for the second run


here some iso hash i made on the camping while i was on holiday.

I call it sausage hash cuz i have to make sausages out of it by warming it with the hand:abduct::abduct:


Active member
just harvested another lowryder 2 , this one sure was ripe and will ^produce lots of seeds and a bit of hash.

this one has very compact sticky nugs!! It looks smells and feels like indoo bud almost


the yield , this one was medium sized should yield approx 15-20 grams


nice kola


before cutting


after cutting , i collected lot's of sticky leave for making delicious dry sift










btw the brown spots are ripe seed pods , not mold ;)(just sayin)

LR2 is fantastic!!!!

Say you guys , why isn't silverback a member anymore???



Active member
@ esbe , Thx bro

@ Fisher

YES organics rock:yeahthats:yeahthats

last year i kinda ruined my greenhouse buds , i got a tip from someone to use pk13/14 every week on my plants .

I did this in the greenhouse , the outdoor ones just got npk pellets lime blood/bonemeal and compost and lot's of rain.

The ones without chems had bigger buds , no fancy schmancy chemical nutes , just dry shit and stuff in the right proportions and they tasted a lot better without any flush , whereas i flushed the chemical fed ones with a ratio of 3/1 water. Oh yeah and the organic ones had bigger buds prolly cuz of the constant supply of nutes instead of being force fed like a goose
I never had weed that tastes that harsh. So i can't wait for this year's harvest of pure organic buds again.

This year instead of dry amendments for flowering i am gonna try bio bizz once per week at low doses

this year for the big girls i am using bio bizz for the last 2 months cuz i want them to have a chance to use up all the nutes as the soil is very rich. up to now they only had rainwater and once amended soil thrown on top.

Organics make everything so easy

@ johnny thx man,

@ olle thx , the buds are almost as insane as me:yoinks::yoinks::yoinks: :laughing: greets



Active member
thx for the nice comments guys

I got a question to all outdoor growers in rainy areas.

Can i feed my plant liquid organic nutes when it rains a lot??? The last seven years i always had a plexiglass roof or a greenhouse. Not counting the guerillia grows of course.

This year i have a frisian dew outdoors without a roof. Normally i put my plants in flowering mix. I transplant them end of june from 50 liters to full ground with few hundred liters of flowering mix. So then i only add water.

But this year , i divided my 500 liter hole in 3 layers. Only the bottom 180 liters is flowering mix , the rest is strong and weak vegging mix. Up to now i only gave them water and a few npk pellets.

In a short while , flowering will begin. I want to give her bio bizz bloom , heaven and topmax. This way i am sure she will have the right proportion of npk's. i could just do it with dry amendments , but i am already doing that on guerillia.

So i wanna test liquid organic nutes as i never did this.

But the point is , it rains a lot here. And if i want to feed them once or twice a week , i will prolly have days where they really don't need water , but will need nutes.

So should i just stay with dry amendments , or should i just give them 1/4gallon(1 liter) of liquid nute mix as planned on schedule?

i am afraid it will cause burn or stress when i water her when she doesn't need it


Congrats with the LR-harvest.
I started a few this year....they all went males!!!

THC123 said:
I got a question to all outdoor growers in rainy areas.
I have so many Q´s too....

P :smoke:


You can feed the plants anything thc 123, rain will help to wash the nutes in, especially the dry ones. Please dont overdo it, I reckon the best organic PK nute for flowering is Mollasses. If they are flowering you dont need N. If the soil is good they will find what they want if they have good roots, Mollasses helps them do this. They look healthy to me, so why feed them. Plants are like children, they soon tell you when they are hungry.lol.
BTW Copper Sulphate used to be used by organic farmers for mildew on grapes & potatoes, mix a teaspoon in a gallon of water & spray. Copper Sulphate is poisonous but the rain soon washes it off. Bayfidan is toxic too, & gets absorbed into plant tissue. Milk is meant to be good for mildew, & baking powder Pottassium Bicarbonate too. Sulphur works also.
Can you move infected plants into the open? mildew likes shade & poor airflow, so you will get it under trees & hedges. Might help if you take off infected leaves and dispose of them. Phew!
good luck.


Active member
Hey fingaz

thx 4 ur reply

I wont feed them now , just in a month or so.

But bout the midldew, the whole forest has mildew on guerillia so i have to use it. But i also got sulphon from ecostyle , so u say sulphur is safer???

Cuz it has tiny buds already ment for seeds but still i don't like to smoke crap



ICMag Donor
Gardens are looking awesome these days! Friggen bushin' out over there! :)

I would try and go with top dressing with dry amendments such as guano for fertilization if you get adequate rainfall... Overwatering is not good.. For one it will promote root rot/disease, and it will also prevent air exchange of the soil.. Cannabis roots need to somewhat dry out so that they receive plenty of fresh oxygen... They thrive in aerated root condtions as much as they thrive in direct sun it seems...

Congrats on the first harvests of the year, many more to come... If you're trimming all those plants like ya did those lowriders, you better get some gloves on before ya pick up the scisors... My hand's getting tired just lookin at those bushes... :)


Life is one big grow........
i don't go feeding if its rainy, always wait for a dryer day!!!!
Guess another problem when feeding while raining/or rainy days it that the liquid feedings will washout very fast......and the plant is full soaked anyway


But i also got sulphon from ecostyle , so u say sulphur is safer???

Cuz it has tiny buds already ment for seeds but still i don't like to smoke crap


Personally I wouldnt like to smoke anything treated with sulphur, but it is used in growrooms. Have a good look in garden centres for anything that contains strobulin/ azoxystrobulin, its the active ingredient in strobulin fungicides (Amistar) Failing that try to get some pottasium carbonate or baking powder. Do a search on here, Silverback mentions it, called greencure.


Active member
@ core and paddi , thanks guys

@pipeline thx , yeah normally i always use dry amendments , but i am also using the soil for the third year in a row so it's chockfull of nutrients. Bout the cutting , i always cut like this :s lots of work but lots of trimmings for hash

i only wanted to give them 1ml/l of liquid nutes per week so they could use up the nutes in the soil.

@fingaz, thx , yeah esbe told me bout this product , amistar , but we only have bayfidan and sulphon , nowi know the active ingredient i am gonna look once more , or try to order greencure online

@buddah thx, yeah dry days are difficult here sometimes:D


hey THC123,

lovely Frisian bushes you have over there!

what does the Topmax consist of?? i'm thinking of trying it but the shit is expensive
for 0.5l and i allready have some other fertz...

Greencure, from biocontrol network, it came in a week or so to Europe last year...



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey mate looking nice

nutes in liquid form will get leached away by the rain more quickly than the solid, slow release ones - best to feed them liquid nutes when it isnt going to rain for a few days.

good luck
