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THC's 2009 outdoor grow


Active member

yeah i think i am gonna go for liquid. no schedule , jsut when i can feed them i will , the soil they are in right now is just too rich to throw dry amendments on top , giving them anything would hurt them right now. And with dry amendments you gotta plan ahead.

@supersonic , thx now i know where to buy a safe anti mildew treatment:joint::yoinks:

Bout the topmax , i will answer that one next time , because i am pretty stoned , in the narcotic sense(made some iso:D) so i am a bit too lazy right now to stand up but i won't forget next time

As i remember it has lot's of ingredients amino acids , micro elements in very low doses.

Here a few new pics of the home garden





I harvested the last lowryder 2 today , the sativa pheno , it has hard sativa like buds








this is a lowryder 2 f2




the frisian lady

she is 190 cm high now(6.5 feet) , i made a cage and i will have to train her again. I bent her over to her left side 4 months ago , but it has started growing vertical again so lots of branches are now very close to eachother because of this.

Nothing a few sticks and rope can't fix


Active member



guerillia gold or manitoba medicine.

She has been wanting to flower for 3 weeks now , i see whtie hairs everywhere.

I think i have to start covering the greenhouse at night from those peske streetlights or else i will have 12 weeks flowering for indicas like last year:fsu:



nederzaad 2007 for seed grow , ther are going under HPS 600 watt tomorrow

tomorrow i will visit my guerillia babies again



Active member
omg THC123 your plants are awsome. damn bro if u keep growing them like this i will be like :yoinks: .. good luck till harvest :p :D


Life is one big grow........
woohoo:what can i sayt my friend..!!
.cant wait to see the bitches acting


Well-known member
U R the man all the way. that is the biggest shit ever. how R ur veggies looking so dam good? cuz mine arnt looking good at all.


THC, mate that frisian dew is fukin HUGE!, mind my language haha. That thing is going crazy! Your GG looks amazing too shes going to be a big girl. I think you should start covering your greenhouse too bro, damn streetlights...
Awesome work, keep it up.

peace keke


just found this thread and read through the whole thing... nice work your plants all look very happy

happy harvests


Active member
Thx 4 the nice comments guys.

@ cheesebuds : i put the veggies in the flowering recipe you can find on page on or 2 and then i only add water

@ keke

yeah i am covering the greenhouse now but there still is light pollution.

I think next year outdoors i will only do guerillia cuz i am sick and tired of having to deal with that streetlight.

My frisian dew is becoming a bit too high now just one feet and she will have orange light shining on her at night , so i will have to bend her.:fsu:


Active member
high there

after some time another update

i was hoping to be albe to show flowering plants in my garden , but the damn light pollution is fucking things up


lowryder 2 sativa pheno very sweet nice herb , has dried for 2 weeks now , this one was pollinated late so i got lots of bud to smoke and vape


some lowryder 2 dry seive from trimmings that dried one week

The guerillia grow also isn't going perfect but i am learning much about my new spot.

Next year i will have to make a stronger recipe for soil and top dress the soil once a month , cuz they are totally dependant on the hole i make.

The native soil is very hard and poor.


gg2 pic from 10 days ago. I havent been able to visit that spot. Its the spot where i have only 3 plants. They are hidden in plain sight but , there has been a car for 10 days there.

This morning at 7.30 i went to water the plants. When i got to this spot i saw the car so i didn't went to those plants(and dont have new update) .

When î passed the car there was some dude sleeping in it :laughing: So i guess i have to wait till he solves whatever personal issues he has.

Strange shit lol a car in the woods with a guy sleeping in it for 10 days


enemies , i collected them and vaped them with my volcano then threw them in my neighbours garden lol, i guess they will have munchies after the vape session


frisian seedling


recovered frisian clone this one was eaten but now you almost don't see it anymore


frisian seedling




flowering manitoba medicine



as you can see they are n deficient

but they have more than enough nutes on top , just need some damn rain

in 2 days it will finally rain and in 2 weeks the nutes should be working 100%

i added npk pellets blood meal and bone meal on top and nex week i'll add a bit of lime

home garden




frisian dew

should be flowering now but cuz it got higher than i wanted(7 .5 feet) it has light pollution from the streetlight.

tomorrow i'll make some construction to shield it at night



guerillia gold , same shit , seemed to begin flowering a month ago and should be fully flowring now, but now still only lots of white hairs , all the other ones are flowering

Maybe the heat is delaying flowering also?? outside it is 32 degrees so inside the GH even with ventilation it is 45+ degrees




my frisian dew at my buddies place in 65 liters

this one is in fresh new soil , the one at home in 3 year old soil , so for my the way i make my soil it is clear i always got to use fresh soil or at least 50% used 50% new soil cuz the one i got at home should be bigger , this one was fed 7 weeks ago for the last time the big one at home need a little extra sometimes

I hope i'll get the light pollution thing worked out:wallbash:


ladybug porn , lol you can see his dick if you enlarge


Active member
Thx guys

@ smokey

yeah i like small plants:laughing:

I am halfway finished making a construction to shield them. I bought 2.70 mter long poles and foil

i'll post pics when ready



Active member
Amazing what 65 liters of soil can do! I'm in love with your plants - definitely want to do some big ones too next year.


strange shit on that car man!

love the early flowering plants in the wild and your home base! monster garden!


Active member
@ paddi , Esbe


@ blackone

Amazing what 65 liters of soil can do! I'm in love with your plants - definitely want to do some big ones too next year

Hey ,well the point is , when growing in pots , never move the pots. Put them in their final destination and the plant's roots will start growing into the soil underneath thus having a 50% potplant/50% full soil plant.

If i had put the plant on a cement underground , it would not have gotten so big

I made a short movie bout the home garden. I did this especially cuz i got a leaf problem. I posted this also in the cannabis infermary

So short breakdown i got 2 branches with 4 leaves(and few others beginning) that are having strange leaves.

In the infermary they said it could be N def and K def.

I don't think N def cuz that starts from bottom upwards and looks different.

Could be K def but the soil should have more than enough nutes. It is a hole with 500 liters of good soil and the bottom 200 liters is flowering mix containing LOTS of k

But could be K def or maybe too much of something

Anywho see for yourself in this short film.

I will only host it for a few days then i will delete it. I did my best to speak english in the clearest way possible for me. I have troubles with the english R lol SO DONT LAUGH AT MY ACCENT:laughing::laughing::laughing:
