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Thanks Krusty

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New member
Here's another troll.....

Diggety, i don't see pics or info of your trees here. Also, I don't see any braggin here.

Please fck off and leave us alone.

These trolls are now blacklisted........


New member
HOG, I must say, I had you on ignore before I read your last post here. Tis most honorable and commendable.

We are all tryin to learn. Let's see the pics....



innerSanctum said:

Who gives a shit if krusty respects no-one.....? mods or whoever?
Is the internet. I don't see no-one's big trees here. But rather mostly insults.

so its ok for krusty to be disrespectuful? and mate if u went to og and looked in my gallery u would find more pics then krusty ever dreamed of pinching and u would find buds as big as krustys! i looked in ur galler and saw a stick??

innerSanctum said:

How come no-one is not banned for disrepectin the members

krusty is no longer a member here so i guess that makes it ok to not give a shit about him or what people think of him!


8. Banning: People who violate these forum guidelines repeatedly are subject to banning. Once someone has been banned from the site, we do not allow complaints about it. Once banned, we are done with that individual, and no amount of complaining from other members will help. We don't need to justify our bans. This only causes more work for the moderators. Which is usually the reason for the person being banned in the first place. So those who complain about a banishment, are subject to being banned themselves.

nice rule! u guys should hope to it then;)


New member
@innerSanctum krusty is one of the rudest people ive come across on any board anywhere is it anywonder he gets banned everywhere he goes.Am i a troll i think not just dont post here much look up my other name on og and any other boards as TARTASS.I for one am into new things just go look in my og gallery where i grew above blow up pools.No one has done that before as far as i can see.

Heres the thing i stumbled across the kbs system one day and have been researching it for some time. Its not really his system im that interested in since ive grown for about 7 years now and confident in my own abilitys to work shit out, It was more the tree grows in general as im middle aged now and sick of new grey hairs poping up dew to stress from plant numbers.

The problem with krusty is its his way or no way and no matter what your wrong. Sorry thats not a healthy attitude.Personally id rather be on sites that believe in sharing ideas.and Learning from each other because i dont care how many grows you have under your belt there is always room to learn more.Look me up in 6 months im about to start a complety different type of tree grow to krusty yet im confident it will produce the same if not better.I wont go into detail now. But this info will be posted at most of the major mj sites and i will have no problem with people looking sharing asking and even suggesting different things.Perhaps the biggest mistake people made was calling it the krusty bucket in the first place maybe it all went to his head :p

By the way no-one love your 3.5 pound trees in fact ive picked up more from you then any crusty thread ive ever read.

Peace to you all
aussie aka tartass

ps truly the kbs isnt that hard to figure out yet your dedicating an entire pay/user site for it lmfao k guys good luck


New member
This is the shit I'm talkin about. We were in right in the middle of something special in this thread before yall came and fkd it up by postin your opinions about krusty.

Since you're bringin up the rules...
How come Texas is not banned for this violation in our thread?
2. Duplicate/Repetitive Postings: Duplicate postings with identical or similar text are not allowed. Click only ONCE on the submit button, and your posting will appear. A new page will load showing your posting. This is your confirmation that it has been posted! Do not resubmit a posting that has been verified! Duplicate postings will be removed.

A whole list of posters in this thread are in violation of this.
Flaming/Trolling: Flames are posts intended to insult and provoke. Posters who speak incessantly and/or rabidly on some relatively uninteresting subject or with a patently ridiculous attitude will be banned. Repeated posts directed with hostility at a particular person or group of people or their beliefs will be cause for banning. Any individual who chronically trolls, who regularly posts arguments, flames or personal attacks for no other purpose than to annoy someone or disrupt a discussion will be banned. Trolls are recognizable by the fact that they have no real interest in learning about the topic at hand - they simply want to utter flame bait.
How come this rule is not enforced here.
It is no wonder krusty trashed the mods.
There is an obvious bias and resentment here with people bringin up old shit.

Can you guys keep it to minimum or start your own thread on the subject of how much you hate krusty and leave us to growin big trees?



Sorry Inner Sanctum,

My mistake, it will not happen again. I was smoking some new Sativa from a buddy of mine and was a little wound up. A little to speedy for me.

Back to growin for me. All this idle chit chat is bring me down.

Texas Kid


innerSanctum if u had gone back and read ur own post u would find u r in violation of most of the rules urself! why do u feel the need to hassel (troll) other posters for breaking rues that u urseld have, are breaking how bout u ship of to www.krustysucksdongs.com too? i wish u all good luck on ur privet site! been their done that krusty fucked it all with his lack of concern for secrity for others! have fun in jail with bubba!:eek:


New member
Just tryin to get back on track here no-one. I gotta admit tis funny what you said about my "stick". Those sticks grow 15 feet tall outdoor.

Back to thankin krusty.....




innerSanctum said:
Just tryin to get back on track here no-one. I gotta admit tis funny what you said about my "stick". Those sticks grow 15 feet tall outdoor.

Back to thankin krusty.....



um isnt this an indoor hydro forum??? mate i could get a mint plant to grow 15' outside so dont go givin us crap bout ur stick ok! lets see some 15' outdoor sticks then! and i'l go tie up my mint:p


New member
no-one - yes this is the hydro forum. If you had read the post about my "stick" instead of interjecting your insults and mindless dribble you would have seen it to be within context of this thread. Guess you missed that because you are a
from rule#4
Trolls are recognizable by the fact that they have no real interest in learning about the topic at hand - they simply want to utter flame bait.

Repeated posts directed with hostility at a particular person or group of people or their beliefs will be cause for banning. Any individual who chronically trolls, who regularly posts arguments, flames or personal attacks for no other purpose than to annoy someone or disrupt a discussion will be banned.

no-one - You have not assisted in helping me or other growers in this thread.

Where are the mods on this shit?

Tis BS indeed.

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