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Thanks Krusty

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New member
There it is again, more BITCHBOY BULLSHIT. :mad:

They deleted your other post SYK. Tis BULLSHIT indeed.
Who is keeping the mods in check?

Looks like krusty was correct yet again.

Please let me know when the new site is up



Do you have anything at all to add to this site/community about growing?

Why do you continue to frequent a site and post so much dribble if your so put out by it?

You have Krusty's e-mail don't you?

Well fuckin e-mail him. so he can continue to hold you hand to use a process that is and has been published in exacting detail countless times on countless websites by Krusty and many others.

Grow a pair and venture out on your own, you find it's much more satisfying and rewarding in the long run.

I love Krusty's actual input to the site but god damn were talking about growing a weed. One that if left completely alone will do the exact same thing.

Do you think this rocket science or something?

Texas Kid


New member
Yea well we are tryin to have a regular thread here and the BITCHBOYS come out of the woodwork to POST their endless
terms of contention and generally meaningless opinions and input. They'll waste time telling us how much we aren't welcome yet the TREE threads were the most viewed on this site.

It is not rocket science but there is a science and art to growing.

I'm wondering if the owners of this site are aware that they are about to lose the largest part of their member base?

SYK I'm there. If ya need any assistance let me know.

I'm sure we'll get dissed even further here with the old "don't let the door hitya" bshit.

If these Btchs try this shit at the new site....
ISP blocked! and a big F you!

Hopefully we can avoid the BS while showing the best grows and instructions on the net and have some fun too.



New member
TexasKid, I must say you ARE the definition of a troll. I have never seen anyone post the same thing twice, in two different threads, just to argue with someone. Get lost you twit.



Active member


that's what they are trying to do here, but assholes like you and this thread ruin it for the one's here to share knoweledge on growing.



New member
,BlueHaze nice pics man, they look a treat!

On another note, I don't see the point of standing ground for krusty as he would have handle the naysayers in his own way, lmoa....

So I'll ask 2 simple questions instead directed @ Texas Digity & Hooked:

What is your purpose posting in this thread? Do you have any creative or positive input?

If not why post crap here?

None of you have even commented on the thread starters pics.


ps- dont clutter this thread anymore by replying to me I will address any bs via PM the way it should be!

Sorry for the excess clutter BlueHaze


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Hey, I Banned Krusty

Hey, I Banned Krusty

Hey, I Banned Krusty because he is completely off base thinking he owns the site because he "graced us" with the Krusty Bucket... well growers and readers, it's time to put your thinking caps on and start creating new techniques rather than just arguing about the same old tired thing that's been posted on every growsite in the world... Krusty himself says this method is nothing new.

Remember, attacking anyone on the forums in a personal way is not one of the things we like to have happen. This is a space for growers, not shark breeders... and that's basically why I banned his Krusty ass... he pissed off a lot of people... it was suggested that we give him his own forum but we understand he may be moving to another new growsite that will be a premium "pay for" service... for private viewers... unlike our philosophy indeed.

We welcome everyone here who acts civilized and treats other people with respect.


New member
Sorry Payaso, I must call BULLSHIT!
Not tryin to disrespect at all but twas a bad desicion imho. People have been waitin for years for krusty forums. How could you let him go and get to you personally?

Also, I'm tired of readin that this info is all over the net. There were so many people recievin good, current info at THIS site.

I never saw krusty claim ownership of this site, he did however have the most views for threads he was in.

Where were you when krusty was gettin trolled? When the other members were disrespectin him, you did not interject or ban them.

Why have the trollers of THIS thread not even been warned much less banned? There was much good info here before Texas and HOG posts?. How come Texas is not deleted for fkn up this and SYK's thread and disrespecting the members?
Tis bullshit indeed.

Is most likely that k pissed YOU off so you banned him.
Is bad marketing for your new site too.
Don't you know controversy/comedy sells?
So does good information.
Is ok to disregard your largest audience?

Oh, and, if you don't have time to babysit guys.......maybe you SHOULDN'T BE a mod. Afterall that IS your job.

If krusty can have his own forums at THIS site, twould be most excellent! I cannot see a real prob with it if we can keep the trolls out. We would most certainly stay if that happens. We'd buy BOG and GYPSIES genetics and hell, even become subscribers just to help you guys out.

Sorry BlueHaze, we'll probably get deleted now. Thanks for your thread, I learned stuff.



New member
There's another one.....

Biatchzado- your neck is the most rubber here... you try to be funny in these threads but is mostly BS, take-up-space sorta posts tryin to make a name at this site. Least you could do is spare us or be "on topic" with your BS. Where are your posts about attempts to grow big trees?.....


Thank the mod for announcin in our nice thread here....



New member
Ill gladly PAY to get away from this bullshit..............(into a site that actually can be learned from ,instead of trolled on).........like DG SAID........everyone has a right to be heard(just not krusty).............BAN ME........youve already taken away most of your hits ,so I promise you I wont give you any more...................Krusty wont KISS ALL YOUR GOD -LIKE ASSES and for that you choose to get rid of the so-called problem............this website was nowhere when I came here and its even less now............................buncha seed dealin retail hypin -whores...........imho.........DHF................


New member
INNER-SANCTUM..........thanks and may we all get together and laugh about all these BITCH-BOYS................AND GIRLS.............down the road....................all jealous whores...............doit right or suffer...................thats whats krusty`s been screamin the whole time.........................DHF............


Hey, SYK, great idea on the new site :)

krusty needs a place to share his info, answer sensible questions, etc, where the troll can be kept under control.

i can totally understand you wanting to keep membership restricted to keep trolls , newbies & closet growers out (like me, heh)

but could you please make sure that the information is available to be viewed by the public, even if we cant post.

it could be a great resource, even for newbies & closet growers, and people that want to start commercial growing, or adapt the techniques, etc, to read, and it'd save hours of searching through threads on overgrow, etc & then digging through the trolls & bullshit.


what i cant figer out is why you fucking idiots insist that anyone that has a diferant opinian or disagrees with krusty is a troll? is it because thats how his simple drug fucked mind works? anyway u say u got ur own site goin how bout u all go their and bitch about all us "trolls" and stop whineing to us about poor krusty! the dickhead got himself banned for attacking (trolling) the mods and admin! he has no respect for anyone! u guys will find this out on ur own and most of us already know! the guy as far as im concerernd has just been recycaling the same crap for the last 2 years or so and has come up with nothing new, has no pic's becides a few from last decade has no proof those pics were even his i think u guys have been gettin led down the garden path by an internet nerd that may have once had a freind that did grow, he remembered a buch of stuff that his freind had told him and had a few pics of his freinds grow, he recycals then rants then gets himself banned, end of story. so get over it or piss off to www.krustysucksdongs.com fools:eek:


New member
Here yet again.......BULLSHIT!

Who are the one's who can't let go?

Who gives a shit if krusty respects no-one.....? mods or whoever?
Is the internet. I don't see no-one's big trees here. But rather mostly insults.

Rude, obnoxious BS!

How come no-one is not banned for disrepectin the members and fkn up our threads????

payaso quote...
Remember, attacking anyone on the forums in a personal way is not one of the things we like to have happen. This is a space for growers, not shark breeders... and that's basically why I banned his Krusty ass...

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Active member


C-9 was right. I apologize for clogging your thread. Those are very nice looking trees. Keep up the nice work!!! I am no way a "troll" or Krusty hater. I think he had a great idea and I have learned some things from him the last few years on forums here and there. I do think his mouth and devious thinking get him in trouble. I have spoken how I feel about krusty and will only respond to this thread again with positive comments.
Again I apologize to everyone for my childish remarks.

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