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Texas growers unite



Very nice Pothead

Sometimes I do need a seeing eye dog to find my way, thanks again B. hehehe. It's later in the day down here also so my mind is fogged pretty good.

I know some attorneys that can play with that possession law like you wouldn't believe. They can mandated that only mature flowers be wieghed without the other plant material and the longer it sits in the property room the lighter it gets from drying out. One has even got stalks and stems excluded from the weight. Now that's a trick, probably cost him a golf membership or something to the Judge or DA either way they have it wired. Hope I never have to call them

Most cases, unless you are goin nuts, get reduced to a simple possession misdemeaner but don't get caught sellin it. I think they make you dig your own hole under the jail.lol

Stay safe



what it do its paul wall im out the lone star state, im ahead of my time but all the contenders are late, from the 713 to tha 718 ballin is a bad habit that i just cant break

am I the only one in TX reppin swisha house?

I listen to rap cause they rap about my life, smokin dro

they are the only songs you hear weed strains names huh? skunk, purple, haze, I've even heard sour diesel, and shrom.

shit 36 mafia has that bin ladin weed song, I never heard of bin laden weed, lol or bobby brown.

here my skunk #1 freebie from SD


Pot heads are gonna take over texas, just wait, then I wont have to move away, FUCK BUSH!


I hear ya hydroxide, as soon as I find my digicam again, I'll let you guys take a peek into my grow again.

its going nicely.

after transplant, do plants freak out a bit sometimes?


we need more pics!


Yup they give the yuck face and droop. But will bounce back no problem.



are plants from clones usually more potent than from seed, being that they are older? I hope this skunk is more potent on the next go round. I have 2 nice big clones in flower right now.

I got me 1 female lifesaver and I'm a happy camper, took 3 clones so I should be setup.

Northern Lights seems to be my most potent strain as of now.

Here is my room. 600 watts, hydro bato bucket setup, I got like 14 plants in there, WAITING FOR CHRISTMAS harvest time :) should have me a happy half pound to make for a happy christmas.


I'm glad its gettin cold in texas again, my plants like the cold weather!!!!


well I got two good pics, but the rest are under the wrong light setting on the camera. The batteries died, so this is what I'm stuck with, haha.

Click for Larger Image

Click for Larger Image

Click for Larger Image

I think I'm going to flip them into flowering sunday. Any tips before I do?

The 2 WYD's are pretty strong. They were deficient a bit while my ballast was broke(they werent using near as much water, and I gave them nutrients at a slightly weaker concentration), but the MH is working strong again, and they're loving it, and needing the nutes! So I gave them a "heavy" dose according to the bottle of my 3-1-1 (3TBSP).

The G13xHaze is looking good, its about 5 days old now, maybe a bit more, it gets its own weak dose of ferts several times a day, as the promix dries out

There's my update TK! and the rest of you Texas growers.

p.s. Thanks Blatant for calming my nerves, as you can see the plants recovered from the transplant.

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Active member
Hey hydroxide- I'm a little confused over your last post. You said that you had 14 plants going under 600 HPS. You then made the comment that "you hope to have a happy half pound". That one plant in the pic looks like it will produce 4-5 oz. of dry bud alone. Could you clarify for me? By the way, that is one of the prettiest plants I have seen. What pruning method are you using (ie. FIM, Supercropping, etc)? Thanks


Rellikbuzz - yeah you are right, I like to underestimate so I dont get my hopes up

I have my garden full of fresh plants now so I should average 1.5 - 2 oz's per plant which should really equal a pounder by xmas, my goal :)

I really could get 2 oz easy if the plants dont die early, we'll see huh



I am about 45 days in on my fall grow. The Grapefruit, Lifesaver, and K2 look great and the Ultimate Moonshine and Willie Nelson look and smell exceptional.

The Raspberry Creme looks great but not a big yielder(like the Super Skunk)but the smell and structure are nice. This would be a good SOG plant.

I have another NLK going and it looks a killer as the first, love this plant.

Great White Shark is looking beautiful, glad I kept a mom of this(thanks BBB, I love this little tart) Killer indica structure, not much side branching, big main cola, fat ass leaves. A full run of this would be nice.

Herijuana got pulled last night because of nuts. 6 weeks in and she hermied on me. I chopped her and hung her by her neck. No pollen released yet so I should be ok. If not I will have some killer Herijuana crosses coming(herijuana x lifesaver, Heri x NLK, Heri x Raspberry Creme, Heri x Grapefruit) but I don't think so. This one just never panned out. it was small from the get, it was the only female out of 5 plants so I grew her out. She was a casualty chop, chop

Willie Nelson is the shit, the smell, grows like a roided up plant, killer buds, supercrops easy as hell, this one is the one to watch.


Check my gallery for all the current pics



lookin good TK, no Ultimate Moonshine ever worked out for me, it seems as if they're extremely picky in the seedling stage, let me know how the finihsed product is, cause I may not ever smell the moonshine of things up here in my area.

Wheres the rest of Texas?!


Active member
Right here Wickyd!!

Right here Wickyd!!

Hey Tex- Sounds great so far! (Not to get this thread going in a different direction, but) Tex, please explain to me, once and for all, in laymen's term what supercropping is. Is it the same as LST? Or is it just extreme pruning? Please explain. Thanks.


Supercropping is basically bending or training your main or secondary growth stalks.

I bend mine over until they are laying over at 90 degree angle. Horrizontal to the light. This allows the light to hit all of the budsites and control the heigth a little. Everything I have done it to performs better, as far as yield, across the board. The more drastic the better in my experience.

It is not LST (low stress training)the way I do it and frankly find that the plants respond better when not being so gentle with them. A certain amount of stress seems to kick some into gear or something.



Howdy from North of big D

Howdy from North of big D

This is my 1st hydro, Bogs LSD. Currently 12 plants in tubbler at 17 days vegg in 2x4x5.6 grow box. The fan cooled light hood can hold up to 3 bulbs, ballast box has 2, 250mh and 2, 400hps ballast, currently there under 2x250mh+1,400hps 900 watts. Flower will be 2x400+250, 1050 watts, 130 per sq ft. They say things are bigger and better in texas.

This is 7 days ago

And this was taken today


The best 5 females will be transplanted to this bucket drip system ready to be installed when ready, rez is under the cab and all bucket drain directly into it


going to FIM top them then vegg one more week

70s :cool:


wickyd said:
that looks awesome 70s pothead! Did you grow back then too? or this a whole new venture for ya?


Been growing for 2 years, got tired of Mex brick weed, picked up a high times one day, started reading and said to myself, I can do this, been smoking mad weed as I call it ever since :canabis:

70s :cool:


Snakes are bigger in Texas too

Snakes are bigger in Texas too

This guy found this while Dove hunting in Stephenville, it was just under 8 ft long and weighed 89lbs

70s :cool:

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