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Terpenation at Terpene Station


New member
hello family. ok question i have a sight glass and its cool but what do you really need it for other than to see your butane because i scale and feel my butane hit its mark during a run and it always matches the glass so my question is is it just for extra assurity of butane fill or am i missing out in something. please enlighten me.

Dab Strudel

Active member
to know how much your getting per wash, how many runs it takes you to get clear solvent, depending where it is (top or bottom) to know if youve drained or filled it completely... i used it to get my bearings and canned it. i dont trust it not to bust. it really made me uneasy. to eaches own, im sure others use it to this day. some people use screened gaskets and fill it with activated carbon for a scrubbing, but you dont need it to be glass to do that. not sure of any other uses off the top of my head


New member
hello kind sir. i have the mk3 terp and i noticed that when i put less then specified weight in the columns i get better butane coverage and better weight results also it uses less butane takes shorter time to do runs and it doesnt run my machines as hard. so my question is why did they put such large numbers on the columns as fill amount when all it does is basically clog up the area in which i need to flow through. i run a 400 tube with two cone ends @350gs top to bottom using 3lbs butane with 1.5lbs run times two runs and get 40. if i go the actual weight recommended i have 600 total pushing 5to6 lbs butane with 2.5to3lbs runs times 2 runs and pull equivilent numbers but it takes longer like twice as long. i noticed i get more wax which i think is due to have to harder through the product and thus pulling the unwanteds with it. i say this cause ive looked at the end and could see a small quarter size damp ring in the middle where the butane when through 5 lbs going through a little area hence harder recovery and time plus the wax. now when i packed it lightly it ecompassed the whole column without stress and i get better results. the only reason i stopped doing 3 runs is due to what ive been told was wax. i saw it in my first runs after sone time in the vac oven i noticed like what i call little brownies patches. now its the same stuff that attaches to the dump cyl;inder walls. if you seperate the stuff fro the bottom plate and scrape the dump walls on different paper they cook differently so i assume that the left over on the walls is wax mix. ive done every thing from presorting all stems and water leaf out full dry everything ive got coffee filters and micron screen on tubes low temp in oven my water is 85 degrees and butane kis at 30 degrees constant with a cold freturn. i do runs at minus ten then my dump to minus 18hg vac and wait a few. so based off all i said which sorry might be sporadic but i have very little patience for computer typing lol. should i keep doing what im doing or is there a way to fill to factory specs and get full displacment of butie in the column and pull without so much wax coming through thus a cleaner product like i get in my method which thank you for your instruction gw cause it was you who got me this far. which according to the wise and well educated in this feild ive done absolutaley great. but im here to lear so please en lighten me in everyway


New member
ok but it seems in the mk3 if i do more than 2 washes in a cycle i get what i think is wax and i dont see it till i oven it for awhile. also if i pack the colums to spec i dont get full solvent distribution so ive been packing the 400 tube with cone ends up to only 350 and am getting full dist. plus less butie and time but i know i could get more with another wash but i seem to get that brownie texture in certain spots any idea what this is cause by. my temps in oven is 95 at -28hg right now at two washes with 350gs top to bottom i get 35 to 40 gs after two to 3 days in oven. but know im asking how i can go back to the recommended column weight and acchieve the same results when the recommended weight seems to be to much and i dont get that butie disrubution through the column. so should i keep my routine or can you throw some ideas my way as in what i could be doing wrong. i have mk3 with recovery.


New member
i stacked two 3x18 or 400 column with two cone ends on the same pot and had no problem. plus it only took 6lbs too full fill with 3lb runs pulled a 210 yeah baby


New member
i have the robinair 5cfm and it does the same thing lots of oilf smoke right out the same place and its not just robin air its all the vac i hace due the same thing but they all vac well. but i noticed it takes three days at 95 with -28 to cook off am i doing something wrong or is this normal cause any higher in temps and i seem to get the same result but darker. i dont pancake mine i just pull it from mk3 its like cotton candy or foam or taffy. either way i hand flatten it with gloves place it on parchment paper on the shelves (across inter 1.9) hit the vac it rises a little i wait a bit release to drop it then repeat a total of 5 times in three days. so please if there is a better faster way to do it while retaining that gold color please let me kmow.


New member
im using 85 temp on my dump tank through all washes. what is the difference when you dont use any heat on the dump tank till the end. i use the mk3 with 1.9 across inter oven.


New member
i keep my water at 85 degrees and place the terp in the bath and start my process that way from beginning to end using the mk3 recovery model using a 3x18 or 400 column with two cone ends packed @ 350gs top to bottom at 4lbs full fill and 1.5lbs run at two runs with the terp in the 85 degree bath through begin to finish i recover to -18hg then vac to -29 let it sit for a min or two then release the vac and pull terp out of water i get a cotton candy/foamy texture very easy to deal with very golden which usually gets me 35 to 40 finish. i flatten it with my hands with gloves throw it in the oven @95 with -29hg till it raises then release vac till it flattens i do this about 5 times in three days and i get shatter. witgh high cbd and thc. not to boast but im very new to this and thanks to people likeyou and gw i was able to make someone with parkinsons stop shaking long enough to hold a level and build a fence.IM VERY METICULOUS AND PICKY ON MOST THINGS I DO AND ALWAYS ASK IF WHAT IM DOING IS GOOD AND TO HEAR WHAT IT DID FOR HIM THAT ON TOP OF GREAT LAB RESULTS lets me know im on the right path but i want to refine my knowledge. ive only been at this 3 months and because im not scared to take chances or ask questions i was able to accomplish (according to those who have expertise and knowledge of quality)someting people of your yrsof expertise produce. but i still have areas in which i question. like why does the 3x18 call for 400gs when that seems to be to much cause no matter how i pack that i always only get a quarter size distribution of butie down the center as where if i only use 250 to 300 i get full distribution of the column thus producing more. plus its less pull on recovery pump less butane to fill site glass and less total time. with 10 to 12 percent overall finish. but with tube spec i have to use more and in the end my weight higher but i seem to get more wax or something in my final product which i assume is dur to higher harder recovery. i also only due the intial fill plus a run then dump if i do fill run run then dumo i seem to get more of the wax no matter what method i use... im still trying to figure that out as to why that happens or is that stuff normal and all im doing is just making a less waxy product. cause ive done all steps to make sure trim/bud is completley dry and free of as much stem and waterv leaf as possible my oven is set at 95 but yet if i do a three run on single column or if i pack to spec i get this weird brownie texture which i assume is plant wax i even have gotten it when i let it sitm and cook under 95 degrees without vac for more than 15 min. so if you have suggestions please do enlighten me


New member
i have mk3 and ill swear by it not one problem it is well worth the money and produces great yeilds. i stuck two 3x18 columns with two cone end caps total off 1000gs and pulled 210finish 179 after oven


New member
i have mk3 with 3x18 column and the 6x12 dump pot if i go factory fill spec on column i put 400 in column plus 100 in each cone endcap total 600gs i fill it to 5lbs and do 2.5 lbs runs x2 each ending and starting at -10hg then do a dump to -18hg then vac to -29 let sit for few min i get a cotton candy/foam texture really easy to deal with and after oven time i get around 55 to 70gs but it seems to hold a little more wax then i want. so i put 350g total use less butane say 4lbs with 1.5lbs runs. i get same percentage but less butane less time less stress on pumps and less wax so technically bhy going less i get more due to less wax weight. h


i keep my water at 85 degrees and place the terp in the bath and start my process that way from beginning to end using the mk3 recovery model using a 3x18 or 400 column with two cone ends packed @ 350gs top to bottom at 4lbs full fill and 1.5lbs run at two runs with the terp in the 85 degree bath through begin to finish i recover to -18hg then vac to -29 let it sit for a min or two then release the vac and pull terp out of water i get a cotton candy/foamy texture very easy to deal with very golden which usually gets me 35 to 40 finish. i flatten it with my hands with gloves throw it in the oven @95 with -29hg till it raises then release vac till it flattens i do this about 5 times in three days and i get shatter. witgh high cbd and thc. not to boast but im very new to this and thanks to people likeyou and gw i was able to make someone with parkinsons stop shaking long enough to hold a level and build a fence.IM VERY METICULOUS AND PICKY ON MOST THINGS I DO AND ALWAYS ASK IF WHAT IM DOING IS GOOD AND TO HEAR WHAT IT DID FOR HIM THAT ON TOP OF GREAT LAB RESULTS lets me know im on the right path but i want to refine my knowledge. ive only been at this 3 months and because im not scared to take chances or ask questions i was able to accomplish (according to those who have expertise and knowledge of quality)someting people of your yrsof expertise produce. but i still have areas in which i question. like why does the 3x18 call for 400gs when that seems to be to much cause no matter how i pack that i always only get a quarter size distribution of butie down the center as where if i only use 250 to 300 i get full distribution of the column thus producing more. plus its less pull on recovery pump less butane to fill site glass and less total time. with 10 to 12 percent overall finish. but with tube spec i have to use more and in the end my weight higher but i seem to get more wax or something in my final product which i assume is dur to higher harder recovery. i also only due the intial fill plus a run then dump if i do fill run run then dumo i seem to get more of the wax no matter what method i use... im still trying to figure that out as to why that happens or is that stuff normal and all im doing is just making a less waxy product. cause ive done all steps to make sure trim/bud is completley dry and free of as much stem and waterv leaf as possible my oven is set at 95 but yet if i do a three run on single column or if i pack to spec i get this weird brownie texture which i assume is plant wax i even have gotten it when i let it sitm and cook under 95 degrees without vac for more than 15 min. so if you have suggestions please do enlighten me

You gotta slow down buddy, less is more.

There is a learning curve, and you will begin to understand the ins and outs, along with help from the forums. But blowing up a thread with ten posts, each of rambling paragraphs, is not going to get you very much consideration for response, brother.

May I suggest that you read through most of the threads that have already discussed and moved on from these subjects? Because I assure you, you will find the answers you are seeking plus so much more.

Sorry if I'm coming off offensive, not my intention.


New member
After getting it air tight it was time to see if if would hold a Vacuum. View Image

Holding 29.9 for 24 hours :)

View Image
After getting the hang of the vacuum pump and overstanding the importance of the oil level in the vacuum pump.
Being that its key to the vacuum pump's ability to pull a hard vacuum.. time to move on to filling the tank via can tapper....
Now are you doubling the first weight or no cause I got paper by grey wolf and one that came with it which said after you feel the cold check weight and double it then do runs with the initial weight so if it gets cold at 2lb fill it to 4 then do runs at 2lbs. Is this right or did you just fill it to the first weight and run the same on runs?


New member
You gotta slow down buddy, less is more.

There is a learning curve, and you will begin to understand the ins and outs, along with help from the forums. But blowing up a thread with ten posts, each of rambling paragraphs, is not going to get you very much consideration for response, brother.

May I suggest that you read through most of the threads that have already discussed and moved on from these subjects? Because I assure you, you will find the answers you are seeking plus so much more.

Sorry if I'm coming off offensive, not my intention.
Thank you and sorry I'm not tech savvy and didn't mean to send all those posts. My typing is extremely slower than my thoughts so by time I get to a point I forget it. Again sorry I just bought my first computer so I'll get better. So my actual question is why do I get better results when I use less than actual column fill spec.


Thank you and sorry I'm not tech savvy and didn't mean to send all those posts. My typing is extremely slower than my thoughts so by time I get to a point I forget it. Again sorry I just bought my first computer so I'll get better. So my actual question is why do I get better results when I use less than actual column fill spec.

No worries brother, I'm sure everyone understands. I wanted to blow up the feeds just as much during my own startup. And you are obviously very passionate about gaining information. Which means you are definitely in the right place.

I suggest that you call off prior engagements, and take some time to read through all the pages of this thread and many others on the first few pages of threads. It will give you plenty of backup and perspective in the field.

The variables can be endless, so when it comes to your specific question, I would suggest that you start taking notes every run, and compare the variables. Usually, your questions regarding outcome in yield or quality will answer themselves.

Welcome to the mecha!:tiphat:


New member
i have been noticing the same oil every time i tap new cans into the system. And i use all stainless lines, so it is not the hoses....

Good call on tapping through the top of a charcoal filled column.

I feel like the can tapping procedure should be changed a little bit. When tapping through the vacuum port, i feel like that is way too easy for the Appion to suck in liquid tane because the ports are on the same cross. I dont think the appion is meant to pump liquid, and if it sucks the liquid tane in before it evaporates out of the recovery pot, then this mystery oil is now in the LP50.

I have been putting an end cap on the column port and tapping through the #4 port and it has been working great. But your charcoal column sounds even better.
[URL=http://i936.photobucket.com/albums/ad208/regisphilburn/IMG_1884.jpg]View Image[/URL]
(Pic is befor i got the stainless lines made)
have you found this substance in any of your product during oven time and if so did it look like wax or look like the top of a fresh brownie.


New member
No worries brother, I'm sure everyone understands. I wanted to blow up the feeds just as much during my own startup. And you are obviously very passionate about gaining information. Which means you are definitely in the right place.

I suggest that you call off prior engagements, and take some time to read through all the pages of this thread and many others on the first few pages of threads. It will give you plenty of backup and perspective in the field.

The variables can be endless, so when it comes to your specific question, I would suggest that you start taking notes every run, and compare the variables. Usually, your questions regarding outcome in yield or quality will answer themselves.

Welcome to the mecha!:tiphat:
iam reading but i havent seen a picture yet that can give me an accurate answer as to what i was finding in my product during oven time except one and they call it wax. but i only have this occurance when i load it to spec. so thats my search but on the way im finding out alotta cool stuff. i have some of that screen you mentioned to use in the oven cant wait. any new suggestions on that? peace love and chicken grease. ps figured out how to post properly no more excessive repeats!


New member
Grinding bud will produce a darker extract, as will using heat.
i have 2 questions mr wolf what causes patches of my slabs to turn into a chewy brownie texture. ive been experimenting for months and the only thing that has kept that from happening is when filling column with less product than specified and by only doing 2 washes. 2 i just read today on this forum that confuses me. when filling up with gas do you double the number when you feel the cold or not. i have your instrutions and im not finding the double part but on the instruct that came with mk3 said double the first number then do floods at initial number. im gonna keep reading but if you have time can you help as these seem to be my only two problem that i cant seem to get a consistant answer about.


New member
can anyone explain or have a link to the scientific explanation for what occurs when achieving certain oil forms of cannabis?

From what Ive read it doesnt seem to hold true after I was able to use high heat and get shatter, or take a wax and turn it into shatter. Instead of breaking down under high heat it which I have seen using the oven, its solidifies. The wax seems to lose its bond after the high heat flash, maybe due to the water being flashed out? Freshly dried material seems to be harder to rock up, I think because the trichome heads outer layer is dried but the inside of it is still most likely goo. Giving the oil an extra runny and fragrant quality. I also noticed that when purging in the vac oven f I place the oil between two sheets of parchment that I can sitll get a good purge but the oil retains its terpene profile much better than if I didnt cover it. Same oils from the same batch that were not covered were probably 30 percent less fragrant. And several days later about 50%...

just thought Id share some of my thoughts and findings in hopes that someone could shed some light on the subject for me.

thanks in advance,

i run my product in 85 degree watwr through the wholeprocess using wet ice. pull it out and put in oven under vac at 95 for three days and have gold shatter just like yours. i also did the same thing with the wax and heat gun with same results. i actually scrape the wax off the sides of container heat it up and cook it and it turned out pretty good. thanks for this info now i can look in other directions as to why i still pull wax ocasionally. p.s what is desired amount of product in a 3x18 column

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