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Invertebrata Inebriata
A true fan would have produced a 49-ers helmet jpeg, instead of replicating the Saints one. Just saying.


Active member
i fly a patriots flag . and have defended it against san diego chargers pussy assed fans. my old lady gets nervous. this year they are out but atleast they took the raiders with em.


Don't sweat it, colorado sports fan are about as hard as a marshmallow


Active member
A true fan would have produced a 49-ers helmet jpeg, instead of replicating the Saints one. Just saying.

Saints are playing golf next weekend.............that's when I'll break out the 9ers flag..............just sayin'!!!!



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the most retarded hype that i have ever seen.

i can't stand football.

..now i can stand it less!
How can you say that,Dallas is Americas Team,and the Broncos are Jesus Team.Hes got a big Foam finger and a Broncos Jersey.Just kiddin,but in all reality,the Saturday Night Live Parody of Tebow was spot on and shows how rediculous this whole thing is.If dude wants to Pray,its all good.But for anyone even for a second thinks thats the reason hes had sucsess is crazy.


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If the Denver Teabows win the Super Bowl..........I'll convert.

:ying: Dont you mean TeaBags.Just fkn around.But once again,for anyone to think hes got GOD on speed dial and that hes got an interest in FootBall,but not Famine and other horrible things that go on in the World is crazy and should stay away from the Kool-Aid.I see just about every athlete giving praise and thanks to the Almighty every game.But why is this a big thing when Tebow does it?Because he takes the time out to stop and do it every game,in front of millions in a very public way,unlike everyone else.I think its a good thing that he has strength in his Faith,but so do millions of others and his Faith means no more than anyone elses,yours or mine.His keep cool Tees are pretty good though.
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