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Tea critisism please??


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Neptune's Harvest... if it's worth a shot. I've always written it off as over priced hydro store decorations...

another $15K I can't pay back...<---- lol

I believe that Neptune's makes some straight fish hydrolysate witout ruining it with seaweed extract.


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You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Microbeman again

the price is what keeps me at bay too... if it's worth it though, I'll pay it.. chalk it up to I don't have to pay shipping.


Biobizz is not going to be available in the US any more according to my local hydro shops.

I didn't want to post that but from what I understand, the importer of of the Biobizz line had a falling out the primary grow store supplier (NGW/Hydro-Farms/Sun Light Mfg.) and they had to go with Tradewinds (Sacramento, California). Tradewinds handles some of the odd-ball stuff in grow stores like Tropy Blumats (and other Bluemat products), P.L. Light Systems lighting systems, et al.

Then Biobizz had their products yanked by the Oregon Department of Agriculture for both unregistered products as well as mislabeling (failing to list the Phosphoric acid content) - usual stuff. They renamed about 6 products with more accurate labels but by that time the supply chain had been disrupted so many times that many customers went with other 'nute programs' - basically Biobizz got caught in the middle of the ongoing battle between NGW and Tradewinds.

Same thing happened with Advanced Nutrients, et al.



Active member
thanks coot, u know your shit!

I just got some biobizz with the new labels, and new npk, but same ingredients.

no phoshoric acid listed, fish,beet vinase, and kelp


Threads like this make my head hurt I have posted a tea that flat out works I have seen it with my own eyes I have seen growers struggle to get there plants healthy and I give them the exact tea reciepe that I use and from there on out they have the healthiest plants they have ever had.I was having an issue in COCO beds could not get my plants to green up. Brewed a tea using Capulators Bennies and BAM they exploded and I have never looked back.I now brew teas weekly and have had some amazing results.Here is my exact tea brew.:tiphat:Due to the fact the bacterial cultures start to replicate within 4-8 hours of application, and fungal cultures will take 12-16 hours to germinate, the best way to apply the bennies is by brewing a tea for 24 hours.

EDIT: IF you are in soil, you only need to add the nute pack once as early as possible in the plant life cycle, and again when you pot up to a bigger size. It is better to apply as a powder, not in tea, and mix at the rate of 1/4 teaspoon to 1 teaspoon per gallon of soil to your plants as early as possible, and every time you transplant up.

Here is a tea recipe copied from ICMAG, with my own twist, that will put your plants in to a happy state of being.

1) Add 4 TABLESPOONS of each capulators root and foliar in a 5 gallon bucket.

2) Fill 5 gallon bucket with 4 gallons of RO or distilled water.
Add 50 - 100 ml of liquid carboload, sweet raw, hibrix, regular black strap molasses, or any other liquid carb product of your choice.

3) Fill a stocking with a couple handfuls of earth worm castings. Tie this off and let it float in the solution like a tea bag.

4) Bubble with an air stone and air pump for 24 hours.
Strain again with a cheesecloth, or let settle and take off the top.

5) Dilute 1-2 cups per 10 gallons and add to the reservoir, or use as an individual drench. This works GREAT in a turbo or easy cloner, or even on your cuttings in a dome.

Refrigerate for up to 10 days so you can use it the following week.
(EDIT: aeroic bacteria would do best if the tea is used right away. Just because it CAN be refrigerated up to a week doesn't necessarily mean you are getting the most bang for your buck that way.

You can always cut back on material to make just a gallon, or even a half gallon so that you don't waste. Its really easy to make... the hardest part about it is waiting for it to be done.

Now, the bacteria will die off no matter what if there is nothing for them to eat, so really you are killing bacteria all the time in a hydro setting, where there is no soil that is "breaking down"

These packs are a mix of a shitload of bacteria, but they rarely all go to work right away when they are applied. some make it and some don't, it depends on their environment and what they have to process. )

Additional goodies:
Add a couple of handfuls of alfalfa meal in with the earth worm castings, to provide a great boost to plant vitality.

Apply tea once a week or every other week for best results during veg and flower

Can be used up to flush.

This will deter all soil borne pathogens and insects, if using the foliar pack. I have successfully used this tea to destroy a fungus gnat population and keep my roots white and pythium free. There are other farmers here that have used it to kill their root aphid infestations.


Toes & Microbeman

Organic Gem is probably the fish hydrolysate that is manufactured under pretty tight controls. This sub-corporation is from a producer of materials that go into HABA, medicines, etc. In this case it's the fish oils that are harvested under laboratory conditions.

And it's legitimately certified organic - no OMRI games or worse, i.e. some of the new icons that will be appearing in the next few months. Buyer beware and all of that.

So now they have this incredible product and absolutely no distribution system whatsoever. They have individuals (a small handful) around the US who collectively place an ad in Acres USA Magazine each month. All you get is a phone number and in some cases an email - it's really weird.

EarthFort was carrying this product a couple of years ago and it was priced fairly (!!!!) - shock & awe. Then they switched to a small producer in Washington state. In Acres USA Magazine each month are ads from fishing processors in Alaska offering totes (1 c.y.) of frozen fish. You can get straight Salmon, Halibut, Cod and then there are the mixed fish scraps. Pretty cheap and with a good sized tank, know-how, you can be in the fish hydrolysate business and this is what you find once you head off conventional retail paths.

The product that Microbeman uses is a good example. Their focus is agriculture and they do not (or did not) participate in the retail market in the USA. I sent them an email a couple of years ago after MM's recommendation and they answered back that I could contact this company in Yakima, Washington - apple country. And so I did - he is an organic apple grower and this is why he bought this product and there was a price consideration if he would handle smaller sized packs to other organic growers to promote their product. This is not a criticism but an explanation on how it works out here in 'the real world' because without an advertising budget it's hard to get traction from an industry that looks on any fertilizer rep as a liar and that's giving them the benefit of the doubt. Hard sales resistance.

This gentleman said that he wasn't set-up to ship a liquid which I figured but if I were to come to his orchard with a bucket then he would sell my 5-gallons for $55.00 or so. But it's in Yakima which is 200 miles one way.

So there's reality - either bite the bullet on ordering the Organic Gem from individuals (i.e. no wholesale distributor) or go with Neptune's straight fish hydrolysate

"A lot of crap out there"



senior member
Or just get a fish, a papaya and see what happens......serious though, I went two grows now without any fish. So I'm not sure I would jump through hoops to get more either....scrappy


serious though, I went two grows now without any fish. So I'm not sure I would jump through hoops to get more either....scrappy

After the oil spill in the Gulf in 2010, I bought a bag of the Naturox fish meal and there's still at least 48.5 lbs. left in the bag. It's not a big deal now that I have all the Comfrey, Borage & Horsetail ferns available that I could possibly need - real or imagined.

After the next Comfrey cutting, I will have harvested over 9 c.y. from 4 plants this year and I will have another 5 plants up and running next spring.

Works for me......



Active member

I know this isnt a biobizz thread, but thanks for the info...
You are really in the know :)
I know u guys arent into buying bottled nutrients, but it works really well and it is has more organic certs than the rest, and I like the ingredients, ( that I know about )

also Coot, I wanna thank you for exposing all the salesmen in disguise, theres alot on this web site, and I've fallen for their crap before, and then realized its not a real person but the company owner or an affiliate.... theres one on another thread that really irks me, now that I know.



also Coot, I wanna thank you for exposing all the salesmen in disguise, theres alot on this web site, and I've fallen for their crap before, and then realized its not a real person but the company owner or an affiliate.... theres one on another thread that really irks me, now that I know.

Just to repeat myself:

That leads to the indicators that you're dealing with a sock-puppet or shill:

1. This is processed using a proprietary method from a famous university in (fill in the blank)

2. I talked with the owners and they assured me that (fill in the blank)

3. And my all time favorite: I was at an IGE show and I met the owners and they gave me the background on why their products work so well

IGE - Indoor Garden Expo - held all over the country with the big one in Las Vegas each year. Talk about a freak fair.
Excuse the interruption but I just had to!!!



Active member
oh man.... funny shit...

I think number 2 pertains to suckers too, Ive been there

I got a few more fill in the blank quotes to add, gimmee a minute to find em in my favorite "shill thread."

The thread I'm talking about has thre main characters played by the same guy..... a really great actor by the way, or maybe he has three personalities?

different company I was talking to over the phone... all I remember as he finished his pitch, which started pretty cut and dry, ended with: "what your really getting is cosmic rays from the sun"


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
well if you're talking electronics, especially communications stuff, cosmic rays actually can be an issue..


Active member
no just nutrients..

just checked the new bobizz labels... no mention anwhere of the word organic