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Tat´z my micro grow !


ScrubNinja, VerdantGreen ! Welcome !
Thanks for support and nice words !
No, since it´s only one of them with yellowing, I´m not gonna have it ruin anything !
It´s just that I´m the curious type o'.
It´s a weird case, since all clones grow in same type of soil, get same feeding, rotate under lights, so they also get approxz same amount of light....:chin:
I dont know
Guess I´ll let it flower out, smoke it, if it´s no good, screw that, if it´s ok, nice !
(I might have to do a little revegg on her, if it should turn out to be something spectacular, I´d hate myself for not saving it..!!)
I´m not going to repot, I´m trying to copy the good Dr.B, might even reveg 1 or 2 in these small cups...
I aim to get some nice Sativa strains along the way, crossing them with my fav Indica strains, my lights are hardmounted cfl´s, so I want to get "my strain" to finish her stretch as close to the lights as I can get it to by crossing Ind-Sat, as I want to end up with a no veg cab, only the right mothers, clones that go in for 12/12 when rooted, ending up just below the lights, every darned time !!!

:plant grow:
DR.bud is definitly the way to go, he is an inspiring man! im working my way to try my first sog, i can get like 4 too 6 clones for my new cab, and just let em grow, and not worry to much about lst this time, that would be a time saver :p

as for your lights, i think i saw the exact same light, that you have on the left in your bottom chamber, my question is, do you like it? im intruiged by long bulbs (no pun intended) but are they better?

anyways, plants are looking great man! i think the next step, after you get cloning down pat, would be too get an awesome light, maybe some pl-l's or even a small HPS, in the least get a nice setup of CFL's such as dr buds.

cant wait to see more,


So, I think I go and take some pics in an hour or so, got to do the watering thing anyway. I´ll try to get all inhabitants of both cabs on pics, there should be a few goodies....thinking of harvesting the Malawi Gold x Hindu Kush mama I´ve flowered out...
I can´t wait to get some new plants going, this time without Hermies !!


So, update !

I killed the old lady !

She seemed ready/ I ran out of patience... As she was in a "big" pot(1 Ltr.), she took up a lot of space in the flowering comp. I´ll def get back with a smoke report, as well as dry weight. Think I´ll be ok satisfied if I get about 5 gr off her...

Also, the one with the yellow thing going had to come down.
I´m a wee bit pissed off about all the seeds that are in almost every flowering plant ! I have this suspicion that it means that plants are maturing "wrong", since they give their energy to the seeds....

Anyhow, my camera didn´t work the other day, so I´ll get back with new pics ASAP....

Later Fellow Micro Freaks !!
dam camera problems :p i cant upload any photos cause the bill on my cell was 146$!! just from uploading pics!! >=(

cant wait too see some more pics from you soon tatz!



Wow man, do I have a problem ! I just got back from a 3day trip abroad and I can´t get to the Ladies before 10 AM tomorrow....!!!! Hoping they made it..!!


Tadaa ! They did survive ! Actually, only one or two showed signs of being thirsty...
My SSS#1 is a LADY ! As is my Malawi Gold, man she´s a beauty !!!! I´m going to town for my camera in a while, it´s been repaired, so this afternoon I can take and upload some exciting new pic´s.
I have to learn how to reveg !! The SSS#1 is such a nice pheno and so fast, I have to keep it !!!!

Later !!!!


So, I got the cam, got a few pic´s, ran out of f****n batteries !!
Well, here are the pics I managed to take before power failure !
First, the Sensi Skunk #1, nice tight nodes, very quick to show sex, 10 days of 12/12....
(Sorry about the bad pic, I´ll get a better one, more close up)

Then, this lovely Malawi Gold Lady !
I topped her at appr 14 days of veg, this is her at 2,5 weeks in flower !!!!
Sorry to say, I let 'em both get a wee too dry at one time, hence the yellowing leaves...


and a look at her lovely canope....

I´m soooo excited to see these two finnish !!
And I´m sure you all can see why I have to learn ´bout revegging !! Lol

Later folks !

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
great thread Tatz!! gotta tell us how the smoke was for the 1 you just cut down...looks really nice bro!!
earlier in your thread ( 1st page) you had the spider mite problem...glad to see thats over with...if you can create a windy enviroment, ALL mites/bugs etc.. won't want to live on any plant...tooo windy for them..I've never had any problems cause I have LOTS of airflow...and its FREE.....love that word!!
keep up the awesome work Tatz!!


Thanks for the nice word BC C man ! I dried her a little and put her in a jug, burpin´ her every now and some, gotta say, the smell is ok. Not, WOW. Ok.
I really have high expectations wrt SSS #1.
Saw this in the Cab Club.....!!!

check out HansHanfs, post #101....

The Malawi Gold ? I don´t know it, it´s a Sativa (Pure ?), legendary smoke from Africa, never smoked it, only heard of it... She´s pretty small, so she can stretch, even though I´m sure I´m gonna have to do a little training with the little lady....(you can see, I started allready)

For now,


justanotherbozo, thnx m8 ! That was x akly the info I been looking for ! This is going to be fun !!!
+1 4 U !


Active member
justanotherbozo, thnx m8 ! That was x akly the info I been looking for ! This is going to be fun !!!
+1 4 U !

you're welcome man, what goes around, comes around.

good luck and after you read that thread you'll see that
it takes a while before you start seeing signs of new
growth so be patient.


Bozo and Chris; Thanks for being around with inputs ! I so much appreciate all the support we can get on ICMag !
Well, I´ll be around later today with a picture-update on the ladies ! My SSS#1 is coming along nicely, buds are forming. I put a DNA Genetics Pure Afghan in flower, guess what, it´s a girl !!!


OK, so, no pictures, update anyhow.
Like I said, SSS#1 is coming along nicely, as is the Serious Pure Afghan, though she is not as quick as the SSS#1.
A few of the plants I was flowering from seed were pollinated from the Hermie Jahwies Joy, this matured them and they are goners ! :-(
I sprouted one BigMalawiGoldKush x BigBud, one DNA Genet Pure Afghan and one Serious S AK-47. They all came above ground level and are vegging.


SHIT ! I caught a burglar yesterday !
I came home mid-day, saw somebody through the window, ran outside again and caught the m***f****r in my driveway !!! :woohoo:
:muahaha:(me):bashhead:(me) :spanky: :angrymod:
Called LEO and it turned out he had done a few more houses the same morning !
Glad to get him off the streets !
It turns out he´s a junkie, sad guy. Still, needing junk don´t give him the right to tresspass and violate my property.
I´m good though, wife´s ok and my son don´t know and won´t for a few years. Don´t wanna scare him.

Later !
awesome catch man! thieves are rare around where i live, lucky u caught him before he was runnin out with ur plants!! or maybe this just proves how stealth u are :D

cant wait for some more pictures, again!

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