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sweating without weed



Wow very informative thread!
Have to agree that there a definately some mild symptoms asscociated with quitting herb.
I have experienced sweating ,minor anxiety and to agree with the ka0tik_kreati0n -that something is not right/something bad is about to happen feeling.
It does pass though.I always thought it was tobacco related though as i smoke joints at night??(no cigarettes during the day)

Its so funny I've actually had a doc say that cigarettes alleviate anxiety symptoms "initially" however thats why some ppl smoke like a freight train because cigs relieve that anxiety(although temporarily and you need more and more to keep your anxiety/stress at bay). Its so evil lol. thats how they hook you in!!!!


grow some balls! ive been over 3 months without wee with back pain, depression, anxiety, insomnia etc, etc and ive been fine

be a man if u cant deal with it then off urself


calm down no need to get crazy ,sorry you have to deal such pain but every one deals with "withdraws" from weed in diff ways.


grow some balls! ive been over 3 months without wee with back pain, depression, anxiety, insomnia etc, etc and ive been fine

be a man if u cant deal with it then off urself

really now. Is this the dick forum?


grow some balls! ive been over 3 months without wee with back pain, depression, anxiety, insomnia etc, etc and ive been fine

be a man if u cant deal with it then off urself
no problem all comments welcome , everyone is different and that's the beauty of it all . I can be a dick without weed , or have a shorter fuse . peace SkareCrow


For me it seems to be the combination of what I've been smoking, how, how often, what i've been eating, everything, that determines how shitty I feel after not smoking. I can be more irritable, have trouble sleeping, and I sweat like crazy also sometimes it all depends on the aforementioned.
I hate getting used to not smoking when i have to, but it is easier to deal with if you take some opiate derivatives then stop. If you don't have a built up opiate tolerance go on some hydrocodone ,oxycodone etc then cut it off after a few days or a week- It does feel like god shit on your soul and then run your heart through a meat grinder or something. I can't attest to what those go through who are heavy opiate users, it definitely makes cannabis cravings easier to deal with from a psychological perspect. The rest seems to be our bodies being used to the MJ, the hypothalumus probly trips for those few days of sweating trying to regulate your hunger, body temp etc without the extra influence. Its that annoyance that varies in intensity from user to user that prohibitionist obscenely describe as "withdrawal" and dangerous unavoidable symptons, which is of course complete bullshit. No one says it feels like velvet and silk to stop smoking after years of it, especially potent bud. its just important that non smokers and prohibitionist get their shit straight that when people talk about their "withdrawal" they don't mean in relation to TRUE hard addiction like opium..it gets annoying people waving their finger "see! someone said cannabis is addictive and you go through withdrawal"... well if someone is going through withdrawal from cannabis comparable to opiate withdrawal (and feels like they have to kill themselves (insanely depressed as though off oxy)) then they have preexisting conditions, it aint the weed.

Its a blessing we have weed given the mainstream most widely used pain methods are OPIATE DERIVATIVES FUCKING DISTRIBUTED LEGALLY whos withdrawal symptoms make death preferable. wow. (wtf right?)... It simply is'nt tolerable to go off those by comparison.
you possess opium, you go to jail for a loooooong time. Kiss your life goodbye if you manufacture/distribute.

unless you are a major pharma company, then your cool.

hm sounds like some big suites brains don't work right at the expense of millions, they only operate in interest of their own pockets. SO, maybe they don't deserve to have a brain? off with their heads.

Jeff Lebowski

All comments welcome? What about the ones urging other Icmag members to commit suicide? Why stop there, homicide is only one body away. Let's not turn a weed site into a site urging people to "off themselves."

Sage tea helps with sweating in regards to marijuana withdrawal. I ran out today, so it's going to be a few rough weeks of insane sweats. Nothing to worry about, just annoying really.


I'm confused .. Are we talking about Weed or meth?

Meth I believe.. Weed I don't

Three days max no mater how much you have smoked or for how long.

I actually count on the three day effect for my medical benefit.. Sure I like the "high" it's a lot of fun but it's the next three days of effect that are the real benefit for me.

"For me it seems to be the combination of what I've been smoking, how, how often, what I've been eating, everything, that determines how shitty I feel after not smoking. I can be more irritable, have trouble sleeping, and I sweat like crazy also sometimes it all depends on the aforementioned."

That part of your post worries me.. That's truly bazaar (IMO) (tm)

See your Dr.. seriously that's what they are there for.



Sage tea helps with sweating in regards to marijuana withdrawal. I ran out today, so it's going to be a few rough weeks of insane sweats. Nothing to worry about, just annoying really.

I have never heard of any sweating over weed...

Is this humor or are you serious Jeff?



I wonder why there is such denial that there are withdrawal symptoms from weed?
Maybe there is too much pro weed propaganda.
Mix that with the anti weed propaganda.
What is the end result?
People will always have different reactions to drugs no matter what the propaganda.
I am one that has withdrawal symptoms when I stop smoking weed as well.


I wonder why there is such denial that there are withdrawal symptoms from weed?
Maybe there is too much pro weed propaganda.
Mix that with the anti weed propaganda.
What is the end result?
People will always have different reactions to drugs no matter what the propaganda.
I am one that has withdrawal symptoms when I stop smoking weed as well.

News to me...

Do you take anything else? Drink or something else? I'm curious now.
i just haven't been exposed to that or been around people who have those symptoms.

Having reread the thread there are several folks with the virtual hand on the virtual bible.

Anxiety I agree causes sweats. I get them sometimes , wake with a wet pillow but then a form of anxiety is what I'm treating with cannabis.

Shaking head but maybe it's true some folks react that way? Sorry for the knee jerk reaction.



"For me it seems to be the combination of what I've been smoking, how, how often, what I've been eating, everything, that determines how shitty I feel after not smoking. I can be more irritable, have trouble sleeping, and I sweat like crazy also sometimes it all depends on the aforementioned."

That part of your post worries me.. That's truly bazaar (IMO) (tm)

See your Dr.. seriously that's what they are there for.


sorry. It makes a little more sense and is easier to understand how people can experience these things if you think how the human body works physiologically.
It may seem odd if you only consider how it affects you. The difference in severity is determined by psychological dependence ( some handle it better than others), and by physiological differences. Is it really that strange that based on what I eat affects how I feel when I stop? Especially since blood sugar levels play a large role in how you feel? I would'nt think so, seeing as what you eat dictates your blood sugar largely. so no, it is'nt that bazaar that diet is part of the equation.
We all know different strains have different effects. Just so people find the transition to sobriety smoother based on the strains. Personally (heard it from others also) my body complains more when i run out of a more narcotic affect indica like a kush. Then I've had a sativa hybrids, and other strains, that provided seamless transition, smooth landing no after affects. thats what I mean by "what I smoke". Same goes for "how I smoke it", the bong leaves me more mellow, the vape more agressive in relative terms- If I use one consistently like i do the bong, my body adapts to that SPECIFC method and its results- if I change, my body registers that change. Thats what I'm saying.
Many have other "pre existing conditions", such as insomnia, bipolar, despression , anxiety etc.
I have my diagnosis from my doctor and it includes one of those- when i complain about irritability and problems sleeping after not smoking, its because the smoking helped alleviate those problems- the body adjusts- you change the routine, your body complains physiologically for a period its just fact. Its easy to mistake things for your typical BS propaganda, making it hard to accept that people with prior conditions feel worse when they aren't smoking... when smoking is what alleviated the conditions.. I've been seeing one for a long time, before I even smoked cannabis, and fully understand what sensations are attributed to what and why. sweating and temperature issues. Hypothalumus -wiki it, it all makes a lot more sense then. I'm NOT saying weed has insane, weird, scary, or unmanageble side affects.
you always read:
one person won't feel much any difference any time after they quite cold turkey after several years
another person will find it harder to eat
another person will sweat, another won't
These people are'nt making shit up, they can be legit, and all based on differences in our brains. Since my serotonin levels are more out of whack than your standard person like you jack (im assuming you don't have any conditions), I'm more succeptible to changes in diet (lack of hunger) if I've been smoking for a long time and getting that elevation in serotonin, and then just quit. Thats just science of the human body, not prohibitionist propaganda I can promise you that lol.
Don't forget what I've said about the opiates either, Its important recognizing what true physological withdraw is and what is psychological "withdrawal" associated with cannabis.
I don't like either but DAMN theres no comparison, real withdrawal from opiates is officially associated with the term "withdrawal" and thats the one that REALLY hurts. I choose going off weed over that feeling any day, cause like i said off the opiates feels like god is crapping on me then and running my heart through a meat grinder. which is what others say. best way to describe it.


Do you take anything else? Drink or something else?
No. I don't take meds (maybe Advil on a rare occasion) and I don't drink alcohol.

Anxiety I agree causes sweats. I get them sometimes , wake with a wet pillow but then a form of anxiety is what I'm treating with cannabis.
No anxiety here...

Shaking head but maybe it's true some folks react that way? Sorry for the knee jerk reaction.
You still say maybe it is true?
Do you really think people are making this up?
Perhaps we are all gov't shills here to spread bad things about the evil plant?


Also noticed the minor things like sweating, insomnia an so forth.

But I have also noticed that I only get them when I break up with reality for some months, in other words. High 24/7, and that isn't a joke, I usually wake up high after the few hours I get and then it's wake and bake time.

I do not get these problems if I smoke every day but not all day long. Some parts of the day are sober.

I have quit tobacco too and I can put that "withdrawal" from MJ in the same category (for me) as tobacco. BUT and this is quite a big but, tobacco is available everywhere. I for one don't run in to drugsdealers so often like I do with any of the million different places that sells tobacco.

As a side note:
If someone is feeling what he is feeling, how can anyone say that it is not true?


No. I don't take meds (maybe Advil on a rare occasion) and I don't drink alcohol.

No anxiety here...

You still say maybe it is true?
Do you really think people are making this up?
Perhaps we are all gov't shills here to spread bad things about the evil plant?

No I don't think any one is lying.. It was a knee jerk reaction to something I have not experienced.

And also I never said anyone was a Government shill..

I learned something today I doubted at first.. Fair enough.



Not the first time I've seen a response just like that, verbatim almost, but from various posters here:
sorry. It makes a little more sense and is easier to understand how people can experience these things if you think how the human body works physiologically.

Now that I have had a few moments to think about it , It sounds plausible.

Pardon my comments.. Again it was "Knee jerk"

Best wishes for those more than "one Toke over the line"



One more benfit of toking up ;p I like that about other smokers because theres a tendency to be open minded (even being from the westcoast seems to make a shade of difference when compared to an eastern brain :) ), thanks jack for being such a cool guy, props!

Jeff Lebowski

I have never heard of any sweating over weed...

Is this humor or are you serious Jeff?


Oh Jack, I am most definitely being serious. I get a little irritable when I'm not medicating, but I'm normally moody, so that cannot be considered withdrawal.
Besides that, I eat a little less which is bad for me, but again that is just my normal habits/physiological reactions.

However, when it comes to sweating I can guarantee it is the weed that is making me sweat. For one, being a huge guy you would think I run hot. Wrong, I wore my sweater for most of the day. (check Sac city temps if you want to know what the weather was like for today) and I always have socks on. Being a naturally cold person, I rarely ever sweat. Maybe if I am outside breaking cement, but no exercise or other activities work my body up enough to sweat. One day without my cannabis though and nighttime is the shit time. I will sweat enough for a person to wring my shirt out ( I did it one time to see and too grossed out actually) and still need to sweat. Going to bed naked with no sheet doesnt help either, it's just my body getting rid of extra cannabidnoids I suppose. This subsides after a week or two tops and can be immediately remedied with just one good hit of a sativa or indica, won't matter. But, I can say when I use indicas for long periods I sweat less than using only sativas for a time period. Kinda interesting information about those two strains effects on sweating, but Jack, the truth is that sweating is my withdrawal symptom. Still love the plant though and would not be here today without her (my wife too!)

Edit: Let me urge anyone sweating bricks to get some dried common sage, yes that stuff in your cupboard, and make a simple tea out of it. Good taste is not in your dictionary for this beverage, but 50% (imo) of your sweating will be gone. Do this every night, or whenever, prior to sleeping. Let the rest of us know so more people can verify this advice. I've done this for the last few years being a medical patient that cannot afford meds and to wash sheets everyday. Go to a spice store and get like an ounce or two of the dankest ;) sage you can find, boil in water and then strain. Bad taste, good effects! Don't let sweating get ya down~

For clarification, I'm pro-marijuana in case anyone was wondering.


Aside from the withdrawal symptoms, I deal with very serious side effects WHILE smoking (specifically if its shitty) like placing my ph pen in the fridge, looking for my lighter for 5 minutes while its next to my feet, wondering why the laundry isn't in the washer when i moved it 2 seconds ago to dryer. loooking for the lighter again, in the chair im sitting it this time...forgetting why I open the fridge/freezer, or why I went into a room. throwing away the plate, putting the napkin in the sink, thats the best

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