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sweating without weed



i could well be i'll . i am a heavy smoker and can go through upto an ounce a week if i have it . smoking every day . when i dont smoke , or have a break i sweat at night in bed . this has been ongoing for years now . sweat like i just came out from having a shower . the other morning i woke with shriveled hands like i had been soaking in the bath for to long . not wanting to discuss this with my doctor so i'm wondering does this happen to any one else ? is it withdrawl symptons ? i just cant b sure , but it happens every time for a few days during a break . any suggestions or comments welcome . thanks


i also smoked fairly heavily (about 6-8 bowls daily i'd say) and have not smoked in 3 weeks due to up coming legal issues.
withdrawals are real (i had previously thought they weren't) and one of my experiences while going through this was getting hot flashes, or being hotter than usual and very uncomfortable because of it.

it's kinda similar, although i didn't have the heavy sweating i'd get REALLY hot, like stripping down to boxers and sitting in AC under a fan on 'high' hot. it passed after about the first week and a half.
good luck man.



Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
i smoke a similar amount to you and yes every time i stop i will soak the sheets with sweat its you body trying to purge the toxins i have had this so bad i thought i pissed the bed but didnt to wake up again 2 hours later cold and dripping in sweat again this can happen several times a night for the first week especially if you drink alcohol hope this helps


I had the same symptoms when I quit smoking bong... I was smoking about 1 1/2 grams daily at that time. I think it´s some kind of withdrawl symptom, but luckily it only lasts for a few days! I´m a joint only smoker for two years now and I have way less symptoms during a break now...
i sweat all the time anyways. i dunno whats wrong with me. but when i stop smoking the sweats get so bad. i woke up this morning and my boxers were SOAKED. ugh.


thanks all , it's appreciated

thanks all , it's appreciated

so it's not just me . thanks folks . my other half who dont smoke knows it allready . i do enjoy a drink so this may well add to the problem . the other night the sheets , bed and pillows were wringing . i wake up and my body is saturated . looking forward to building my tolerance level again tho come harvest . and do enjoy a break but not the sweating .
I've been completly poor for about the last week or so, and I been sweating like crazy at night, at first I thought it was just getting to be that time of the year, meaning summer time, but then I realized that my window was wide open and my fan was on high and pointing straight at me!

I didnt really know what was going on until I read this thread, now i suppose its just because I havent been smoking at all. Ahh maybe ill get some money soon.

So much for me getting to golf for free all season too, I got caught poaching the golf course where I live, what a burn!!

sweating, especially of the hands, is a common and well known physical (OMFG I said it) withdrawal symptom of cannabis, though typically only with long term/heavy use in my experience.

Lots of exercise, need to work all that THC out of your fat cells, speed up the metabolism and help your body do it faster.


When I was a heavy bonger, I use to get exactly what you described, best bet is to ween yourself down to as little as possible, then quit for about a month or two, your tolerance will be so low, you might never go back to bonging again =)


Active member
I get it baaaad!!!!

I did have a remedy a combination that involved paracetamol + anti nausea drug used for migrane suffers plus vallium and some vits seems to fix it i forget the brand name of the migrane drug now tho :(


I sweat like that almost every night with or without pot.I am on Oxycontin and am diabetic so there is 2 probable sources.I get uglier than a bastard alligator w/o pot.However since I cannot eat w/o any I try to stock up when I can and pray to God I don't run out or lose any or get ripped off or get busted.I would say no on the withdrawl from pot.I'm doing 480mg of Oxys a day,I'll tell you about real withdrawl(it ain't pretty).BigD


Next Stop: Outer Space!
I've noticed some minor withdraw symptoms too. I use for medical reasons, but if I can't get anything good(like right now), those symptoms come back, and sometimes are stronger for a while. My bipolar sure is. More stable when I smoke BY FAR, but if I quit it's about like quitting Prozac, Effexxor, etc.. Unpleasant, but survivable.


half cat half man half baked
I plain just can't sleep for at least a week without medicine. I always sweat excessively as my body temperature is abnormally warm and I know Canna helps lessen it.


thanks all

thanks all

thanks i'm reading with interest im 40 YO , weigh 154Lb {11 stone} a skinny 6 foot , not as fit as i should be . but am able to cycle 20 mile no problem , walk all day long . think i have a high metabolism . thanks . and smoke tobacco . too much when without . i normaly toke a joint . vapes r good but a joint satisfys .. ?


my girl went through withdraw symptoms after going 4 days without, and says its exactly like withdrawing from bipolar meds

I've noticed some minor withdraw symptoms too. I use for medical reasons, but if I can't get anything good(like right now), those symptoms come back, and sometimes are stronger for a while. My bipolar sure is. More stable when I smoke BY FAR, but if I quit it's about like quitting Prozac, Effexxor, etc.. Unpleasant, but survivable.


Patient Grower
Cannabis is such a scapegoat. Charlie Brown is happy since something gets beat up and blamed more than he does. The prohibitionists are happy because the sheep are herding exactly the way they want them to.