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sweating without weed


480mg oxy a day!!! damn dude =( Thats some rough shit right there, how much does weed help ya cut down on that or how much would ya half to take if you didn't smoke?
like all of a sudden you mention withdrawal from cannabis, and everyone laughs and acts like you're trying to compare it to a dope habit.

Point blank "there's no free lunch".

I dare ANY heavy smoker that hasn't had a period of non-use in a long time to just "walk away" for a week and see what happens.

Tell me then there are NO withdrawal symptoms.

If withdrawal is too hot button a word, use 'rebound effect' instead. No they do not compare in any way to opiate/opoid withdrawal, alcohol withdrawal, or benzos, cocaine, amphetamines, etc

But don't tell me it's just "psychological". It's very physical as well, just different in a much better way.

Some other important things to note, being fat soluable, it takes a long time to work it's way out of your system if you have been using heavily/regularly, and you might not see withdrawal effects until after a few days or more.

That said, it'll also come out faster if you speed up your metabolism and exercise, which would also help you sleep, release endorphines, and generally just make you feel better, easing any ill effects somewhat.

Cannabis is a chemical just like any other, there's no golden parachute just cause it's a plant, or folks don't get a hardcore flu kick from it.

I ain't saying you should go to a detox facility or take other meds if you're planning on coming off of it, but damn don't expect it to be like nothing ever happened.

Exercise is the best medicine for it.


Patient Grower
John Walters loves 1love1earth! Get a room guys!

I do apologize for the sarcasm above. I must be suffering physical withdrawals from reality as these repeated regurgitations of ONDCP dogma make me physically ill.

The 'logic' in the post above is called 'post hoc ergo propter hoc' and is the same logical fallacy that leads people to swear that cannabis causes heroin addiction, the 'gateway theory'.

After 32 years of experience I can confidently state that I suffer no physical withdrawals. When I am consuming I'm a wake and baker so it's not like I'm a chipper. My wife like cannabis more than I, and she suffers no withdrawals. I'm 100% certain if she did she would have filed numerous complaints with me as it is not in her character to suffer in silence.

Reality is that if you give enough of a physically addictive drug to a person that person will get addicted, and suffer physical withdrawals if their supply is cut off. The symptoms are very predictable and uniform. Perhaps someone would like to propose that there are people who can do large amounts of heroin over extended periods of time and just walk away? The fact that there aren't such people demonstrates conclusively to me that people are misidentifying symptoms of something else when it comes to cannabis, egged on by the ONDCP who would like nothing more than to have the physically addictive lie accepted as truth. I don't doubt there is some kind of physical discomfort with the people here who report it but believe you are using cannabis as a scapegoat when there is something else going on. If a person with IBS stops using cannabis the symptoms will return, but that doesn't make massive stinky farts a withdrawal symptom.


all praises are due to the Most High
Good day ladies and gents,

It is very important that everyone who is experiencing sweats during the night do the following things:

- check your diet: how much sugars, flours, fried stuff, fats are you consuming a day?

- get a full blood-test, including stds

according to your values in the results of your test, you need to make diet changes accordingly.

the herb tends to make one eat a lot of things, the munchies man, it is a hard area to gain discipline and mastery over.

excercise, breathing pattern/depth also need to be watched.

also, when some heavy smokers go cold-turkey many do report various physical symptoms, including minor anxieties, or restlessness, sweats, stomach issues, lost of apetite, but these are all minor symptoms, you can function in your daily activities no problem, play all the sports you want etc... but truly, you CAN really deal with all symptoms with your mind, all the discomfort goes away once you focus on doing something outside your smoking routine.

much peace and good health all


Sometimes I have vivid dreams when i quit for a while.

I often wake up in a pretty bad cold sweat when this happens.

I wouldent consider it a withdrawl symptom because it only happens sometimes.


pure dynamite
Well, I have no physical withdrawal symptoms. And usually I smoke a lot.
When I'm on a break I just try to be 100% of the time busy doing something else. For me it's exactly like during the summer when it's hot outside and I really think all I want is a cold beer... so it's more like an psychological "addiction".


After 32 years of experience I can confidently state that I suffer no physical withdrawals

wouldnt that depend on your consumption rates and the strength? just like the bloke who drinks 60 pints of beer a week and his m8 drinks 6 :D




thanks again folks . there are some very good posts there , along with top advice . all comments appreciated , greatly . got a good night sleep last night , not waking up wet . after 5/6 days without . and yes i remember dreams more . like i said this has been happening for years . once upon a time i thought it was impurities from lowgrade streed solids { soapbar / hash } now i grow organic and it still happens . a visit to the doctor it is then . and a good look at my diet , get more exersize . i really cant thank you folks enough . a big up you all it's appreciated


Active member
Heh no one ever believes me either :) It's true though, I used to think it was the tobacco but when i took up smoking I knew it wasn't that :) Interesting how it doesnt happen to peeps if they vape, might have to look into that and buying a new vape i hate my vapirOne portable thing! Anyone wanna buy it ;)

Jeff Lebowski

Sage tea made from common sage works great on cutting those sweats. There has been times when I could not afford my meds and the sweating coming off of a steady supply of cannabidnoids was too intense. Drenching the bed with sweat is never fun.

Like I said, that tea will work great but taste like crap.


Active member
it happens to the best of us, I think we'd start sweatin without some air too. Withdrawals from anything suck, and withdrawal from heavy ganj use IS real. Anyone who says its not true hasnt smoked for decades or a long period of time


Hello all , some really good post's here that make alot of sense..Withdrawl uhh I hate that word but who doesnt , Cannabis has minor withdrawl symtoms like sweating , restlessness , tired but cant sleep , feeling depressed , and bla bla..As someone mentioned earlier have a look at your diet there could be something in there causing a problem(you are what you eat) Someone said Cannabis has no withdrawls that person is just afraid to admit to it and is a liar to us and himself..On the otherhand when you see someone coming off Heroin or Alcohol now thats hardcore withdrawl. I seen a friend of a friend coming off the Heroin and its fucking scary like puking non stop , stomach cramps , sore bones , the runs , and a general feeling of death. What Im saying is there are many different types of withdrawl some worse than others. Cannibis would fit the Minor withdrawl category most of it is in the head as Heroin would be alot more body physical and in the mind..I suppose the worst withdrawl from Cannabis is the body is tired but the mind is awake , thats cause you were relying on cannabis to soothe your mind and make yourself sleepy. I stopped smoking 18 days ago today just purely to get something for meself and not rely on cannibis all the time but I will smoke again. If you feel you should take a break like I am - do it for yourself and the key I think to stopping is say I started it so I have the power to stop it. When cannabis is ruling over you thats when you have to regain power for yourself and show the monkey on your back the door..Peace


all praises are due to the Most High
yeah, I would agree in that you can get minor withdrawals after heavy long term use, however, these symptoms can all be overcame easily, even after going cold turkey, getting night sweats, anxiety or any other symptom, one can still go play a sport and function well in all other areas, you can do math or have sex with your girlfriend, go to the movies. now, if you are experiencing deep depressions and such, then there is a bigger issue at hand besides just quitting cold turkey cannabis use...

as someone else said earlier, instead of going cold turkey, just smoke less and less progressively until the body adjusts, this reduces any possible discomforts greatly.

diet and excercise are real important though.



Patient Grower
wouldnt that depend on your consumption rates and the strength? just like the bloke who drinks 60 pints of beer a week and his m8 drinks 6 :D

Yes, and I quantified my use in my post. Really, when I'm involved there are few who use as much as me. I'd estimate my sativas in the top 5% of anything available.

Anyone who says its not true hasnt smoked for decades or a long period of time

Umm, wrong. I'll reiterate my position and note that I got high just last night. I'm still drinking my coffee this morning.

Oh well, there's the old saw, you can fool some of the people all of the time. No better support for that thought than all those on this thread who've fallen for the gov't propaganda.


Joint Date: Today.
I had the same symptoms when I quit smoking bong... I was smoking about 1 1/2 grams daily at that time. I think it´s some kind of withdrawl symptom, but luckily it only lasts for a few days! I´m a joint only smoker for two years now and I have way less symptoms during a break now...

thats basically what happened to me. but it didnt last just a few days but a few years. Still going on . It happend more in the winter for me... moments when you arent supposed to be sweating but do so cause of the non-smoking.
For me i think is connected to a state of anxiety caused by the lack of medicine. anxiesy is connected to the sweating thing.
when i smoke a lot (as usual) i sweat very very little during the day :confused:


New member
First time I had real pot withdrawals it came as a shock. I was under heavy stress at the same time and I was in my back yard dry heaving for days off and on. It was an awful experience. I was self-medicating however.

Since then, it's still a pain in the ass to withdrawal but not as bad. Withdrawals are real and I've had the sweaty hands, shifting from hot to cold to hot etc, loss of appetite, nightmares, trouble sleeping, lots of anger, & depression but it's easier to take when I know what to expect.

Diet & keeping busy are important. I should take my own advice.


My fiance doesnt believe me that I went through withdraws when I was dry for 5 days. I know between him & I we can go through an 8th in 3-4 days, thats if we're both smoking all day. Its pricy so we wont be able to do that anymore, but withdraws are real. Not so much sweating for me as I get a yucky feeling like somethings not right? dont know if that makes sense. I just cant explain it. it was a horrid feeling. as soon as I smoked after the 5th day I felt so much better.


Wow very informative thread!
Have to agree that there a definately some mild symptoms asscociated with quitting herb.
I have experienced sweating ,minor anxiety and to agree with the ka0tik_kreati0n -that something is not right/something bad is about to happen feeling.
It does pass though.I always thought it was tobacco related though as i smoke joints at night??(no cigarettes during the day)

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