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Suby Fights Cancer

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Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Blessings to you and yours Suby. It's so heartwarming to see you in such a positive mode about it, doing your research and finding ways to "heal thyself". I wish I had seen this sooner, but I've been semi-absent from the forums lately. May you get well soon!
Positive vibe your way bro.

this is so mind blowing , one of my favorite organic fanatics afflicted.

well i am cancer survivor.
with my mind spinning all i can say is keep yer chin up, do not for get what the 3 little birds said " don't worry"

will be a great day when you can be at home with the family and spark a:joint:.

keep it up ,keep focused on the visual of the cancer being gone.

you are in my prayers, get well


Suby wish ya a speedy recovery bro..keeping u in our prayers..peace and jahbless uber


**AWD** Aficianado
Kicking ASS this week, feeling goood andd getting to go home for 3 days before phase 2 of my treatment.
Thank you all for your well wishes and prayers, they are definately the reason things have gone so well so long.
3 days at home will definately be a welcome change, my bed, home cooked food, my girls, I am really excited I can't sleep.
I've requires almost no meds other that the ones that are part of my treatment, prednisone is the worst but they start weening me today from it so that's goood, they are like crack and they mess with your stomach.
I have a tough second half ahead but my docs are positive and tell me I'm going to kick this thing, cancer is all over, everyone has a story, it's frightening really.
As such I and 4 of my friends are creating an organic food outlet in my area, we will doing alot of food prepration but the idea is to supply as many of our friends and family with quality and organic foods, we will also be doing food prep, catering, sauces, canning, meats, veggies, and using local help and vendors as much as possible.
In about 8 weeks I could be out of here, I have an RO filter and hopefully a fridge fulll of healthy food waiting for me when I get out not to mention a new business that will take alot of stress, commuting, and frustration out of my daily life.
This will have been a 100% turnaround for me in every aspect aand I am glad I haave so much suppport.

Talk to you all in a few days.

Love Suby


Suby, bro Your positivity deffo comes through in that post :D Keep On!

EDIT - Tell your doctor to let it dry out, and hit it with the kelp. :wink:


May god be on your side brother!

Lost my father to cancer when i was 12, he died at 44, which was still WAY to young.

Fight, fight, fight my friend, stay strong and positive


ICMag Donor
Just checking in to let you know you're in my thoughts. I hope things are getting better...
How much longer before the plants are finished? If you can try and let them go a week or ten days longer than last time......

I love your updates. They get me so fired up about life. There is so much out there to experience and live through. You have such a great attitude. With that comes healing energy, but you obviously already know that. I think your plans for the organic food outlet are awesome. Commute, job insecurity, overtime, etc. take such a toll on a person's balance.

Thanks for the good vibes... and keep up the great updates.

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
High Suby

Stopping by to see how your doing ?
I hope every thing is going as planed!
Wishing you the BEST bro, much love/P-VIBES

I N Hail


suby u da man1 wish you all the best on a speedy recovery,and wanted to say that I have enjoyed your threads and posts immensely.you are truly an untapped cornucopia delivering a wellspring of knowledge to others.
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