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Suby Fights Cancer

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Just wanted to drop in a remind you that it's best to take it one day at a time...stay strong in mind and body...... and a good cry on your best friends shoulder will do great things to help let go of all the stresses and worries that you really don't need right now...LOVE is all you need... so here is some more (((((((((((@))))))))))))) big hugs!!!the trim chant today will be suby suby suuuuuuuby...to send you good vibes of course!!

Give us an update when you feel up to it....sharing the load is the best way to lighten it....blessing and praise


Non Conformist
Good vibes...

Good vibes...

High Suby, jus checkin in ta let ya know I'm thinkin about ya. Hope everthing is goin ok. Possitive vibes goin yer way my friend! Hang in there buddy, this too shall pass... Take care, BC


Freedom Fighter
Hey Suby...just stopping in to wish you well-- I know what you are going through is a living Hell....the only way out is to keep up the Positive attitude, and you have my continual Positive Vibes-- Peace bro--


suby I just got an email about asparagus therapy helps reproduce histiones which regulate cell growth in the body..drink i think atleast two ounces twice daily pureed can be mixed with anything to made palatible,if anyone could expound on this with a link would be great.best of luck.


The Hopeful Protagonist
Having had a couple of people, whom I care for deeply, go through similar situations I feel you brother.

You seem to have what it was they did that pulled them through...Positive attitude.

Keep fighting the good fight

Good vibes coming your way :joint:


ICMag Donor
im sorry to hear that, & im sorry i cant help with any real info/advice other than stay strong & keep makin your daughter proud!, sincereley wishin you all the best suby!


suby, I just want ya to know that even random idiots, like myself, hope you are doing well :smile:

smoking a volc for ya!


burnt out og'er
My prayers are with you subby, that everything goes well and that you eventually beat this cancer thing.

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suby I hope your feeling ok

i hope your are having a positive recovery

i hope the cancer leaves your body



suby I just got an email about asparagus therapy helps reproduce histiones which regulate cell growth in the body..drink i think atleast two ounces twice daily pureed can be mixed with anything to made palatible,if anyone could expound on this with a link would be great.best of luck.

from what i understand, and this has been verified by doctors i have speaken wiht , but cancer cannot grow in an alkaline state

our body ph is either acidic - alkaline ( i would also assume blallnced but i am assuming here)

many processed foods like the such as processed sugar, rice, wheat , milk out our bodies in a acidic state

my medical knowldge is weak, but many relatives and business aquantaince are doctors and have confirmed this

they sell urine ph kits at the pharmacy to test for such things

i would make the assumption that they hsopitals and meidcal professionals would recognize this in thier course of treatment, but to be honest i dont know if they od

in a medical journal study more than half of oncologists WOULD NOT take the same treatment they recommend to thier patients

now perhaps you cant get modern cancer treatments like chemo wihtout putting the body in such a sate, this is were my lack of knowledge does not give me any information past that


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
everytime i get in my car soob i think of you bro, i really do and i hope and pray you get better soon. i got in my car today to get breakfast and i was like man i hope suby is feeling fantastic today, puffn a bowl of blueberry thought id stop in say high :) PS - all of icmag is pulling for ya!


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
All the good vibes I can muster your way Suby... Just lost my 37 year old aunt to colon canser.
BUT! A very special woman named Weedhound on these boards cancer has gone into remission! Edibles and all the good vibes man...
BEST of luck and prayers your way man....

good vibes to you and your family


Eugene Oregon
Suby, although I don't have a religion.. I am praying for you.

Sending positive and spiritual vibes your way bro..

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