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Structures of Fear, Anger, and Desire!


lives on planet 4:20
southflorida is giving you One way to look at it.

what fits one might not fit all, but it can be interesting and perhaps lead down some other path that might be right for you. or just be a curio.

i personally have found one thing he said rather helpful.

but i would personally never view any book or line of words, as a bible to live my life by.

this should be more a discussion than some list to live your life by or consider holy truth.

we simply, arent advanced enough to fully understand the mind and all the whatnots of being alive, or even simply being human.

yeah...i made a few distinctions here and there

fundamentally they are all concepts, they are not the truth

if, they point at the truth, this truth can only be experienced directly by each individuated consciousness (human being) in their own personal and direct experience

this can be accomplished by contemplating one's experience, it can never be from what someone says or writes, since these concepts are basically nothing more than hearsay for anyone that reads or hears them

...but, there is one thing I'm pretty sure of ===>> the ego (false-self-mind) is outrageously smart and has the intellect on its side weaving a fantasy and delusion that is air-tight

if you have fears, you can be sure that mofo (ego) is working over-time to bring your fears from inside your awareness into your physical reality for a face-to-face meeting with these fears

it's all a part of the way evolution evolves consciousness

in the end, all we can really do is make choices on a moment-to-moment basis, and learn from these choices based on the feedback that we get from these choices...if you carefully observe everything that occurs, making choices is fundamentally all that we ever do!

...even not making a choice is a choice :laughing:


Active member
yeah, words can be a key to open the mind.

but often you need experience too along with it.

for me.

i found a bit of truth here and there and thought about it some more. life can be like a giant web of connections.

but its become more of a hobby than anything serious.


More and more I'm understanding how much diet plays into things. Consuming the organic world...or as now...consuming the inorganic world.

Common sense leads me to look at diet interactions with the human condition...and its evolution (or devolution...as I'm down with DEVO)...but we are what we eat...bonding with our food is a part of a circle. That circle now has been manipulated by the human condition.

Back to basics...shred inherited design


Active member
I'm going for a run in the mountains...I'll reflect on this while I run. See if I can organize some sense. Be back in a while

now i want to mountainrun, havent done it in 2 years, id have to walk for miles to reach one lol.

eh, ill just watch this old startrek movie while i wait. :)

(fucking cold outside today. :))


lives on planet 4:20
No doubt, nutrition is something that I think about constantly. Sometimes I have these fantasies about how great it would be if we didn't need to eat food...lol...for me the thoughts about how the food that i consume is produced...makes me dream of moving to Spain...and growing all of my own food.

I'm also interested in hearing your thoughts about this topic...The Pablos...maybe you have a few ideas that will help me in this area.


lives on planet 4:20
now i want to mountainrun, havent done it in 2 years, id have to walk for miles to reach one lol.

eh, ill just watch this old startrek movie while i wait. :)

(fucking cold outside today. :))

that makes two of us lazy bastards...lol

here, where I'm at it's snowing non-stop

I have walked daily for 1.5 hours per day, but about 2 months ago I pulled a nerve in my back, and stopped for two weeks, while recovering. Now, for the last 1.5 months I've been postponing it to next week, over and over :biggrin:

...i am a master Jedi procrastinator :woohoo:


What were we talking about?
And love is very simple. It is mutually beneficial interaction and co-operation with other sentient beings.

Seriously? Gotta disagree here. Love is most definitely not simple and it's not always mutually beneficial either.


What were we talking about?
Well my friend, I don't have a definition for you. If ever there was a human emotion that is hard to express verbally, love is it.

I will say that the more you define things for yourself, the more you realize in retrospect how little you ever knew as time and experience prove your assumptions wrong time and again.

I'm happy to have it in my life, but I fear it as well. Great pain awaits those who dare to love. I've lost several people I love dearly and each time it broke my heart. Doesn't stop me from giving and receiving all the love I can though.

Definitely not simple.


Active member
oh i like walking in hot weather, funny me living in iceland.


if the nose likes it, i eat it.

once brought myself back from being 50kg to 80kg (malaria and stuff.)

with eating alot of bacon and eggs. :)

if it tastes good, im happy. (i usually eat pizzas or some form of pig. oh and i love spagetti.)

...looking around, i see the people most concerned about their food, kinda look like crap, dried prunes..

and the one´s really obsessed about health and strength, seem to quite often drop dead at 40.


do you want to know if you love someone?

if you want to have them around till you die.

if you really love someone, you cant be without them for more than a day (and that only with training.)

from the viewpoint of some, love, true love, would be considered insane.

though i would have to say, its the nicest insanity around and if love is insane, id rather not be sane, thank you very much. :)

love Is simple.

yet its also

absolutely impossible to describe in words what it actually is.

its life.

either you need volumes of books to being able to even approach explaining it.

or you just say that one simple word.


or maybe one day i will have understood enough to condense its explaining into one sentence.

not sure its going to be this life though! lol :)


lives on planet 4:20
I hear you about knowing very little Blue Blazer.

And, you know what, if it is not simple in your experience, than it is not simple.

Actually, by simple, I was pointing at the definition, being simple, I don't think that love, interaction, co-operation, and relationships with other people are simple.

We have fear standing in the way of love, and obviously the fear of pain and losing someone that you love makes this whole love thing quite complex most of the time.

I would also say it's quite hard and takes a lot of effort, especially for a lazy person like me that loves to procrastinate and do as little as possible.

As a rule, love-based intent makes a person choose actions outside his comfort zone.

This not only helps the person being loved, but also the person doing the loving.

and by help, I mean helps to spiritually and mentally evolve


Active member
my view on things,
practice is every bit as important as intsight and IS insight or enlightenment itself,whatever that practice is for us, it lets us live mindfully in the present moment.assuming enlightenment is where this convo was going.
can it really be as simple as a modified forest gump quote,enlightened is as enlightened does?

off to do some qigong,and light jogging.thanks for the motivation.

here SF you can try these wam ups,im not sure how bad you are injured but if you can you should try it,it wont dissapoint.

the warm up's

i didnt post the whole excersize or buad yuan jin (8 brocades),but if you want you can see a portion of it here or just try the main excersize a bit.


What were we talking about?
I'll give you that last point gladly southflorida. My missus and I have evolved together over the 30 odd years we've spent together to our mutual benefit.


lives on planet 4:20
lol...sso...pizza, bacon, eggs, pork, spaggetti

that would help me to go from 90kg to 190kg, or maybe more, like you know them folks that are so fat that they can't get out of bed...btw...i saw the fattest woman...and she consumed 30,000 f*cking callories per day, and they had to break a wall in her house to transport her away to a jail, because they charged her with killing a child, that she said she fell on

later it turned out that her sister actually killed him by hitting him with a bottle, and she figured she would save her by saying it was an accident

I love love...enough said :biggrin:


lives on planet 4:20
I'll give you that last point gladly southflorida. My missus and I have evolved together over the 30 odd years we've spent together to our mutual benefit.

me and the wife also have done our share of evolving :)

looking back, over the last 18 years we've been together, the most evolution occured from the most difficult experiences...this is not a surprise, or anything new...we, as humans seem to mostly learn from our mistakes



lives on planet 4:20
my view on things,
practice is every bit as important as insight and IS insight or enlightenment itself,whatever that practice is for us, it lets us live mindfully in the present moment.assuming enlightenment is where this convo was going.
can it really be as simple as a modified forest gump quote,enlightened is as enlightened does?

yeah...insight/experience form the evolution loop, can't really have one without the other

you know it's like if you don't actually taste the pudding, you will not know what it's actually like, you won't have that insight, that only comes from experiencing reality directly.

off to do some qigong,and light jogging.thanks for the motivation.

here SF you can try these wam ups,im not sure how bad you are injured but if you can you should try it,it wont dissapoint.

the warm up's

i didnt post the whole excersize or buad yuan jin (8 brocades),but if you want you can see a portion of it here or just try the main excersize a bit.

have a good time bentom with your exercise, and thanks for the video, I am definitely going to try that out, and let you know how it went!

btw...I never seen that quote by buddha, about fear.

interesting isn't it? :tiphat:


Active member
lol...sso...pizza, bacon, eggs, pork, spaggetti

that would help me to go from 90kg to 190kg, or maybe more, like you know them folks that are so fat that they can't get out of bed...btw...i saw the fattest woman...and she consumed 30,000 f*cking callories per day, and they had to break a wall in her house to transport her away to a jail, because they charged her with killing a child, that she said she fell on

later it turned out that her sister actually killed him by hitting him with a bottle, and she figured she would save her by saying it was an accident

I love love...enough said :biggrin:

well, i dont really care about food, i can forget to eat for days,
eating is really more for the wife, she likes me fat (which im not, 83kg last i checked. slowly but steadily going fat though i think.:))

mostly to stop her calling me thin and looking at me worried, slightly understandable though, i was a skeleton for years and when i met her.

so it might as well be food my tastebuds like.
also its rather nice, not eating for awhile, then eating. heightens pleasure. though basically i just go "well, im kinda hungry but i rather do this than cook." and then 2 days later go "oh yeah."
though once i started eating regularily (the wife cooks, she loves to cook.)

being hungry bothers me more. not alot though, simple meditation trick and the hunger feeling is gone.

i have endless appetite though, just not for food.
but, if i really enjoyed food, id not let a bit of fat bother me.

anyone that really cares for you, would rather have you happy, than thin and miserable.
(Reason the wife complains about me being thin, is because she has fears about losing me and wants to keep me as healthy as can be.)
(im rather more cynical in my fears, i dont bother to listen to them, because usually, whatever kills ya , is the thing you least expected. :))

as for my diet, its rather funny, when i was 3, something happened and from that moment i mostly only could tolerate meat and fried to a crisp.
its changed slowly over the years,ive added some vegs, but many foods just make me vomit if i try to eat them.

still, ive given it alot of thought and looked around the world and it looks like humans can actually eat anything and live healthily on it.
people in greenland lived centuries on meat only diet. (no choice.)
and being happy is more important than eating "right."
my opinion anyway.


Active member
"The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you freed."


well, if you were to reject all help in a place like iceland, you´d soon be dead.
at least iceland of the past.
this would be the same in many countries.

in india, maybe you could live alone in the forest for years and not need anyone.

certainly its easy to be alone for long time, even blessed, depending on what company you came from.
and there are certain truths to this what he says.

but if you were drowning and a hand would be reached out to you.
if you rejected it, you would simply drown.

would that make you free?
no, you would be dead (and reborn.)

where is the freedom in that?
of course you shouldnt fear death, but assuming life goes on.
why seek it needlessly?

at best, you´d be just sucking on some titty again and needing to potty train again.

enjoy life, not escape it
and free from what?
care? (no one to care for?)

worries f.e are best just let go of, they never are true.